The Great Eclipse and the Meaning of America (August 21, 2017)

I thought it might be help­ful to those who may want this, or may not have the time to lis­ten to the radio pod­cast of my show on Sat­ur­day August 19th. Here is a tran­script of the show:

The Meaning of America and the Great Eclipse of August 21, 2017


Today we are going to con­sid­er the Eclipse that is hap­pen­ing on Mon­day August 21st, and what Spiritual/Astrological mes­sages, mean­ings and insights this event offers for you, this coun­try and the larg­er world.

Each of us on a jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and awak­en­ing, and many more souls have moved clos­er to the Greater Aware­ness that awaits one and all. From the begin­ning of time, the Spir­it with­in the human heart has stirred all of us to wake up and to real­ize that we are the ones mak­ing things hap­pen. That it is why edu­ca­tion and crit­i­cal think­ing, phi­los­o­phy and sci­ence, and meta­physics and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty have been essen­tial to this jour­ney of Spir­it. At times, these Ways of Know­ing have flow­ered, and guid­ed civ­i­liza­tions and peo­ples for many years. We can look to and be inspired by the great teach­ers and teach­ings in the past, formed into the greater and less­er mys­tery schools of Egypt and Greece and Rome, and the Gnos­tic teach­ings in the ear­ly Chris­t­ian era where they were embraced and then sup­pressed. Those eso­teric teach­ings con­tin­ued in the work of the Alchemists, Rosi­cru­cians and Masons. This Ancient Wis­dom, what is known as the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings, con­tin­ue to be passed down unbro­ken from beyond the mists of time, through Antiq­ui­ty until our (so-called) mod­ern period.

These Uni­ver­sal Teach­ings have inspired and guid­ed and remind­ed humans what we are real­ly here for. We are not here to amass wealth, or pow­er, or fame, and though we are cer­tain­ly in a mor­tal world and we need a home, cloth­ing food and many oth­er things to exist here, those things are not our aim, or goal or pur­pose here. At the end of the day, all we take with us, from life to life, are the lessons we have learned in how to be a bet­ter human. Our trea­sure is mea­sured by how we treat our plan­et and oth­er life-forms, and most espe­cial­ly by the love we have shown to one anoth­er. This is the whole point of life. We are here on this love­ly Earth, sur­round­ed by beau­ty, to become ful­ly self-aware, lov­ing and cen­tered co-cre­ators of creation.

This Ancient Wis­dom is there to remind us and help us, that we, and all of life, are on this jour­ney of self-awak­en­ing. And, since we are all here now, we quite nat­u­ral­ly think and feel that “this” is the crit­i­cal moment, (and it is of course for us). And cer­tain­ly, from look­ing around us there are many signs that speak to this feel­ing that we in are in a time of great import. But you can be sure, that through­out human his­to­ry, peo­ples in their time felt as we do now, and right­ly too. At any moment, a soul can “wake up”, and a “Star” is born in the heav­ens so to speak.

So, there is no time to waste, but we also have plen­ty of time too, because we have all being doing this for a very long time indeed.

But cer­tain­ly, we would agree that Spir­i­tu­al­ly, Envi­ron­men­tal­ly, Eco­nom­i­cal­ly, as we wit­ness these phe­nom­e­na and forces com­ing togeth­er (or crash­ing togeth­er), we would agree and say “Wow, this seems like a pret­ty big time indeed”, and we feel a greater urgency to get it right, and to steer our lives upon a more pro­duc­tive, lov­ing and inte­grat­ed way forward.

What is an Eclipse?

Two times a year, rough­ly six months apart, we have a beau­ti­ful align­ment of the Sun, Moon and Earth form­ing the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, which quite won­der­ful­ly show how we are part of an inter­re­lat­ed “Dance of the Plan­ets”, which we know as our Solar Sys­tem. At times, their orbits and planes of motion inter­sect one anoth­er, so that the Sun, plan­ets and Moons pass before one anoth­er. Here on Earth these Solar/Lunar/Earth align­ments, what is so extra­or­di­nary and mys­te­ri­ous to many, is that often dur­ing a Solar Eclipse, with the pas­sage of the Moon across the face of the Sun, that it will do it so per­fect­ly that it cov­ers the Sun so that only the plas­ma of the Sun’s coro­na is vis­i­ble to us. If the Moon were slight­ly larg­er or small­er, or a lit­tle fur­ther away or clos­er, we would not have this dra­mat­ic show! How did this hap­pen, why is this so?

