Astrology and the USA — Saturn Opposition to Venus and Jupiter (April 10, 2018)

The Mean­ing of Amer­i­ca, Venus and Jupiter in the USA Chart and the Oppo­si­tion by Saturn

I thought it would be use­ful for lis­ten­ers of my radio show, and for the read­ers of this blog, to have this (more or less) ver­ba­tim tran­script of my last radio show on the USA, which aired on Sat­ur­day April 7th (which you can lis­ten to here).  

As I not­ed in my 2018 fore­cast with regards to the USA, Sat­urn will be oppos­ing the USA Venus and Jupiter dur­ing this year as Sat­urn begins its 2.5‑year pas­sage through Capri­corn. More­over, it will move into the mid­dle degrees of Capri­corn in 2019 and align with the USA Sun and Sat­urn. In the past 3 such pas­sages of Sat­urn through Capri­corn, 1988–91, 1959–62 and 1929–32, the USA expe­ri­enced eco­nom­ic chal­lenges, and these led to upsets or rever­sals of polit­i­cal pow­er. Now, a pat­tern does not pre­dict the future, but we should con­sid­er why this pas­sage of Sat­urn through Capri­corn might bring these effects, and more impor­tant­ly under­stand what the mean­ing and mes­sage is behind this experience.

Astrol­o­gy can pro­vide insight upon almost any con­sid­er­a­tion or ques­tion, whether indi­vid­u­als, groups or larg­er enti­ties. Whether one is exam­in­ing cor­po­rate, nation­al or world­ly mat­ters astrologers call this branch of astrol­o­gy Mun­dane or World­ly Astrol­o­gy. The Astro­log­i­cal Signs, Plan­ets and Hous­es of a chart retain much of their essen­tial indi­ca­tions and mean­ings, but they must also be adjust­ed with respect to what the object of study is.

For exam­ple, the Sun in an individual’s chart indi­cates that person’s essen­tial char­ac­ter, their pure poten­tial, where­as in a chart of a nation the Sun gov­erns or rules the essen­tial char­ac­ter of the state, and may also indi­cate the supreme author­i­ty or ruler, and the myths or images that the state holds for itself and how oth­ers may view it. The Moon in a person’s chart indi­cates their emo­tion­al tem­pera­ment and needs, of how they react with­out think­ing, where­as in a nation’s chart it rules the mass­es, “the peo­ple” and indi­cates pop­u­lar moods, opin­ions and ideologies.

Today we are will look at the mean­ing and mes­sages of Venus and Jupiter in the chart of the USA.

Venus and Jupiter:

The USA has its Venus and Jupiter, (and its Sun), in the 7th house, the house of rela­tion­ship, and all three are in the Sign of Can­cer. What this indi­cates for the USA is that our per­son­al val­ues and self-worth (Venus), and our prin­ci­ples, gen­eros­i­ty and good for­tune (Jupiter) and our very being and pur­pose (Sun), is revealed, real­ized and ful­filled in the nature and qual­i­ty of our car­ing (Can­cer) rela­tion­ships to one anoth­er (the 7th House) as cit­i­zens of this coun­try, and then also exter­nal­ly with regards to the nature of our rela­tion­ship with the world at large.

What this real­ly means is this: The USA’s True Source of Strength and Val­ue, Amer­i­ca’s great­est strength, (with the two “benefics” of Astrol­o­gy, Venus and Jupiter, our Val­ues and Prin­ci­ples, in the 7th house of rela­tion­ship), is to be found in our abun­dant gen­eros­i­ty of spir­it towards one anoth­er and the towards the rest of the world. Our strength, our real wealth, lies in our con­tin­u­ing con­tri­bu­tion to one another’s self-ful­fill­ment, to the pur­suit of true Happiness.

I spoke and wrote about this under­stand­ing of Hap­pi­ness in my show/blog post­ing about the August 2017 Eclipse. Here is part of what I stat­ed then:

The True Mean­ing of “Hap­pi­ness”

But the most curi­ous phrase, the one peo­ple should con­sid­er care­ful­ly as to what does it mean, is this “Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness”. Well the true mean­ing or deriva­tion of hap­pi­ness comes from the Ancient Teach­ings or Wis­dom, affirmed and restat­ed in Greek Phi­los­o­phy by Aris­to­tle, and Locke and Jef­fer­son refer back to this ancient under­stand­ing or mean­ing or def­i­n­i­tion of hap­pi­ness. The word in Greek that defines this notion of hap­pi­ness is Eudai­mo­nia.

