Category Archives: Uncategorized

The New Year – Part 2 (January 2017)

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 2 – Where

A New Year is upon us, and you need to know what do the signs in the heav­ens por­tend? You can per­ceive the facts or real­i­ty of your world as they appear to you. But what is behind that appear­ance or phe­nom­e­na of real­i­ty. What are the “Noume­na” behind the appear­ances? What are the deep­er forces cours­ing through your world that can inform and guide your jour­ney today? What you need to know is “Where” am I now?

As 2017 begins two major align­ments are in place: Jupiter is Oppo­site to Uranus from Decem­ber 2016 until Sep­tem­ber 2017; and, Jupiter is Squar­ing Plu­to from Novem­ber 2016 through August 2017. What this means is that you are going through some­thing this year that is some­what like what you encoun­tered in 2013. That was when Jupiter was squar­ing Uranus; and Jupiter was Oppo­site Pluto.

This also serves as a reminder that the major aspect from 2012, of Uranus Squar­ing Plu­to, is still here in 2017. The Uranus/Pluto aspect is the major theme of this decade. Their rela­tion­ship, along with Plu­to mov­ing through the sign of Capri­corn, forms the fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Form, the deep­est melody of spir­it, con­sti­tut­ing our chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty to find a bet­ter inte­gral bal­ance of Free­dom and Order. This ongo­ing chal­lenge is still thrum­ming through your world this year, (just as it did dur­ing their con­junc­tion in the 1960’s, or their pre­vi­ous square in the 1930’s…and yes, many peo­ple have not­ed how sim­i­lar “our” time now is to those two periods…and they are cor­rect to do so).

But for our peri­od there is an added over-tone, the march of Plu­to through Capri­corn, (from 2008 to 2024), also car­ries the echoes of its pre­vi­ous pas­sages through this sign, (1516–1532 and 1762–1778). The ear­li­er peri­od accom­pa­nied the breakup of the Feu­dal Order, the rise of Absolute Monar­chies, and the split­ting of the Catholic Faith; the lat­ter peri­od accom­pa­nied the Fall of Monar­chies and the Rise of Par­lia­men­tary Democ­ra­cies. Each time an old world was super­seded by the emer­gence of a new Spir­i­tu­al-Polit­i­cal-Cul­tur­al-Eco­nom­ic order. Each also wit­nessed the emer­gence of a new kind of “human”, as New Thought-Forms and New Forms of Self-Real­iza­tion co-cre­at­ed a new kind of human, a new human-kind.

The peo­ples of those peri­ods, as we in our time, found them­selves in a “world turned upside down”, with social bonds break­ing, insti­tu­tions col­laps­ing, and the with­er­ing of old sources of influ­ence or pow­er and the emer­gence of new ones. For us, as it was for them, we also find our very way of life, and the insti­tu­tions that are sup­posed to embody, pre­serve and pro­tect our soci­ety and cul­ture, seem­ing­ly falling apart around us.

The good news? Our fore­bears sur­vived, and prospered…and so should we. We have been here in some way many times before, and we will find our way through this trou­ble-filled time too. For this year, (and always), you can rely upon the Wis­dom of the Stars, as con­veyed to you espe­cial­ly now by the twin mes­sag­ing of Jupiter Oppo­site Uranus, and Jupiter Square Pluto.

Jupiter is the Avatar of Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion. It forms and informs how you relate to your world, as it rep­re­sents the beliefs that shape and guide your actions. Dur­ing its three pass­es over Uranus and Plu­to it will be shin­ing this light of under­stand­ing from the Sign of Libra as it is mod­u­lat­ed by Uranus’ posi­tion in Aries, and Pluto’s in Capricorn.

The mes­sage of Uranus/Jupiter address­es the del­i­cate bal­ance (or the neces­si­ty of main­tain­ing an ever-present and dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um), between, 1) Being more tru­ly one­self as an indi­vid­ual, (Uranus in Aries), while at the same time, 2) Evolv­ing greater social intel­li­gence so that in any rela­tion­ship you can bring about a mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial expe­ri­ence of self-ful­fill­ment in your rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er, (Jupiter in Libra).