We under­stand from the Ancient Wis­dom that every­thing is “con­scious”, that Spir­it which is Life is ever-present through all the hier­ar­chies of cre­ation, that every­thing from the most semi-con­scious forms of mate­ri­al­i­ty to the most con­scious­ly evolved beings on our plan­et to the most sub­lime forms beyond our human king­dom, that every­thing is alive and con­scious and con­tains some form of intel­li­gence. So, from these ancient teach­ings and from our intu­ition­al know­ing, we believe because we know in our minds and in our hearts, that there is a Divine Plan and a Divine Intel­li­gence guid­ing every­thing and everyone.

We under­stand because we know that this Uni­verse is a vast hier­ar­chy that is formed, sus­tained and held togeth­er by the One Spir­it, the One Life. That in this vast range of Life-forms and Intel­li­gences, it is said that the human king­dom is right there “in the mid­dle” of this hier­ar­chy, and is under­stood to be a most spe­cial one. We are told, that the Angels long to be us, and Life-forms below us long to human, because we reach in the human king­dom this won­der­ful expe­ri­ence of self-aware­ness, of self-under­stand­ing and there­fore we encounter the great gift and awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty of “Choice”. We learn, through tri­al and error, step by step, the con­se­quences of our actions, and we learn, hope­ful­ly over time, to choose what is lov­ing, and good for us and for one and all.

But it takes time, it takes an awful­ly long time for humans to do that. There are souls that have reached the end of the Jour­ney, like the Bud­dha, like Krish­na like Jesus, who achieved full aware­ness, what is known as Cos­mic Con­scious­ness. And, there are souls who are just bare­ly wak­ing up now, and every­thing in between. But all of us are on that path, and we are all con­nect­ed, we have and find our com­mon­al­i­ty and com­mon con­nec­tion in the One Spir­it that we exist and abide in, that sur­rounds us, is us, and per­vades the whole Uni­verse. We are that!

The Truth of the Uni­verse is every­thing is One; and the Great Illu­sion is that every­thing is separate.

These pro­found real­iza­tions are also so sim­ple. They can be seen and expe­ri­enced in their com­plex­i­ty too. That out of Noth­ing or Non-Being came the One, and pro­ceed­ing from the One came dual­i­ty, and then trip­lic­i­ties and so on. From there a whole range of of life-forms, of beings and bod­ies came to form all the var­i­ous divi­sions, ener­gy-forms, and the dimen­sions of the Hier­ar­chy that is Cre­ation, and this is infi­nite­ly com­plex and very chal­leng­ing to tru­ly comprehend.

But I think we should also keep it sim­ple, and it is impor­tant that peo­ple look at all the uni­ver­sal teach­ings, from var­i­ous civ­i­liza­tions and cul­tures, whether in the Vedas, or in Bud­dhism or Chris­tian­i­ty, to look at all these teach­ings in their eso­teric or Heart teach­ing-form, in their essen­tial or root truths, and you will find that they all say the same thing! Because they are all observ­ing the same thing, you and I, human­i­ty, and then the world around us, we come to see that every­thing is part of this great, beau­ti­ful Jour­ney of Life and Con­scious­ness and that we all abide in the One Spirit.

What mes­sages and guid­ance might we obtain from this Eclipse sweep­ing across Amer­i­ca on Mon­day? Every phe­nom­e­nal expe­ri­ence is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for us to respond to with our present lev­el of under­stand­ing. We encounter the world and these ener­gies and we respond to it in that moment. When larg­er phe­nom­e­na like this hap­pen, when in the mid­dle of the day the sun “dis­ap­pears”, peo­ple notice this! In past times they react­ed often with great fear and appre­hen­sion, and they would ascribe to these phe­nom­e­na a neg­a­tive char­ac­ter, and bad things would prob­a­bly hap­pen as a consequence.

