Monthly Archives: May 2018

Sun Enters Gemini (May 20, 2018)

The Awak­en­ing

Three moments mark the first steps in your journey:

I am…I am, That… I am That I am.

This is one of the most pro­found gifts (and tests) of being and becom­ing human, the gift of Self-Awareness.

This sto­ry is found in many teach­ings, cul­tures and ages. That long ago there walked among us “the gods”, who brought to us who were not yet human, (we were “mind­less”, we were the inno­cent but mind­less humans of that time), and they offered this most pre­cious gift of self-aware­ness. It was their great hon­or and duty to do this. Because in a pre­vi­ous cos­mic cycle, these Angels of the Light had sim­i­lar­ly been awak­ened by those who came before them. This self-lumi­nous torch, this spir­i­tu­al fire of under­stand­ing, has been passed down like this through the ages. It is in truth the Rib­bon of Light and Love that forms the warp and weave of our Uni­verse. All of Cre­ation is Spir­it-Life; for every­thing is Liv­ing and Con­scious, and the whole Uni­verse is on this Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney of Awakening.

These Devas or Shin­ing Ones were duty bound to pass on this light to us, (and to become part­ly one with us too). Their names are found in many cul­tures, in the tales of Prometheus, Lucifer, Loki and Quet­zal­coatl and many, many oth­ers. In the most ancient of record­ings, found in what is known as the Ancient Teach­ings there is the sto­ry of the Kumaras, beings of a much more advanced state than we, who came at the appoint­ed time, when the Human­i­ty of that peri­od was ready for the next step for­ward in Con­scious­ness, and they walked among us, joined with us and we took the next great step in our journey…and we became self-aware.

This step was tak­en long ago, dur­ing an “Age of Gem­i­ni”, yet it is also a series of steps that you will take in each of your lives, and through many years in any one of your lives. For the jour­ney of Self-Aware­ness is won­drous and hard, it requires patience and quick­ness, adapt­abil­i­ty and per­sis­tence, it is the mind seek­ing to know, to know itself and all that is around it too. This is your jour­ney to the gods, it is your jour­ney to lift your­self out of the shad­ows, out of the dark­ness, igno­rance and fear…it is your jour­ney into The Light.

Each and every day, you are here to lift up your aware­ness of your­self and your world. You are here to learn to be a bet­ter human. You are here quite sim­ply to dis­cern and so under­stand what is the less­er and what is greater; you are here to learn from your expe­ri­ence in this realm gov­erned by “cause and effect”. You are on a nev­er-end­ing inspi­ra­tional jour­ney in which you lift your­self up by tri­al and error as you leave behind your igno­rance and come to know and to live what is good, and true and beautiful.

You are always guid­ed by your high­er self; it is the light of love shin­ing with­in you. This greater one with­in you lov­ing­ly inspires you onward and upward in life after life. Your jour­ney, this “Walk in Beau­ty”, is forged in the mul­ti­ple expe­ri­ences you share with those with whom you trav­el, as you and your fel­low seek­ers help one anoth­er to see and to know what is the “Good”. But tru­ly, your path to awak­en­ing is found­ed in your Love for one anoth­er, for this is “The Way”. This is the one true path that will bring you and all of human­i­ty to our destiny.

For this is the way of truth, that you will most won­der­ful­ly and nec­es­sar­i­ly help one anoth­er; you will be the very means to awak­en one anoth­er. In fact, you could not do it at all were it not for your expe­ri­ences with one anoth­er. The Truth behind your Awak­en­ing is this, you are to be for one anoth­er the quick­en­ing of your inner Light. You will illu­mi­nate one another’s minds as you exchange your thoughts, sen­ti­ments and feel­ings for one anoth­er. It is by the life you live in the day to day, it is by all these com­par­isons, con­trasts, debates and dis­cus­sions with one anoth­er, it is by telling your sto­ries to one anoth­er, that you elim­i­nate the shad­ows and step more firm­ly into the Light. You are for one anoth­er the liv­ing means by which you let go of mis­un­der­stand­ing and fear and more assured­ly walk the path of Truth and Love.

You can­not be human with­out the love and affec­tions you have shared with one anoth­er. In truth, your very thoughts are not “yours”; you can­not tru­ly own any thought. All these notions, inti­ma­tions, ideas and truths that have been passed between you and many oth­ers in your life, between par­ent and child, between broth­er and sis­ter, with friends and loved ones too, all of these are part of you and part of them. You are all mixed up with one anoth­er; your mind is made by all these with whom you have been with now and long before too.

