Daily Archives: November 9, 2014

Mars Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (November 10, 2014)


Your Desires meet,

With your Will.

Your Aims and Actions,

Lensed by a Pow­er­ful Pairing.

Your Guid­ing Intentions,

Focus upon the Purposeful.

For you have Responsibilities,

That you must Fulfill.

As you make your Way,

To a more Sacred Realm.

Mars, your Avatar of the Self-in-Action, meets with Plu­to, your Avatar and Mak­er of Sacred Space. When your Desire meets with your Will, the unreach­able becomes attain­able, the impos­si­ble falls away.

The com­bi­na­tion of Mars and Plu­to forms one of the most potent forces of Spir­i­tu­al strength or pow­er that you will ever wield…but for this very rea­son, this gift must be treat­ed with great respect, held with sin­cere rev­er­ence, and exer­cised with the utmost humility.

All these pow­ers that flow from you…they come from the core of Spir­it that abides with­in you. These pow­ers are not “for you” as the lim­it­ed I or me. You are not here to ask what Spir­it, or God or what­ev­er you may name “that” can “do for you”…You are here to serve Nature, to love your Moth­er-Father, to live for and with Spir­it or God! Ask how you may serve, and you will be lift­ed up and spir­i­tu­al­ly rewarded.

Your ever-grow­ing Wis­dom and Spir­i­tu­al Strength are for this Uni­verse that you and all the heav­en­ly hosts are creating…for you all are in fact this very “Cre­ation”. Your gifts and pow­ers are for the good of one and all, and any exer­cise of them for mere­ly your­self, any inher­ent­ly self­ish use of Spir­i­tu­al pow­er is in truth what is known as “black mag­ic”. When you use Uni­ver­sal Ener­gy for per­son­al and self­ish rea­sons, you dimin­ish the light, and you con­tribute to dark­ness. You have turned away from Truth, and you have left the realm of Kind­ness, Con­sid­er­a­tion and Love.

You are here to dis­cov­er and dis­cern by tri­al and error, to mas­ter your­self through the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of Cause and Effect, the Mas­ter Keep­er known as Kar­ma. You will learn to choose to do what is good, why? Because quite pure­ly and sim­ply it pro­duces good. Any Intention/Action that helps to grow the greater good, which helps the many and not the few, that is when you push back the dark­ness and extend the Light of Spir­it. That is when you fol­low the path of Truth, that is when you walk “the way”…that is when you are the Life of Wis­dom and you live by Love.

You are here to be respon­si­ble for and to one another…

This is the Les­son and Truth of Capricorn.

You are here to hon­or and keep to the path,

To build upon the great efforts of those who came before.

You are here to pro­tect, pre­serve and act,

To hon­or the source of one and all.

You must use your pow­er to Cre­ate, not destroy.

You will learn to act with Pow­er and by Love…

For it is the Way, it is the only path,

That will take you Home.