But the Uni­verse isn’t full of “neg­a­tive” energies…it is just Ener­gy. If we under­stand what it is about, what it is for, we are meant to use that expe­ri­ence and that ener­gy in a most pos­i­tive and beau­ti­ful and build­ing way.

But for those who remain more unaware or more “fear-based” or deny our con­nec­tions to one anoth­er they may spin off of that very same ener­gy and see it as a dark, fore­bod­ing and neg­a­tive thing. And it becomes neg­a­tive for them. Again, we make our real­i­ty by how we under­stand our­selves and the uni­verse around us.

There is cer­tain­ly great anx­i­ety and fear in the world and the USA at this time. As I have been not­ing in many forums, we are mov­ing through an end of an age here from 2008 through 2024. There has been great break­downs of the insti­tu­tion­al struc­tures of cul­ture and civ­i­liza­tion, from the high­est on down to the local lev­els of soci­ety. And when peo­ple become con­fused and uncer­tain, they become anx­ious and they become fear­ful. They need to find some­thing to hold to, to believe in to get them through this time of dis­rup­tion. Some will return to their roots, to tra­di­tions and cul­ture that are affirm­ing and bind­ing and healthy and loving.

And some may turn to an ide­ol­o­gy or belief sys­tem that is about oth­er­ness, see­ing them­selves as we are this and they are that, and so they make the oth­er as the object and source of their anx­i­ety and fear and suf­fer­ing. Their solu­tion may come down to the putting oth­ers down so as to lift them­selves up, mak­ing scape­goats of those not like them.

Now this hap­pens repeat­ed­ly through­out his­to­ry, of course. But we are see­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing it more imme­di­ate­ly and vis­i­bly now giv­en our means of media and world-wide com­mu­ni­ca­tions, and so we are shar­ing these expe­ri­ences togeth­er in real time. Peo­ple are being high­ly stim­u­lat­ed by local and world events like nev­er before. And, again, it is our chance, chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty for each of us to choose how I see this, and how I should respond to this.

So eclipses are these moments when the ener­gies com­ing from the Sun, the source of Light and Love for our sys­tem, these ener­gies are altered or mod­u­lat­ed by this align­ing of Sun, Moon and Earth. In the Solar Eclipse that ener­gy is falling on the Moon, then in a way “burn­ing through the Moon” and com­ing to the Earth via that mod­u­la­tion. The Moon’s shad­ow falls upon the Earth and dark­ness descends dur­ing the day. By doing this it stirs up the ener­gies that are con­nect­ed with that sign which just hap­pens to be Leo for this Eclipse.

The Mean­ing of America

But we need to con­sid­er what this might mean for us here in Amer­i­ca. What is strik­ing about this eclipse is that it is falling at the very end of Leo, sweep­ing across the USA from the North­west to the South­east, right across the whole of the coun­try. But in the Chart of the USA the Eclipse lands exact­ly oppo­site to the Moon in Aquar­ius. What might this mean?

In a nation’s chart, the Moon rules the peo­ple of that land, the feel­ings of the peo­ple and of a nation. So the Moon real­ly holds the notion of what we under­stand or believe our­selves to be as Amer­i­cans, of what mean by being an American.

That is why I believe that for us this eclipse is remind­ing us about “The Mean­ing of Amer­i­ca”. But to do that we need to under­stand “where” did Amer­i­ca come from. Every­thing comes from some­thing, and if you wish to know where you are going and why, you need to under­stand where you came from.