Uranus in Aries argues for Free­dom for the Self above all; Jupiter in Libra coun­ters with the real­i­ty that “Real­i­ty is Rela­tion­ship”, that the Uni­verse is a web of inter-con­nec­tiv­i­ty and with­out this noth­ing (and no one), could exist. Tak­en to extremes, which oppos­ing plan­ets can often do, you have Absolute Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty opposed by Absolute Com­mu­ni­ty. What are you to do?

As always, the path of truth is found “in-between”, upon that noble mid­dle path of inte­gra­tion. Each of these truths, Indi­vid­u­al­ism vs. Com­mu­nal­ism, each of them depends upon the oth­er, are tru­ly part of one anoth­er. Each tak­en to an extreme is anti-spir­it, anti-truth. Only by hold­ing and bal­anc­ing them, one with one anoth­er, only there can you find the weav­ing-way of your true spir­i­tu­al nature.

Each of us is a unique spark of the Divine; yet each of us is also the very col­lec­tive-cre­ation made from all our interactions/interrelationships with one anoth­er too…We are each a unique “one of a kind”; but we are all of some “kind”, insep­a­ra­bly made by one anoth­er and of one anoth­er, and so out of the many we are also One.

The mes­sage of Pluto/Jupiter address­es the equal­ly del­i­cate bal­ance between, 1) Exer­cis­ing your Will/Power as artic­u­lat­ed by the var­i­ous hier­ar­chi­cal roles in your cul­ture (Plu­to in Capri­corn), while at the same time, 2) Guid­ing that Will’s appli­ca­tion by the social con­tracts (implic­it and explic­it) whose basis is formed by the Beliefs-Truths of your cul­ture that become enshrined/enforced into Laws, and that these Ideals are what shape and deter­mine what is the right­ful exer­cise and lim­its of your will (Jupiter in Libra).

Plu­to in Capri­corn has been exert­ing tremen­dous pres­sures since 2008, and these cathar­tic waves have erod­ed the nor­mal insti­tu­tion­al foun­da­tions as well as con­straints for Will and Pow­er in your world. These trans­for­ma­tion­al forces of Plu­to are dis­rupt­ing the insti­tu­tion­al struc­tures of pow­er, cre­at­ing a loss of con­fi­dence in insti­tu­tions as well encour­ag­ing the emer­gence of new, con­tend­ing sources of Will and Authority.

Reac­tionary forces, seek­ing to pre­serve pow­er and priv­i­lege, by seek­ing to hold onto their pre­rog­a­tives, become ever more abu­sive of their pow­er. Mean­while, the emer­gence of new sources of pow­er and will puts them in con­tention with the old ways, and fur­ther erodes the con­fi­dence in the real­i­ty struc­tures of your world. Both the legit­i­mate and abu­sive attempts to pre­serve the old, and the cre­ative and destruc­tive attempts to replace the old order, lead to ever greater crises in your insti­tu­tions and culture.

Plu­to in Capri­corn is doing what it is sup­posed to do, tear­ing down the old ways so that a New World can come into being. Jupiter in Libra can pro­vide a bea­con of light as you seek to find your way in a world careen­ing through frac­tured realms of reality/myth, fact/falsehood, truth/lies. The prin­ci­ple ques­tions are: from where does any wield­er of pow­er derive their Author­i­ty; and what guides and lim­its their exer­cise of their Will and Power?

In our time, as in those pre­vi­ous peri­ods of trans­for­ma­tion, the answers will not be found in the lat­est iter­a­tions of Right vs. Might. Rather, when­ev­er this cathar­sis and re-birth of soci­ety shakes the foun­da­tions of a world, it shat­ters the appear­ances of things to reveal once again the greater truths upon which your Jour­ney in Spir­it will for­ev­er remain cen­tered and secured.

You are here now to remem­ber
You are here now because you are to stand in the Light of Uni­ver­sal Spir­i­tu­al Truths.

A world must pass for a new world to emerge, but the core ele­ments that bind togeth­er all the worlds that were, are and are yet to be remain. Look to the Great Ones, the teach­ers who seri­al­ly come forth to re-state the Ancient Wis­dom. More than their thoughts, look at their way of being, how their embod­i­ment of Uni­ver­sal Truths in their lives shine a light for us to fol­low. The teach­ers do not require or need your wor­ship; they have come to inspire you to life a spir­i­tu­al­ly inte­gral life.