That word trans­lates lit­er­al­ly as “Union with Good Spir­it”, or what we might call “Human Flour­ish­ing”, or most tru­ly we would say “Human Self-Ful­fill­ment”. What Jef­fer­son was say­ing is not that peo­ple should be allowed to be hap­py, to just be hap­py or cheer­ful or some­thing like this. He was say­ing this a spir­i­tu­al mat­ter, and what he was writ­ing about and what we are doing here comes from the sto­ry of Human­i­ty, grow­ing and devel­op­ing and becom­ing ever more self-aware and self-deter­mined. What we are try­ing to do here, what the true pur­pose and goal of human life is to achieve the Union with one’s High­er Self, to expe­ri­ence the truth with­in by join­ing with what I call the “Beloved”, or the Divine Spark with­in us.

Hap­pi­ness and Self-Fulfillment

What this means for Amer­i­ca, is that the foun­da­tion­al val­ue of our Nation is that we are try­ing to allow and empow­er each per­son to be able to pur­sue their Full Human Poten­tial. In oth­er words, this core prin­ci­ple of our found­ing doc­u­ment, and we broke from the King because he was deny­ing our right to gov­ern our­selves, we could not ful­fill our­selves while being under the rule of a monar­chy, and so we jus­ti­fied our break­ing free so that we could pur­sue our right to Self-Ful­fill­ment. We estab­lished this as our under­stand­ing of the pur­pose of our Ven­ture, that the true pur­pose of rela­tion­ship is that it must serve human Self-Fulfillment.

We have formed our sacred com­pact with one anoth­er, based upon this pledge, that we will ful­fill our poten­tials for and with and through one anoth­er, as we steadi­ly move towards and align our­selves with our true and Divine Nature.

This is what Jef­fer­son meant by the Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness, Jef­fer­son meant Self-Ful­fill­ment through Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing. Which means every choice we make as indi­vid­u­als or as a soci­ety, must be ground­ed in this sim­ple ques­tion: Will this Action or Activ­i­ty bring us clos­er to uni­ver­sal human self-ful­fill­ment or move us fur­ther away from it. We make good and bad deci­sions every day, all of us do. But to sup­port our own or oth­ers greater self-ful­fill­ment is the true goal and way to Happiness.

Our found­ing as a Nation, was a vol­un­tary agree­ment or com­pact with one anoth­er. It was seen by our founders and those who fol­lowed, as the next step in the evo­lu­tion of Spir­it. Accord­ing to the Ancient Wis­dom, this jour­ney of Spir­it can be seen as ever bend­ing towards the eter­nal truth embod­ied in the mys­tery and pow­er of spir­i­tu­al self-ful­fill­ment. For humans in gen­er­al, and for the USA in par­tic­u­lar, this state of hap­pi­ness is sup­port­ed and ful­filled by our freely formed rela­tion­ships with one another.

The USA rep­re­sents in the very nature of how it was estab­lished, by its found­ing and foun­da­tion­al doc­u­ments, (Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence and Con­sti­tu­tion), that the essen­tial char­ac­ter of the USA would be a state found­ed not upon blood and soil, not by ref­er­ence or alle­giance to myths of empires and king­doms, and cer­tain­ly not be estab­lished as a gov­ern­ment held and shaped by hier­ar­chies of inher­it­ed pow­er. Instead, here indi­vid­u­als would freely choose to join in a com­pact and gov­ern them­selves. This “Rev­o­lu­tion in Gov­er­nance” is beau­ti­ful­ly affirmed by the idea inscribed upon the Great Seal of the USA, and this idea express­es our nation­al mot­to, when the USA declared itself to be a “Novus Ordo Seclo­rum”, which means “A New Order for the Centuries”.