What many peo­ple know, but many more peo­ple do not know, is that our rev­o­lu­tion­ary war in the 1700’s was pre­ced­ed in Eng­land by the Great Civ­il War they had from the 1640’s to the 1680’s. It was their “rev­o­lu­tion”, and it was bloody, and dis­rup­tive and trau­mat­ic. Roy­al­ist and Par­lia­men­tary forces bat­tled one anoth­er. The King was cap­tured, he was impris­oned, and they even­tu­al­ly chopped off his head! Par­lia­ment ruled instead of the King, but it devolved and descend­ed into a rule by dic­ta­tor­ship by a man named Oliv­er Cromwell. Even­tu­al­ly, the monar­chy was restored but with much stronger con­trols and over­sight by parliament.

From that great tur­moil, from that world turned lit­er­al­ly for them upside down, all the found­ing fathers of Amer­i­ca come out of that expe­ri­ence, and all the spir­i­tu­al and intel­lec­tu­al strug­gles over what that meant, over what is gov­ern­ment, and how should it be formed, because they lit­er­al­ly lived in a time of anar­chy and then the restor­ing of gov­ern­ment, they thought through these ques­tions. This was dur­ing the peri­od known as “The Enlight­en­ment”, from the late 1600’s into the ear­ly 1800’s. There were many great thinkers and philoso­phers of that time, who looked back to the great teach­ings of the ages, back to Greece and Rome, as well as to the mys­ti­cal and eso­teric teach­ings for guid­ance like in the order of the Masons.

The Dec­la­ra­tion of Independence

The prin­ci­ple author of our Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence, Thomas Jef­fer­son, looked to the writ­ings of the polit­i­cal philoso­pher John Locke (1632–1704) for guid­ance and inspi­ra­tion. When we look to the words, phras­es and con­cepts he chose as he wrote our dec­la­ra­tion, we need to know that he chose his words very care­ful­ly. If we want to know how we began, and to know who we real­ly are, we need to under­stand what these famil­iar but mis­un­der­stood words real­ly mean if we are to under­stand the “Mean­ing of America.”

The Dec­la­ra­tion is our Found­ing Doc­u­ment, and when we declared our sep­a­ra­tion from the monar­chy, from “our” king, from that polit­i­cal enti­ty, and we decid­ed that we would “gov­ern our­selves”, to form a gov­ern­ment of “self-gov­ern­ment”. Well, that was tru­ly “rev­o­lu­tion­ary”. Up until this time in his­to­ry, the hier­ar­chies of polit­i­cal orders were based on Trib­al­ism, Ances­try, Eth­nic­i­ty or of a Place, and the ruler­ship was deter­mined most­ly by Hered­i­ty, a line of suc­ces­sion and by con­quest. But here, we would come togeth­er declar­ing our­selves to be behold­en to no prince or king or emper­or, that we would form a sacred com­pact with anoth­er and we agreed to pledge our­selves to all be sub­ject to this con­tract, bound to one anoth­er by our self-deter­mined laws. In Amer­i­ca, the Law would be King.

So, the most crit­i­cal and well-known phrase in our Dec­la­ra­tion reads like this:

We hold these truths to be self-evi­dent, that all men are cre­at­ed equal, that they are endowed by their Cre­ator with cer­tain unalien­able Rights, that among these are Life, Lib­er­ty and the pur­suit of Happiness.”

When we hear those words, we might sim­ply think that “Life” means life, to have a liv­ing, and we might think that “Lib­er­ty” means hav­ing free­dom and own­ing prop­er­ty, and “Hap­pi­ness”, means just being hap­py. But this is not what those words meant and are meant to mean. When we look at Life, or Lib­er­ty and espe­cial­ly that phrase the “pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness”, what do they real­ly mean?

Life in this con­text does not mean to be alive. Since all of Cre­ation is Mind, and every­thing has some mea­sure of intel­li­gence asso­ci­at­ed with it, for Jef­fer­son know­ing this, Life meant that we need to have the right to think freely, to devel­op our con­scious­ness and aware­ness to grow spir­i­tu­al­ly. And Lib­er­ty is about the Will, about our exer­cise of our Free Wills. And yet, by that we must equal­ly acknowl­edge and respect the Wills of oth­ers, because each of us is a spark of the divine, each of us exists in our sacred space, and we can only exer­cise our will to the extent we do not deny the sacred space of another.