With regards to “human” laws, look to the sacred his­to­ry of the great law­givers, the Laws of Manu in India, to Baby­lon and the Codex Ham­mura­bi, to the Laws of Rome, our own Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence, to the Dec­la­ra­tion of the Rights of Man and to the Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights. All these human laws find their Foun­tain-Source of ever­last­ing Truth in the Fun­da­men­tal Teach­ings of all Ages, The Ancient Wisdom.

A core prin­ci­ple, a fun­da­men­tal Law of that Ancient Wis­dom is this:

Every speck and mote of this Cre­ation, every being, world and Galac­tic Sys­tem has at its core a spark of the one Divine Flame. This core of Light and Love anchors the Sacred Space with­in which that being abides. It is by and through this Sacred Cen­ter of Love-Light that every Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it finds their own cen­ter, their own space of Will-Pow­er, and yet this truth equal­ly affirms our essen­tial con­nec­tion to one anoth­er too. For what abides in that cen­ter of one and all is a Divine Spark of the One Divine Light. Tru­ly we are insep­a­ra­ble, because of our ori­gin in the One, and through all our many Lives and Loves we are held togeth­er, all our lit­tle Wills held in lov­ing under­stand­ing by the Love and the Will of the One.

There­fore, whomev­er you encounter is anoth­er just like you. In fact, in their heart of hearts they are already of you and you are of them. This law, found­ed by your ori­gin in and of the One, and bound togeth­er by your sacred cen­ter that is a spark of this One, means that before me is anoth­er self-lumi­nous dew-drop of the one Divine Light. To bring about or cause harm to this or any oth­er is to irrev­o­ca­bly do equal harm to myself.

This is The Law of Kar­ma: That what­ev­er you cre­ate, what­ev­er action, feel­ing or thought you make will return to you. This is the source of the Great Teach­ing regard­ing rela­tion­ship found in all sacred teachings:

Do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you.
For you are all relat­ed, and what you do to the least of these,
You do unto me, The One.”

This is Sacred Law…

This is the Source of Right and Truth…Love.

Fol­low the Ancient Wis­dom, fol­low your heart.

Love one­self,

Love one another,

Just Love.


Next, “Whith­er are we going?”

Blog Talk Radio — Live Monday January 9, 2017 @ 6 pm EST

Join me live on Mon­day Jan­u­ary 9, 2017 at 6 pm EST when I talk with Suzane Northrop on her show. We will be dis­cussing what’s ahead for 2017 and tak­ing your calls too. Find out what is ahead for you and your world.

Here is the link to Mon­day’s Show: Suzane Northrop Blog Talk Radio-Astrol­o­gy 2017

The show will also be avail­able there to lis­ten to after the broadcast.

Hap­py New Year!

The New Year – Part 1 (January 2017)

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 1 – Whence

As our civ­il cal­en­dar turns the page to a New Year, it seems most fit­ting to look back upon the year just past so that we might bet­ter under­stand from whence we have come; to con­sid­er where we are now; and to look out ahead and see if we might dis­cern more clear­ly whith­er we are going.

Regard­less what the plan­ets and stars may pro­vide, we must always remem­ber that although they are the Avatars of the ener­gies that inform and guide our lives, it remains for us to deter­mine what use we will make of these “Gifts of the Spir­it”. As the great bard, Shake­speare wrote in his play Julius Cae­sar:

The fault, dear Bru­tus, is not in our stars,
But in our­selves, that we are underlings.”

It is upon each of us to do our part, to lis­ten for our “voice of the silence”, our high­er self, our spir­i­tu­al com­pass, and choose how we shall strive to make our­selves bet­ter and so cre­ate a bet­ter world for those who come after us. How these ener­gies play out, as they sur­round, inform and hold us as one to one anoth­er, depend upon the devel­op­ment of our spir­i­tu­al tri­ad, our Wis­dom-Love-Will. It is by our self-unfold­ment or spir­i­tu­al growth that we may more grace­ful­ly embody these ener­gies, and find our way to their best appli­ca­tion and most benef­i­cent manifestation.

The most con­se­quen­tial Astro­log­i­cal align­ment for 2016 was the square between the plan­ets Sat­urn and Nep­tune. Their cycle, from con­junc­tion to con­junc­tion, is about 36 years in dura­tion and they will form their most chal­leng­ing aspects, (con­junc­tion, wax­ing square, oppo­si­tion and wan­ing square), rough­ly 9 years apart. Their most recent cycle began at the con­junc­tion of 1989, lead­ing to their wax­ing square of 1998 and to their oppo­si­tion of 2006-07, and final­ly to their wan­ing square this past year, (they will start a new cycle at their con­junc­tion in 2026).