The founders of this nation under­stood that what they were cre­at­ing was some­thing new, some­thing hereto­fore unfa­mil­iar because it rep­re­sent­ed a rad­i­cal break with the past, it was a rev­o­lu­tion. Here, in this nation, we would come togeth­er and freely deter­mine our rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er. We would sur­ren­der all title and priv­i­leges and stand as equals to one anoth­er; we would be sub­ject to no King, or Prince, or Clan or Class. Instead we agreed to come togeth­er as equals and to form a vol­un­tary asso­ci­a­tion, and we estab­lished our com­pact with one anoth­er. This sacred com­pact is sealed and pro­tect­ed by the one and only true ruler in Amer­i­ca, the Rule of Law and our Con­sti­tu­tion, (which is why the US has Sat­urn (order), in Libra (the scales of jus­tice) in our 10th house (the rul­ing author­i­ty). In the Unit­ed States, the law is King, and no one is above the law.

Embod­ied in our “Law” are the val­ues (Venus) that we have so far evolved, that form and guide our con­duct with one anoth­er per­son­al­ly. Those val­ues are made into rules (laws) which we have agreed upon, and these are held by the plan­et Jupiter (the ruler of Law), so that we know how we are expect­ed to con­duct our­selves with regards to one anoth­er. In oth­er words, we have estab­lished these laws as the crys­tal­lized form of val­ues with and between one anoth­er. The essen­tial heart of those val­ues, with Venus in Can­cer, is that we would care for one another…and behind that is the spir­i­tu­al truth that we intu­itive­ly and lov­ing­ly under­stand that our own hap­pi­ness depends upon, in fact springs from, the well-being and hap­pi­ness of our fel­low broth­ers and sisters.

But unlike some, who believe that those orig­i­nal laws, our first rules, the Con­sti­tu­tion, to be a fin­ished piece and not to be altered, most of us find that the sto­ry of human ful­fill­ment is an unfold­ing one that is far from over. And, so, we must keep improv­ing upon and adding to our val­ues and improv­ing our rules or laws.

The Found­ing Fathers cer­tain­ly knew this work was not fin­ished or done with them. They sought to go beyond what had been, yet they could not reach or agree beyond a cer­tain under­stand­ing. They strug­gled over issues and did not over­come some of their own chal­lenges, and so they left it to oth­er gen­er­a­tions to face the glar­ing injus­tices embod­ied in our first set of “rules”. How could it be otherwise?

In many ways, as the var­i­ous plan­ets align over the years with these sig­nif­i­cant indi­ca­tors of our jour­ney, we can see the rise and fall of our path as we find and make our way to forge a bet­ter union with one anoth­er, and cre­ate the con­di­tions for our “life, lib­er­ty and the pur­suit of happiness”.

In the chart of the USA, it is this con­junc­tion of Venus and Jupiter in Can­cer in our 7th house, and the sig­nif­i­cant tran­sits to these two bod­ies (and then to the Sun and Sat­urn), that will mark sig­nif­i­cant peri­ods in this on-going sto­ry of our progress to bring into real­i­ty a more spir­i­tu­al real­iza­tion of our oth­er mot­to, e pluribus unum, “Out of Many, One”.

Sat­urn over Venus/Jupiter:

Every 7 to 8 years, Sat­urn will make a “hard” con­tact to the USA Venus, Jupiter (and then Sun and Sat­urn), and each time it is reminder that our work of form­ing a more per­fect union is far from over. But it is this par­tic­u­lar pas­sage, of Sat­urn in Capri­corn and oppo­site to the USA’s Venus, Jupiter and then Sun which hap­pens every 28–29 years or so, it is this peri­od that elic­its a rather dra­mat­ic expe­ri­ence of this ongo­ing strug­gle to make real the ide­al that is the USA.

The Sat­urn (Real­i­ty Prin­ci­ple) chal­lenge to Venus forces a reassess­ment of the val­ues that do (or do not), hold us togeth­er, just as these same val­ues will hold or not hold a fam­i­ly togeth­er in shared sen­si­bil­i­ties and love for one anoth­er, (with Venus in Can­cer, the sign of fam­i­ly). Then Sat­urn to Jupiter will equal­ly chal­lenge the larg­er sys­tems of belief that form our com­mon under­stand­ings and agree­ments as to what con­sti­tutes Real­i­ty. Jupiter rules our expe­ri­ence of Truth, (Philo­soph­ic, Sci­en­tif­ic and Reli­gious). This Sat­urn pas­sage reveals the strength or weak­ness of the inter­nal and exter­nal bonds that hold us to one anoth­er, of our shared val­ues and beliefs that guide our jour­ney to self-ful­fill­ment with and through one another.