The True Mean­ing of “Hap­pi­ness”

But the most curi­ous phrase, the one peo­ple should con­sid­er care­ful­ly as to what does it mean, is this “Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness”. Well the true mean­ing or deriva­tion of hap­pi­ness comes from the Ancient Teach­ings or Wis­dom, affirmed and restat­ed in Greek Phi­los­o­phy by Aris­to­tle, and Locke and Jef­fer­son refer back to this ancient under­stand­ing or mean­ing or def­i­n­i­tion of hap­pi­ness. The word in Greek that defines this notion of hap­pi­ness is Eudai­mo­nia.

That word trans­lates lit­er­al­ly as “Union with Good Spir­it”, or what we might call “Human Flour­ish­ing”, or most tru­ly we would say “Human Self-Ful­fill­ment”. What Jef­fer­son was say­ing is not that peo­ple should be allowed to be hap­py, to just be hap­py or cheer­ful or some­thing like this. He was say­ing this a spir­i­tu­al mat­ter, and what he was writ­ing about and what we are doing here comes from the sto­ry of Human­i­ty, grow­ing and devel­op­ing and becom­ing ever more self-aware and self-deter­mined. What we are try­ing to do here, what the true pur­pose and goal of human life is to achieve the Union with one’s High­er Self, to expe­ri­ence the truth with­in by join­ing with what I call the “Beloved”, or the Divine Spark with­in us.

Hap­pi­ness and Self-Fulfillment

What this means for Amer­i­ca, is that the foun­da­tion­al val­ue of our Nation is that we are try­ing to allow and empow­er each per­son to be able to pur­sue their Full Human Poten­tial. In oth­er words, this core prin­ci­ple of our found­ing doc­u­ment, and we broke from the King because he was deny­ing our right to gov­ern our­selves, we could not ful­fill our­selves while being under the rule of a monar­chy, and so we jus­ti­fied our break­ing free so that we could pur­sue our right to Self-Ful­fill­ment. We estab­lished this as our under­stand­ing of the pur­pose of our Ven­ture, that the true pur­pose of rela­tion­ship is that it must serve human Self-Fulfillment.

We have formed our sacred com­pact with one anoth­er, based upon this pledge, that we will ful­fill our poten­tials for and with and through one anoth­er, as we steadi­ly move towards and align our­selves with our true and Divine Nature.

This is what Jef­fer­son meant by the Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness, Jef­fer­son meant Self-Ful­fill­ment through Spir­i­tu­al Awak­en­ing. Which means every choice we make as indi­vid­u­als or as a soci­ety, must be ground­ed in this sim­ple ques­tion: Will this Action or Activ­i­ty bring us clos­er to uni­ver­sal human self-ful­fill­ment or move us fur­ther away from it. We make good and bad deci­sions every day, all of us do. But to sup­port our own or oth­ers greater self-ful­fill­ment is the true goal and way to Happiness.

This must be our Guid­ing Prin­ci­ple, this true def­i­n­i­tion of Hap­pi­ness must be our bea­con, if we are to be tru­ly hap­py and cre­ate a soci­ety that cel­e­brates and sup­ports the Spir­i­tu­al Ful­fill­ment for one and for all.

What does this eclipse mean for the USA?

In terms of what is hap­pen­ing right now, and look­ing at the chart of the USA which was cre­at­ed when our Dec­la­ra­tion was made pub­lic, to see what this eclipse might mean for us, we find that this eclipse is falling at the very end of Leo and oppo­site to the Moon in our nation­al chart. The Moon rep­re­sents the peo­ple of a coun­try. Because the USA Moon is in Aquar­ius, we have posit­ed that what is most essen­tial and nec­es­sary for us is the need to cre­ate and pre­serve a “space of free­dom” for one and all. This makes per­fect sense giv­en the mean­ing Hap­pi­ness, that our Free­dom is required so that we as self-aware beings may be ful­filled to pur­sue what we have ide­al­ized, which is our true hap­pi­ness or the good that comes through our Self-Ful­fill­ment. We are try­ing to cre­ate ever bet­ter spaces of free­dom so that we may become who we tru­ly are with and through one anoth­er. We are here to lift one anoth­er to greater and greater Self-Fulfillment.

