Monthly Archives: December 2014

Blog Talk Radio — Live Monday January 5, 2015 @ 6 pm EST


Join me live on Mon­day Jan­u­ary 5, 2015 at 6 pm EST when I talk with Suzane Northrop on her show. We will be dis­cussing what’s ahead for 2015 and tak­ing your calls too.

Here is the link to Suzane’s Show:

Here is the link to Mon­day’s Show: Mon­day Jan­u­ary 5, 2015 at 6 pm

Saturn Enters Sagittarius (December 23, 2014 )


I wrote of this turn­ing in my 2014 Forecast:

Sat­urn Enters Sagit­tar­ius (Decem­ber 23, back to Scor­pio June 14, 2014 and back into Sagit­tar­ius Sept 17, 2014 until Decem­ber 2017)

The Avatar of Real­i­ty is mov­ing into Sagit­tar­ius, but he will pause at the thresh­old of this sign and go back into Scor­pio from June until Sep­tem­ber of 2015, so you will be strad­dling these two signs too as he dances between them. You have faced many lessons of Union while Sat­urn was in Scor­pio, and now you will be encour­aged to take your next step…to Under­stand and move towards Wisdom.

Avatar of Reality,

Your Weaver of Forms,

Mas­ter of Manifestation,

Dear Saturn…is Mov­ing on.


For over two years now,

You have met your “Tests of Union”.

Your heart did trem­ble in Joy,

For here the Illu­sion was shattered,

Two, now one, held in a super­nal light.


But the path you walk ,

is a wind­ing and cir­cuitous way.

With Join­ing comes Separation,

In Joy you will also meet Pain.


For this is the Way it is done,

You will learn, and learn again.

Although you are Immortal,

You are for only a short while,

In your tem­po­ral, mor­tal frames.


You have laughed,

And you have wept.

You went beyond your Fear,

And you fell into Despair.


So it is time,

For the wheel to turn again.

To move through and beyond,

The swirling, sweep­ing tides of your emotions.

It is time, it is time,

It is time to Understand.


After all you felt in this realm of Water,

You need to return to source,

To bind togeth­er, what was-is-will be,

Into the One Real­i­ty, into

The Ever­last­ing Now.


You look for that peace

That lies deep with­in yourself.

To bring what is beyond your words,

To bring it now into the Light,

And so know the Truth you bear.


So you dip your beggar’s cup,

Into the Well that is Wisdom,

But you must also Give.

Your soul­ful sto­ry, you gen­tler heart,

Is what you kind­ly offer up.


For you and I are Storytellers,

Shar­ing pre­cious moments along the way,

Mov­ing in and out of shadows,

We walk the Path we Made,

We are the Path we Made,

We are the Light we Made.

Sun Enters Capricorn & New Moon in Capricorn & Uranus Turns Direct (December 21, 2014)



The Twelve Sta­tions, The Twelve Steps…

You have arrived at the next turning.

This is the Fourth Portal,

This is the step of Mastery.


The Four Turn­ings, The Four Initiations…

The Sacred Por­tals to Perfection,

This is your Path.

For you are here to Square the Circle,

To Reveal the Inner Light, and

You will rise into your Splendor.


You are at the Fourth Turning,

Climb­ing your Path of Purposefulness.

At this tip­ping point you turn again,

To Face the Dark­ness, the long Winter’s Night.

You turn with your Faith,

You turn to face the Light.


The Sun will set, and you will hold your breath,

Nev­er low­er, the shad­ows fall.

All on Earth are standing-still,

You and your world will wait.

You look for a Sign, the Promise,

The Re-Turn­ing of the Light.


You move through Sacred Spaces, for as you abide in your own Sacred Space you also move in the Sacred Spaces of one and all, and all these hosts abide in the Sacred Space that is the One. You are a spark of the Divine, endowed with Self-Aware­ness, Intel­li­gence and Love. Your jour­ney is long, tak­ing you through many worlds and forms and lives…Why?