Real­ly, every 7 to 8 years, and cer­tain­ly and more dra­mat­i­cal­ly every 29 years or so like now, we are faced with the need to con­front the gap between the ide­al and the real­i­ty in our val­ues and prin­ci­ples that form and inform our com­pact with one another.

But Venus and Jupiter hold addi­tion­al mean­ings too, and these con­tribute to oth­er effects that we also expe­ri­ence with this pas­sage of Sat­urn through Capri­corn. Venus, con­nect­ed with Tau­rus and Libra, also rules the resources of a nation, so finan­cial insti­tu­tions, bankers and farm­ers. Jupiter also rules the Nation­al Wealth, and it rules banks, the rich and the gen­er­al finan­cial life of the nation.

The USA is blessed with Venus and Jupiter con­junct one anoth­er, and these are known in Astrol­o­gy as the “less­er and greater benefics”. The USA is tru­ly blessed by “good for­tune”. But just as in a per­son­al chart, good luck is not some­thing one has, it is some­thing one makes. Venus and Jupiter brought togeth­er cre­ate good for­tune pre­cise­ly because they indi­cate a gen­er­ous, boun­ti­ful nature. It is because togeth­er they cre­ate a char­ac­ter of good will and an abun­dant spir­it of gen­eros­i­ty. The USA has always been a very gen­er­ous nation, and as long as con­tin­ues to do so, it will be reward­ed by the return of good for­tune too.

But this pas­sage of Sat­urn over this bless­ing in the chart for the USA is often marked by eco­nom­ic down­turns, reces­sions or worse. In a way, just as in an individual’s chart, the pas­sage of Sat­urn like this over Venus can make one feel less valu­able, less loved and lead to loss of val­ue inter­nal­ly, and to the break­ing of rela­tion­ships exter­nal­ly. Well, here too that will be the larg­er real­i­ty of what hap­pens to the USA.

Like­wise, the oppo­si­tion to Jupiter will also cur­tail the gen­eros­i­ty and good­will for one anoth­er and towards oth­er nations, and our rule of law will be test­ed and chal­lenged. When­ev­er Sat­urn oppos­es Jupiter for an indi­vid­ual and in a nation, they will encounter eco­nom­ic dif­fi­cul­ties, down­turns and upsets.

And, if his­to­ry is any guide, with Jupiter also indi­cat­ing the con­di­tions for the ruler of a nation, the last three pas­sages of Sat­urn in Capri­corn have been accom­pa­nied by a change of polit­i­cal for­tunes in any upcom­ing elec­tion. In all three pre­vi­ous pas­sages, the par­ty in pow­er is turned out. The Winds of Spir­it are blow­ing stronger now, and eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal change is coming.

We are remind­ed, once again by “Sat­urn the Teacher”, that our very own hap­pi­ness can only be tru­ly expe­ri­enced by affirm­ing and abid­ing in our pledge to one anoth­er as embod­ied in our found­ing doc­u­ments and prin­ci­ples. Our pledge to one anoth­er is:

That we will con­tin­u­ous­ly strive to pre­serve and improve our union with one anoth­er, and
That we lov­ing­ly ded­i­cate our lives and for­tunes to the well-being of one and all.

In no small mea­sure, we are being asked to remem­ber in this year, (and in the next), that our true good for­tune and self-ful­fill­ment rests on, depends upon each of us. “We, the peo­ple”, are the truest and great­est trea­sure in this land. The USA is great­ly enriched by our diver­si­ty of peo­ples, for it is from our com­plex webs of rela­tion­ships to one anoth­er that we forge our wealth and good fortune.

We have tak­en a sacred oath in our found­ing, “…we mutu­al­ly pledge to each oth­er our Lives, our For­tunes, and our sacred Honor.”

This heart­felt pledge is root­ed in a fun­da­men­tal val­ue of Spir­i­tu­al Truth, and this is the shin­ing bedrock of our New Order for the Centuries:

True hap­pi­ness for any of one of us can only be ful­ly real­ized through our con­tin­u­al­ly striv­ing for the self-ful­fill­ment of one and for all.

Yes, we are on the path where Out of many, we are One.

We, the peo­ple are here to love and care for one another,

For we are many, and we are One.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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