With the Eclipse casting/burning this Shad­ow of the Moon and Leo onto the Earth, it brings to bear even more strong­ly the Les­son of Leo, and the Kar­ma of Leo. Either you are grow­ing and devel­op­ing in the pos­i­tive forms of Leo ener­gy-forms, or the shad­ow side takes over.

The Les­son of Leo

The les­son of Leo as I under­stand it, is learn­ing about the truth that at the core of us is the spark of the Divine. What is found here, in the Heart of Leo, is the uncon­di­tion­al love of the High­er Self for the self, resid­ing in all of us. When you come into con­tact with that, you are filled with true love for your­self, and equal­ly for one anoth­er, because you now know and under­stand that this same Divin­i­ty is in every oth­er too.

You appre­ci­ate your­self as “spe­cial”, but appre­ci­ate every­one else in their spe­cial­ness too. This unique sense of self comes from your Quin­tes­sence, your spe­cial spark of the Divine at the heart of every being. What makes every­one alike yet also dif­fer­ent, is that we are all one with this Divine Cen­ter, yet we are unique instances of this Divine Love.

We all want Respect, we all want to be and to see our­selves Tru­ly, and to real­ize this we have to be true for one anoth­er. Every­one wants to be seen and loved for who they tru­ly are. Hence, we are here to “Shine” for one anoth­er, to love and respect one anoth­er. And by doing this, we lead by exam­ple, we encour­age and inspire oth­ers to bring forth their bet­ter, fin­er natures. This is what it means to be a “Leader”, this is what it means to Love, and this is what leads to true Self-Ful­fill­ment. And we need one anoth­er for this. And this is the Heart and Soul of Leo.

But the Shad­ow Side, and often the shad­ow side can be kicked up or elicit­ed in those who are not ready to take the next step, who have been liv­ing in fear, have not under­stood the true source and nature of love in their life, at all or in this life. What hap­pens to them is that have a fear (and appar­ent real­i­ty) of being unloved, and being dis­re­spect­ed and not being appre­ci­at­ed. So that if they fail to tru­ly see them­selves and love them­selves, when they look for “that look” in the other’s eyes, that sign of love that they are look­ing to see com­ing back to them, they can­not and will not see it, because they can­not see it in themselves.

That per­son then becomes instead Envi­ous, Jeal­ous, and they puff them­selves up and become Brag­garts and Bul­lies. They may try to force respect and belit­tle oth­ers to feel some sort kind of twist­ed self-love and self-impor­tance. They demand it, and they demand loy­al­ty, and def­er­ence, but they show no respect and they have no humil­i­ty. They real­ly do not feel; they only emote. They try to take or buy or steal what they want, and they call that “Love”, but it is not love. It is fear com­ing out of self-loathing, and it ends up destroy­ing that per­son as it harms many around them too.

So, this Eclipse will elic­it these very dif­fer­ent effects depend­ing upon each person’s devel­op­ment. It will stir great and greater love in many peo­ple; but for those who are more bro­ken it may set them off in a more neg­a­tive way, of feel­ing less­er and try­ing to com­pen­sate by putting oth­ers down.

The Great Fixed Star Regulus

What we find also is that this Eclipse is aligned with one of the Great Fixed Stars in Astrol­o­gy, the Star Reg­u­lus which is locat­ed at the end of Leo. This is star is known as the “Watch­er of the North”, and is one of the four stars found at the so-called Four-cor­ners of our por­tion of Space. These Fixed Stars aligned with impor­tant ele­ments in someone’s chart are said to indi­cate or con­fer some great bless­ing or pow­er, but if the les­son of that star is not under­stood, the indi­vid­ual will fall from grace.

