Daily Archives: November 26, 2014

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (November 27, 2014)


Your Avatar of Mind­ful­ness is mov­ing on…

Time for you to leave, for now, this spi­ral dance of Elements,

That took you back and forth, by Thought and through Feelings,

Between realms of Air and of Water…

and then Air and Water once again.

Yes, it is time to con­sid­er you and your journey,

To see your­self and your world as well,

Through the Facet that is Fire.

Move your mind into this Realm of Understanding.

For it is by Right Think­ing, and by Right Living,

Through Truth, and by Uncon­di­tion­al Love,

That you become At One…Attuned.

Yes, it is time to Seek, See and Be,

Through the Lov­ing Lucidity,

That is Mer­cury in Sagittarius.

Mer­cury, your mes­sen­ger of the Gods is mov­ing quick­ly now. Sweep­ing into Fire for the next three weeks, and you should take advan­tage of this quick­en­ing in the World of Mind and Thought.

This shift of Mind can help you under­stand and share what could only be Felt or Intu­it­ed as you encoun­tered those deep­est of mys­ter­ies, your Unions and Loss­es, that were met in the realm of Scorpio.

For it is often true, as you grow, as you seek to become what you are meant to be, as you seek to under­stand the mys­tery that is your­self and your world, (which divi­sion, your “Fall”, is real­ly this illu­sion in time, your separation/divide into two, your expe­ri­ence of time as the past, present and future with­in the One Reality)…It is most cer­tain­ly true that you will begin to per­ceive or sense the Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide, and you will intu­it, and you will feel a Greater Aware­ness too. But you can­not yet “Name” it, you can­not yet describe or share what you felt…not yet.

Yet it will come, the High­er Self will lift you up as you stretch your­self to understand…and the mists will part, and the light will become stead­ier, and the words will form in your mind and on your tongue…and you will draw a lit­tle clos­er to the Ancient Wis­dom which is in you as much as it is and forms the worlds around you too…and you will be able to share.

You will lis­ten to the sto­ries that have been passed down, you will hear the ancient truths and remem­ber once more…why, what, whither…for noth­ing changes, real­ly. The forms will have shift­ed, but the Light and Love behind those forms will hold and hold you to the path and to the truth.

And, you will tell your sto­ry too…for you must, that is why you are here. For your Song of Spir­it is need­ed, you are here to bring yet anoth­er pre­cious melody into the Cho­rus of Cre­ation, to this Jour­ney of the Divine that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Mer­cury moves into Sagittarius…

And so shall you.

You will dip your cup into the Well of Wisdom,

To Explain your sto­ry to yourself…

To Accept and Understand.

And you will add your Sto­ry to this Ancient Well,

So that your Song may be added.

For now you remember,

You are here to help one another,

You are here together,

To Live the Wis­dom of Love.