Their ser­i­al rev­o­lu­tions artic­u­late the rela­tion­ship between Order (Sat­urn) and Dreams (Nep­tune), or Real­i­ty and Fan­ta­sy, or Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Sac­ri­fice. In the realm of Mun­dane or World­ly Astrol­o­gy, of Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic-Cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­na, it is inter­est­ing to note that the three most recent con­junc­tions of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, per­fect­ly align with the birth of the USSR (1917), the Cold War (1952–3) and the col­lapse of the Com­mu­nist order (1989).

For Per­son-Cen­tered Astrol­o­gy, for you and I, when­ev­er we expe­ri­ence these align­ments of Sat­urn and Nep­tune, we should see it as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to exam­ine how close­ly we are hold­ing togeth­er, in a mean­ing­ful and respon­si­ble man­ner, the del­i­cate and inte­gral bal­ance between our dreams and our real­i­ty. There are pre­cious moments in any one life, or in the lives of a peo­ple, when their dream becomes real­i­ty. But there are those despair-filled times too, when the chasm between real­i­ty and the dream is (seem­ing­ly) unbridgeable.

There are those pre­cious moments in time and space when what we believe and what we expe­ri­ence are in greater res­o­nance, so that what we imag­ine our world should be like is what we indeed encounter. And there are times, such as this past year, when what is “real­ly real”, what is unde­ni­ably a “fact” and what is fic­tion­al (or false) become hope­less­ly confused.

What are we, (or what were we sup­posed), to do when faced with such con­fu­sion and mis­un­der­stand­ing? The square aspect between two plan­ets quite lit­er­al­ly calls upon us to face this these two Avatars, in this case Sat­urn and Nep­tune, not with fear or appre­hen­sion, but with a renewed and Rea­son­able Faith com­bined with a Com­pas­sion­ate Real­ism. We need to bring the two Ener­gy-Forms togeth­er, for that is the path of Spir­it, the Inte­gral Path, for it is by this that you will find and forge a new or bet­ter way. We should embrace this and every such turn­ing as a nec­es­sary chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth.

If all the Great Teach­ings are true, then the entire­ty of Cre­ation is Spir­it. If so, then the one con­stant of this Uni­verse is Growth. Then it fol­lows that the oth­er con­stant of this Uni­verse of Spir­it is Change too. We need to con­sid­er how we can find a Path­way that helps us to con­tin­u­al­ly clar­i­fy our Dreams and to fold them into an ever more mean­ing-filled Real­i­ty. We need to find a way through both our inter­nal divi­sions and the divi­sions between one anoth­er, so that we might heal the divide between our present Real­i­ty and our Hopes and Dreams for a bet­ter world.

Since Nep­tune is the dom­i­nant influ­ence, (being the out­er­most plan­et), the challenge/opportunity was for each of us to allow Nep­tune to help us to slip beyond our assumptions/certainties about the nature of our real­i­ty and at least imag­ine (if not come to under­stand and believe) that there were oth­er dreams and real­i­ties that are co-present and co-exist­ing. That all of these sub-real­i­ties, from the small­est to the largest “Dream-Real­i­ties”, are part of the One, the Greater Real­i­ty in which we tru­ly abide.

Part of Neptune’s way is to dis­solve or eat away at the fab­ric of our per­cep­tion of real­i­ty so that it can be re-formed, re-shaped and trans­formed into a more encom­pass­ing expe­ri­ence of what we tru­ly abide in, that Greater Real­i­ty. Typ­i­cal­ly, we move from a peri­od of cer­tain­ty about our assump­tions about our world into a peri­od of doubt and mis­un­der­stand­ing. These will begin to grow and cre­ate greater dis­so­nance lead­ing to greater doubts, claims and counter-claims as to what is true or false. Final­ly, many if not most will find them­selves in a state of great con­fu­sion and mis­trust, doubt­ing them­selves and one anoth­er, as a com­mon­ly accept­ed dream-real­i­ty gives way because the bonds of affin­i­ty between indi­vid­u­als and groups dissolve.