Reg­u­lus is said to be the Heart of the Lion, and its mean­ing and mes­sage is linked to sto­ry of a myth­i­cal King of Per­sia, Feridum. He was a pros­per­ous king but lost his king­dom when he engaged in revenge. All these Roy­al Stars promise great poten­tial and suc­cess as long as some par­tic­u­lar human neme­sis is avoid­ed. With Reg­u­lus, the issue is that of “revenge”. If this Star is strong in any chart this temp­ta­tion will be that individual’s test.

So, we might ask our­selves does this Eclipse and Reg­u­lus line up in any par­tic­u­lar chart? It most cer­tain­ly ener­gizes the US Chart, but it is oppo­site to the Moon and there­fore more direct­ed toward that. I would say for us in the USA, we will be expe­ri­enc­ing this greater les­son of Leo remind­ing us that as we focus and cen­ter our Social Con­scious­ness and Con­science (from our Moon in Aquar­ius), that we need to recon­sid­er more tru­ly our com­pact with one anoth­er in our col­lec­tive pur­suit of Life, Lib­er­ty and the Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness. We need to help one anoth­er to expe­ri­ence a fuller mea­sure of Self-Expres­sion, Cre­ativ­i­ty and Love and Respect (from Leo) as the way in which we may more tru­ly ful­fill our mot­to, “Out of many, One.” The ques­tion will be how do we cre­ate, but to remem­ber to do so in social­ly mean­ing­ful and sig­nif­i­cant ways, and so help one anoth­er to achieve more self-ful­fill­ment indi­vid­u­al­ly and col­lec­tive­ly too.

But what about a par­tic­u­lar person’s chart? When­ev­er we are look­ing at a nation’s chart we will often look at the leader’s chart to gain insight into what is hap­pen­ing too.

Don­ald Trump

I have been writ­ing in the blog, and speak­ing in the radio show about Don­ald Trump’s chart, and I have said that this month of August was going to be one of the most crit­i­cal for him this year. Not only has he just had anoth­er pas­sage of Plu­to over his Jupiter (his test of Will with Truth and Law), but he is also expe­ri­enc­ing Sat­urn going over his Moon twice in this month, (indi­cat­ing that he is at a very low point both emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly). And one of those Sat­urn pass­es over his Moon is exact tomor­row, August 20th.

But this very eclipse is lin­ing up with his chart too! Trump is born with Leo Ris­ing, and his Mars is in Leo just inside his 12th house. The Eclipse lands on his Mars and Ascen­dant. The Ascen­dant rules your pres­ence in the world, it is how you meet the world. And the ques­tion would be for any­one, are you being authen­tic or not. And Mars rules desires and actions; it is there to serve your “self” as you assert your­self. But with Mars in his 12th house Trump prefers to act in the back­ground, in the shad­ows, hid­ing what he is real­ly doing, and con­ceal­ing his real inten­tions. When unde­vel­oped, a per­son with Mars in Leo in the 12th house is full of fear, but will mask that with bul­ly­ing and brava­do. If he is not care­ful, his own actions will lead to his own self-undo­ing, and ulti­mate­ly lead to his fall from grace or pow­er and even poten­tial­ly face some form of imprisonment.

As astrologers, we would argue that this Eclipse will elic­it this chal­lenge to him and he will have to stand in the Shad­ow and Light of Leo and answer as to whether he is abid­ing in the Truth of Leo or not. More­over, con­sid­er­ing that his Ascen­dant and Mars are aligned with Reg­u­lus, promis­ing great fame and pow­er, the ques­tion will be put to him as to whether he has avoid­ed the per­il of revenge.

Giv­en Trump’s his­to­ry of how he has con­duct­ed him­self in the busi­ness world, and now as a “pub­lic ser­vant”, Kar­ma would seem to be lead­ing him to a reck­on­ing that he has forged for himself.

Unlike oth­ers who have been ele­vat­ed to this office before, it appears that Trump has not been hum­bled by the majesty and respon­si­bil­i­ty of the pres­i­den­cy. He does not under­stand the Leo les­son of Love; nor has he under­stood the les­son of his­to­ry, that the gift of suc­cess will be snatched away if one suc­cumbs to the temp­ta­tion of revenge.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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