4 thoughts on “General Forecasts, Articles, Podcasts

    1. Bill Attride Post author

      I offer fore­casts and updates in the reg­u­lar blog post­ings and radio shows. You will cer­tain­ly find much there if you look through each year. The effort to cre­ate a year­ly fore­cast in addi­tion to that is just too much, as I have pri­vate ses­sions with clients Mon­day through Sat­ur­day (for which I am very grate­ful to be so busy). You may cer­tain­ly ask a spe­cif­ic ques­tion, whether by email or on my radio show.

      1. Rose

        Thank you for tak­ing the time!
        I can read­i­ly find the links to your radio shows, but not your blog :/ Per­haps you would send a link.
        When search­ing your web­site, I see these options: 2017 fore­casts, 2018 fore­casts, about, arti­cles on Uranus & Plu­to, con­tact, gen­er­al fore­casts, radio interviews.
        Take care! Hap­py lunar eclipse (it’s soon isn’t it?) 🌘

        1. Bill Attride Post author

          Dear Rose, On this site blog site with the Gen­er­al Fore­casts menu, just select the “Home” page. There in date order are the blog post­ings, plus a search fea­ture and archives that allow you to go to any month back to Octo­ber 2010. You can also put your email in the sub­scribe box and when­ev­er I post you will get an email notice with the post­ing in the email.
          The Lunar Eclipse was on May 26th, and the Solar will be on June 10th.


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