Why…so that you may grow, for that is your nature. You are Spir­it, an Immor­tal in a Mor­tal Frame. You ever abide yet also come out from the One into these worlds of Ener­gy-Forms. You came forth as an unself-con­scious spark of the Divine to become a Self-aware being of Light-Love. You learn by Action/Reaction, by choos­ing one way then anoth­er, and then try­ing again…

And over time, over count­less lives and by innu­mer­able steps upon the Path of Light you learn to choose what is bet­ter, you learn to dis­cern what is the Good, as you come to feel and know what is Truer, what is Wiser…and so you choose to be what you are, a being of Light and Love singing your way home.

Each and every sin­gle step you take…is a Test. A test of Aware­ness, a test of Love and a test of Will. Each and every moment you pass through por­tals, through anoth­er “Ini­ti­a­tion”. You choose to give, or to take. You choose to act, or to react. You choose to live in Love, or to fall into Fear…but you are human now, you have a choice. The Angels envy you, for they who know the way, they are the Way, and they do not Choose as you. You are learn­ing to be, to become a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of Cre­ation’s Song…and you must choose.

Every moment counts, there is no wast­ed effort, no achieve­ment that does not echo down through all your many lives, no les­son learned that will not form and forge your Dia­mond Body of Spir­i­tu­al Strength. Your fail­ures are your “trea­sures”, for from them you learned how to be bet­ter, it is how you found your com­pas­sion, your humil­i­ty and grace.

Today, tonight you mark anoth­er spe­cial moment in your Jour­ney of Twelve, these Mag­nif­i­cent Man­sions of Life, the Super­nal realm formed by the Liv­ing Ones, the Zodi­ac. You (and they) are Ener­gy-Forms, and tonight you enter the Mas­ter Man­sion, tonight you move into Capricorn.

The Fourth Turn­ing is here, the Fourth Ini­ti­a­tion. For each sea­son opens with this, all of cre­ation waits on what is to be…The first is Fire, in Aries, the Ver­nal Equinox. The sec­ond is Water, in Can­cer, the Sum­mer Sol­stice. The third is Air, in Libra, the Autum­nal Equinox. Today is Earth, in Capri­corn, the Win­ter Solstice.

At each of these turn­ings cer­e­monies are held, heads are bowed and those who are ready arise. All these turn­ings are sacred, but none is held as more sacred than this, the fourth. Here the Hier­ar­chy is cel­e­brat­ed, the Gold­en Chain of Light, Love and Will that holds all of Cre­ation in and as the One Life. You are a pre­cious dew-drop, a sparkling par­ti­cle of Spir­it on this Gold­en Chord of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

There are many who fol­low you, they look up to you, those for whom you care; and there are many ahead of you, who hold you in their hearts, as they extend what help they can as you reach for their lov­ing hands. For this is the heart of it, stand­ing in this Dark­en­ing Time suf­fused and Illu­mined by the bright­est Inner Light, this is when Illu­sions will be bro­ken, the shell will crack wide open, and the one will be with the One. Time and Space will be tran­scend­ed, for there is only Now. There is only One Life, One Light, One Love…and this is Now.

There is only Now…This “now” is a spe­cial turn­ing, for tonight is not only one of the Four Sacred Turn­ings, it is also a New Moon. It is at such a time, when the Sacred Por­tal is pushed open a lit­tle wider, it is at such a time that those who have made them­selves ready will pass into an even more encom­pass­ing con­scious­ness, for they have made them­selves ready, they have become even more Self-Mas­ter­ful. They have earned this, they have served and sac­ri­ficed, and they have Loved…they have become more human…and they abide in this more sub­lime and serene light.