With­out a shared under­stand­ing, with­out an agree­ment as to what are the dreams we share and what is the real­i­ty we face, with­out this wide­ly shared Dream-Real­i­ty, the shad­ows of fear and blame are unleashed. This break­down in a shared Dream-Real­i­ty erodes our trust in one anoth­er, and under­mines our shared sense of com­mit­ment to, and will­ing­ness to sac­ri­fice for, the good of one another.

But do not “blame” the Plan­et Nep­tune. This Nep­tun­ian fog of dis­so­lu­tion is not here to bring about harm to you or your world. It is mere­ly there to reveal what was and is becom­ing more and more appar­ent. That for­ev­er and always you and your world were chang­ing, and you had reached a time which required a let­ting go of your lim­it­ed assump­tions so that you might find a way to cre­ate a more encom­pass­ing Dream-Real­i­ty for your­self and your world.

These Illu­mi­na­tions of Nep­tune are stronger now than they have been for a very long time, and that is because Nep­tune is cur­rent­ly mov­ing through its own sign of Pisces from 2011 until 2026. The last time Nep­tune was in Pisces was from 1848–1862, and it was a time of great Spir­i­tu­al, Artis­tic and Social transformation…and it will be so in our own time too.

Then as now the par­a­digm of beliefs shift­ed, and for a time the mean­ing and pur­pose of what should be the foun­da­tion of Dream-Real­i­ty was con­test­ed by indi­vid­u­als and groups. Cer­tain­ly, it was no acci­dent that here in Amer­i­ca, it was when the awful crime against Spir­it at the found­ing of our nation, the abom­i­na­tion of slav­ery, was con­front­ed and ulti­mate­ly abolished.

May you find a sim­i­lar courage to face your shad­ows and fears today.

You can find your way for­ward by remem­ber­ing to hon­or and to hold to the fun­da­men­tal teach­ings that have guid­ed you through the best and the worst of times.

May you find com­fort and guid­ance in the great teach­ings, sto­ries and lives of those who have walked these same paths that you must fol­low too. Their exam­ple of Wis­dom, Love and Cen­tered Will is there for you:

Be guid­ed by the Wise Ones, who know there is no reli­gion high­er than Truth.
Walk the path of the Great-Souls, who prac­tice the Wis­dom of Love.
Find inspi­ra­tion in the Lone­ly Ones, their Will­ing-Sac­ri­fice hon­ored by
the Angels and Devas above.
Lis­ten for the Voice of the Silence, attend the gen­tle whis­pers in your Heart,
And you will find “The Way”.


Next, “Where are we now?”

Sun Enters Capricorn – The Solstice (December 21, 2016)


You trav­el on the Path of Self-Becoming,

Pass­ing through the Sacred Four,

The Sea­son­al Turn­ings that mark each year.

By Por­tals of Fire, Water, Air and Earth,

You learn by Tri­al and Error, as you help one another,

To be true to who you are, to remem­ber your Des­tiny as you walk,

The Immor­tal Path­way of Perfection.

Today marks the begin­ning of Capri­corn, the time of the Win­ter Sol­stice. The Sun has been ris­ing lat­er and set­ting ear­li­er, so that now the pre­cious light of life is fee­ble and fleet­ing, and shad­ows are grow­ing ever longer, and your days are short and nights far too long and cold. You gath­er with loved ones for reas­sur­ance, in com­pan­ion­ship and love, light­ing can­dles, build­ing bon­fires, bring­ing green­ery indoors and dec­o­rat­ing your trees of hope.

You draw clos­er togeth­er, to remem­ber and share in the wis­dom ways of old. Always and for­ev­er, the Ancient Ways will bring you through these tri­als of faith. Your Foun­tain-Source of Beliefs, found in your tra­di­tions, songs and sto­ries have stood the tests of time. And you know because you remem­ber, you have Faith and Hope that brighter days are just ahead, because Life and Love will return even stronger, and the shad­ows will flee the lumi­nous glo­ry that is the return­ing of the Light.

You leave the realm of Sagit­tar­ius, bring­ing with you the Wis­dom of the Ages, the sto­ries and teach­ings found in the Philoso­phies, Sci­ences and Reli­gions that pro­vide the mean­ings and guid­ance to your many lives and jour­neys. You have come a lit­tle clos­er, to the Greater Under­stand­ing, to the Truth behind the truths, and can take some com­fort and find accep­tance of the World and your insep­a­ra­ble expe­ri­ences of Love and Pain. You lis­ten in the Silence, for the Lone­ly Ones, the Wise Ones and Wis­dom-Keep­ers who help you hold to the Noble Path of Truth.

