Sun Enters Sagittarius & New Moon in Sagittarius (November 21–22, 2014)



The Greater Awareness

You have come very far…

Through many worlds,

By won­drous forms,

In count­less lives.

There was no “begin­ning”,

There will be no “end”,

For yours is the Jour­ney of Spirit.

You are The Self that is Becoming,

A Spark of the one Divine Flame,

And there is but one injunction:

To Grow.

You are here to Learn,

To Be and Become.

And in this present form, you are here to learn to be ful­ly human.

What is that?

Look to those who have “gone before”,

To them who lift­ed the veil of Isis, for

Their lives are an exam­ple to you.

They are known in many times and places, through many cul­tures and creeds.

Some are very famil­iar to you,

Most have worked and do strive with­out being recognized.

But all belong to the Ancient Order,

The lumi­nous Cir­cle of Cos­mic Consciousness.

They are known as Masters…for they have achieved Full Human Consciousness,

They have become the Self-Mastered.

They are your Teach­ers and Helpers…for most have stayed behind,

To help you and those that still remain.

Their path is your future,

They did not come to start any “reli­gion”,

They came to show you the truth, “the way”.

You are here to Present,

You are here To BE,

You will BECOME, and

You will AWAKEN.

Today you cel­e­brate the Ninth moment in your Twelve-Fold Jour­ney around the Cir­cle of Life, around the Liv­ing Ones who are known to you as the Zodi­ac. All of these ener­gies are part of you, all of them live through you, for you are the Micro­cosm of this Macro­cosm, you are a pre­cious spark in this Cos­mos. You are here to under­stand, mas­ter and live by all of these Ener­gy-Life-Forms (Signs) as you become ful­ly human, as you become ful­ly con­scious too.

You have passed once more through the month of Scor­pio, where you felt the Joy of Union, or the agony of Loss, and from one or both of these Feel­ings you began to sense, to intu­itive­ly per­ceive, the great rhythms of Liv­ing and Lov­ing, of Hold­ing and Releas­ing that are part of your jour­ney through these Spaces of Space.

But now, in this time of Fire, while you walk in the space that is Sagit­tar­ius, you are called to take what was felt with­in, and what you felt between you too, and bring this feel­ing out and into your know­ing, into the realm of Belief, into your Ideals and Under­stand­ing. For it is here that you become the teller of tales, by your shar­ing in sto­ries, and by this you come to your greater under­stand­ing, you come to the rev­e­la­tion that you know as truth…You move into the Tem­ple that is Truth…and you must know, yes you must trust this, that you are in fact a liv­ing Tem­ple of this truth.

For the Truth is not to be found “out there”, it is not held by only one or a few…it is to be found, it is stirred and awak­ened, and hon­ored and sung, by the heart and soul of one and all. The Truths that live on and on, in World after World, in Form after Form, in Life after Life, these Liv­ing Truths are in all of us, in you and me, in our ances­tors and in the Stars too. For the Great Illu­sion and Decep­tion is separation…The Greater Aware­ness is held in the core of one and all, for in truth we are all just ones of the One. There is but one Spir­it, there is but one Life, and there is but one sim­ple Truth…and that is Love.

Your sto­ry and the telling of all of our sto­ries is how you and me and we all come to know who we are, and to dis­cov­er why we are here…and to imag­ine and dream and believe that we are the ones, that we are the co-cre­ators of this Creation.

Just as those who came before you, who have walked this path of the Greater Aware­ness too, just as they freed them­selves from fear as they learned to be or live this Truth, you must share what you have learned of your­self and of one anoth­er. You have faced your dark­ness, but you have cho­sen, again and again, to turn towards the light. You have turned away from Fear and Doubt, and you have turned towards one anoth­er because of who you are, and you choose Love because you Understand.

For that is the Core of Truth,

This is the essence of the Greater Awareness.

We are all of One Life,

We are all of One Spirit,

We are all relat­ed, and

We are here to Love.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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