But there is even more here than this, for at this Fourth Por­tal, and at this New Moon, here and Now there is anoth­er turn­ing which will quick­en and elic­it even more for one and all. I wrote about this in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Uranus Direct (Decem­ber 21 until July 25–26, 2015)

The Avatar of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Free­dom is lead­ing you out­wards again, and it is a most spe­cial turn­ing indeed. For this is also the day of the Sol­stice, which means this win­ter begins with a New Moon. This is rec­og­nized as a most sacred event in the Spir­i­tu­al Cal­en­dar. When­ev­er a New Moon is also the begin­ning of one of the Four Sacred Sea­sons, spe­cial cer­e­monies and ini­ti­a­tions are observed and hon­ored at such at time. This is a time of Quick­en­ing, and for those who have pre­pared and are ready to accept the next sac­ri­fice, their Joy­ful Ser­vice is hon­ored and reward­ed now as they move that much clos­er to the Light of Under­stand­ing. All should bow their heads and lift their lov­ing hearts to those who live for and in the One, and find their own peace in the words of the Great Invo­ca­tion which will be said at many a cer­e­mo­ny today:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

This is the Path­way of Perfection,

This is the Way Home.

This is your Sacred Moment,

As are all steps along the Way.

Let each day be your Portal,

Your every step lived in Light and Love.

Hon­or your Past, live your Present, become your Future,

For All is here, and All is Love, and

All is Now.

Uranus Square Pluto (December 15, 2014)


Yet anoth­er exact align­ment of this, the most defin­ing aspect for the 2010’s. Just as in their pre­vi­ous con­tacts in the 1930’s and the 1960’s, you and your world are feel­ing the per­sua­sive pow­ers of these Agents of Actu­al­iza­tion and their “Winds of the Spir­it”, which are blow­ing through you and through all your many forms of self-real­iza­tion. With­in your­self, out through the cir­cles of your fam­i­ly and friends, and then into your wider com­mu­ni­ties, these ener­gies are also mod­u­lat­ing and trans­form­ing local, nation­al and trans-nation­al institutions….Yes, you and your world are mov­ing through a time of great change indeed.

As I have out­lined for sev­er­al years now, this fun­da­men­tal restruc­tur­ing of your world should be under­stood with­in a con­text that harkens back to the pre­vi­ous peri­ods of Plu­to in Capri­corn in the 1700’s and the 1500’s. There is a rhythm to your self-becom­ing, so that every 240 years or so the par­a­digm or order of the Spir­i­tu­al-Cul­tur­al-Social-Polit­i­cal space will break down so that it can be re-made. You are in such a time, the time when the world you know “falls apart”. It must, for to all things there is a sea­son, and know that these Rebirths of Real­i­ty have come upon you time and time again. For you are here to grow, you are the Spir­it mov­ing through these forms. Your one Imper­a­tive is that you must grow, you must change, and your world must change too, (for what has been made by you, what were your ener­gy-forms that got you “to here”, can­not and will not take you to the promised land, “to there”).

This is when your forms of Self-Real­iza­tion “fail you”. You look at all these insti­tu­tions that you have formed as your world. These are the vehi­cles of your-self-made man­i­fest by and through which you seek to meet your needs (and the needs of one and all). You look at these insti­tu­tions whether in the realms of Reli­gion or Gov­ern­ment or Busi­ness or Education…you look to them all and what you see is a mir­ror that is cracked and bro­ken. What you see is the lack of Spir­it, for the Light of Under­stand­ing and Truth has gone out of these Ener­gy-Forms that you and your ances­tors made…and only you, only you can bring this light back. Yes, this old world must pass away as it has done before. Your ances­tors faced this same chal­lenge too (for you were them you know), and this Old World will give way to the New World that is ris­ing from within…and tru­ly this Gift of the Spir­it is what is ris­ing from with­in you once again.

Change does not come from “above”, it aris­es from with­in each human heart and soul, it is formed by that long­ing for a bet­ter way, by the faith that you can re-make your­self and your world into a more just, beau­ti­ful and peace-filled place. So you will turn once again, you will turn with love and wash away this world of shad­ows and ash.