But it is not enough to know the Truth, it is not enough to have your Faith, it is not enough to Feel the Love…you must Live the Truth, and you must Act by Faith, and you must Be this Love too. This is the mean­ing of Capri­corn, it is here that you face your Test of Respon­si­bil­i­ty, and it is here you will find your Reward of Ful­fill­ment. In Sagit­tar­i­an Fire, you encounter the Ideals of Spir­it, but it is in Earthy Capri­corn that you bring these mighty Truths into Manifestation.

Capri­corn rules the struc­tures of your world; Capri­corn rules Real­i­ty. From the most inti­mate and cen­tral build­ing block of Fam­i­ly, where you take care to love and nur­ture one anoth­er, to the mid­dle ranges of local com­mu­ni­ties and small enter­pris­es, to the most com­plex struc­tures of Church, Econ­o­my and State, all of this is Capricorn’s realm, this is your World made Manifest.

Your Soci­ety and Cul­ture is the prod­uct of many, many life­times of strug­gles and loves, a gift from your Ances­tors so that you would be able to con­tin­ue this jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing for you and yours. So that you too, by assum­ing this awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty of pre­serv­ing, pro­tect­ing and improv­ing this Path of Light, that you too would find the Lov­ing Strength to pass this Spi­ral Chord of Light and Love to your children’s, children’s chil­dren, and ful­fill your Des­tiny, Keep­ers of the Flame of the One Divine Light.

But, the shad­ows cross­ing your path seem stronger now, and your world seems to be stag­ger­ing and stum­bling towards some yawn­ing abyss. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last. The Path­way of Per­fec­tion is not a straight line but a cir­cuitous one that ris­es and falls, and only by falling into error and then cor­rect­ing, only in this man­ner do you become wise and find a bet­ter way as you move into a greater light.

Your world has not trem­bled like this for over 240 years, dur­ing the 1700’s (and before that in the 1500’s), as the plan­et Plu­to swept through the sign of Capri­corn to her­ald the end of those ages. The Real­i­ty struc­tures of those times had ful­filled their pur­pose, it was their time to be swept away, and it was equal­ly the ris­ing of a new world from within.

This is what is hap­pen­ing now…Whether in Gov­ern­ment or Reli­gion, in the Econ­o­my or Cul­ture, the world is being turned upside down as the old order gives way to a New Age that is dawn­ing. The good news? You, (and your ances­tors), have been here before, and if you read about what they were expe­ri­enc­ing in their time, they too thought that their world was end­ing, (and they were right), but they lived to see a new world dawn too.

You face an awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty now, the chal­lenge to pre­serve what we must and to let go of the rest…What are you to do? How will you know what to pre­serve, and what you must sur­ren­der? Where can one find the way through?

As always, the Wis­dom of the Ages, and its reflect­ed Wis­dom in your Heart, will guide you tru­ly in your Thoughts, Feel­ings and Actions. The Laws of Life and Truth, of Spir­i­tu­al Light are the Immor­tal guide­posts which will light your way out of any dark­ness. Look to the inner core, the Eso­teric Heart found in Meta­physics, Phi­los­o­phy and Reli­gion. Fol­low the Ancient Wis­dom, and be guid­ed by your lov­ing heart…and you will find a way.

Remem­ber that the real strug­gle for your world is not hap­pen­ing “out there”, but is in fact hap­pen­ing in each human heart. Each per­son must come to their own change of mind and heart, and remem­ber what is the greater good. Each must find their way and be will­ing to sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er. To remem­ber that there is only one Path: to love, to be com­pas­sion­ate and filled with humil­i­ty and for­give­ness for one anoth­er. Most espe­cial­ly, each must be will­ing to car­ry the weight of respon­si­bil­i­ty, not just for our own lives and time, but for those who will come long after we have departed.

What is your respon­si­bil­i­ty? Look around, and take care in your dai­ly life and imme­di­ate sur­round­ings, be tru­ly human, a self-aware spir­it of con­sid­er­a­tion, con­scious­ness and love. From below and from with­in out­wards your new world will dawn.

The New Age is coming…

It is wait­ing on you…

It is count­ing on you…

It is your Destiny.

When in doubt or when­ev­er in need, hold in your Heart and Mind the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.