You might think, “well, let’s just fix the Gov­ern­ment, lets redo Education”…But the prob­lem, (though it is also out there, yes it is), the real prob­lem is in each and every one of us. The Winds of the Spir­it blow to stoke the flame of Love and Truth with­in each and every human heart, for only then can you and your com­pan­ions go out and “be this change”. By being a New Human you will also change these insti­tu­tions which are made by, for and through you. These Ener­gy-Forms of your world, these Insti­tu­tions, are not “things in them­selves”. All of these Hier­ar­chies of your World, all these Insti­tu­tions that are now fail­ing you are “made” by and of you and me. They are not “the prob­lem”, though you will cer­tain­ly see it there…the real prob­lem is with­in each of us…and we must change, we must choose to be bet­ter, to love and to sac­ri­fice for now and for the future, we must choose to lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it with our hearts, our minds, and our souls.

Giv­en the log­ic and order of the sys­tem you are present­ly formed into, every­one is act­ing “rea­son­ably”, but also with great ego­tism and self­ish­ness. For exam­ple, the lead­ers in the Polit­i­cal world are doing exact­ly what they need to do to remain in pow­er. They spend most of their efforts on rais­ing funds so that they can main­tain or stay in pow­er, for that is what it takes. It makes per­fect sense, but mean­while the prob­lems of the soci­ety remain unad­dressed and unan­swered, for those with the mon­ey that fund these office hold­ers have true con­trol, they wield the real levers of pow­er. You do not live in a Democracy…you live in a Plu­toc­ra­cy. All Val­ue, all the qual­i­ties of life, of Beau­ty, of Aes­thet­ics, of Human Kind­li­ness, all of it has become reduced to the one Val­ue of Quantity…all are sub­sumed and held under the sway of Mon­ey, Wealth, Power…and that Pow­er is held by the few at the expense of the many.

If you have not read my pre­vi­ous post­ings regard­ing this align­ment (or even if you have you might want to read them again), here is a link to that collection:

Uranus-Plu­to Alignments

I also men­tioned this series of align­ments in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014, and here is that again:

Uranus Square Plu­to (Decem­ber 15) *and March 15, 2015

The next to last Uranus/Pluto Square is here, and though you have been through this many times by now, this piv­otal align­ment is by no means “over” as Uranus and Plu­to will stay in res­o­nance with one anoth­er for sev­er­al years to come. Though we tend to look for an instance or moment when some­thing is most “exact”, life and the dance of the plan­ets is not about dis­crete points or moments. It is about Ener­gies, Lights, Vibra­tions, Sounds that sparkle and dance and ring out like rip­ples in a pond, or chimes sound­ing in the air, and should be seen as mark­ing phas­es and peri­ods in time and space, and not as iso­lat­ed or sep­a­rate, no not at all. All of these Star­ry Com­pan­ions weave and dance and flow togeth­er with one anoth­er, they inter­twine to form a greater Song, and so we too should give our­selves some time and space to expe­ri­ence and under­stand what is being offered to us by these Won­ders sweep­ing around our world. It takes time to understand.…give your­self time, to dream, to hope, to believe…and then do.

It is impor­tant to remem­ber that these ener­gies which form you and this Uni­verse are a com­plex inter-weav­ing of Light-Forms, which will rise and fall, flow in and out, and go through and around you too. They are made of you as you are made of them, and that you should not see any par­tic­u­lar aspect/alignment as a dis­crete event. You should rather see (and feel) them more as waves of Ener­gy-Forms that sweep through and around you, call­ing to you, remind­ing you, of who and what you are…You are Spir­it, you are the Cre­ators. You made this world, and you will make this New World too.

You have been here before…

For you were at the beginning,

When the World was young,

And you were at the Turning,

So, so long ago.

All that is asked,

Is that you remember,

To be what you are.

You are the Dreamer,

You are the Maker,

You are the Keeper,

Find­ing your way…