Yes, you must also under­stand that you are indebt­ed to the count­less lives of those who have come before you too; the spir­i­tu­al her­itage of Human­i­ty, of Phi­los­o­phy, Reli­gion and Sci­ence is their gift to you. You walk a very ancient path of Light and Love, and you will nev­er walk it alone.

When­ev­er you fall into error, when­ev­er you divide your­self from your­self, when­ev­er you become iso­lat­ed or sep­a­rat­ed from one or many oth­ers, it is then that you will stum­ble and fall. But your path of awak­en­ing is clear. All you need do is to reach out once more to those who are there for you; and it is equal­ly true, that you need to be there for them too.

This is how you grow, this is how you learn to move away from igno­rance pain, dark­ness and fear; you learn what is true so that you can cre­ate what is better.

Choose to stay unit­ed, to not pull back in fear but to reach out with love to one another.

It is by this that you move towards the light that is all around you; and you will dis­cov­er that it is the same Light that is with­in you too.

You dis­cov­er and choose to fol­low the truth that is with­in you; and you under­stand that this same truth is behind the whole of Cre­ation too.

It is by this awak­en­ing that you stay upon the Path of Light.

And you will smile, and laugh, and turn to one another.

Because this is your Destiny.

You are here to live in under­stand­ing, beau­ty and love.

You are on the path of Awakening.

You are here; your des­tiny is your hands.

Be a light for one another,

Love one another.


Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2018 – Uranus Enters Taurus & Sun Enters Gemini – (Saturday May 19, 2018 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – Uranus Enters Tau­rus & Sun Enters Gem­i­ni (Sat­ur­day May 19, 2018)

In my sixth show of 2018 we will look at what might be the most impor­tant event of the year, the begin­ning of the pas­sage of Uranus through the Sign of Tau­rus which began on May 15th, 2018 and will con­tin­ue until 2026. The last three such pas­sages of Uranus, (1935–1942, 1851–59 and 1768–75), are quite sig­nif­i­cant for US (and for World) his­to­ry as they each were fol­lowed by our great­est con­flicts, World War II, The Civ­il War, and The War of Inde­pen­dence. Why might this be so, and what does this mean for this cur­rent peri­od and what may fol­low in 2026?

If time per­mits, I will also com­ment on the Sun mov­ing into Gem­i­ni on Sun­day May 20th.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this sub­ject or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sat­ur­day May 19th @ 2 pm EDT:

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sat­ur­day May 19th at 2 pm EDT as we look at the spir­i­tu­al mean­ing of the Uranus in Tau­rus, and what this means for you.

Uranus Enters Taurus (May 15, 2018 — April 26, 2026)

Today Uranus moves into Tau­rus. This is what I wrote in my 2018 Fore­cast about this impor­tant shift of Uranus from Aries into Taurus:

Uranus in Tau­rus – Trans­for­ma­tion of Value
Uranus in Tau­rus, (2018–2026) will bring star­tling trans­for­ma­tions to the realm of Val­ues. The pre­vi­ous times for Uranus in Tau­rus were 1935–1942, 1851–59 and 1768–75. Those peri­ods were char­ac­ter­ized by upheavals and rapid changes in Soci­ety and Cul­ture and brought about new order­ings of Eco­nom­ic and Polit­i­cal struc­tures. These Uran­ian shocks and turn­ings break old iden­ti­fi­ca­tions, lead­ing to rev­o­lu­tion­ary break­throughs in Ideas and Tech­nol­o­gy, in Soci­ety and Cul­ture. Uranus leads us beyond our self-cre­at­ed Sat­urn­ian bound­aries, and in Tau­rus it cre­ates a new Fab­ric of Mean­ing. Uranus in Tau­rus will ush­er in a new Val­ue Hier­ar­chy, and a so new kind of Human too. The self-lim­it­ing attach­ments to out­worn ways and val­ues are bro­ken, and a new way of being emerges.

One crit­i­cal obser­va­tion of Uranus’ three pre­vi­ous pas­sages through Tau­rus should be appar­ent to those who study his­to­ry. Each of these pri­or peri­ods were fol­lowed in US his­to­ry by our great­est con­flicts, World War II, The Civ­il War, and The War of Independence.

The past is nev­er a per­fect pre­dic­tor of the future, noth­ing ever remains the same in these very com­plex, inter­pen­e­trat­ing cycles of the plan­ets, and we should under­stand that no pat­tern can ever tru­ly “repeat”. But there are most cer­tain­ly revealed here res­o­nances or rhymes. These Signs and Plan­ets hold the forms and mean­ings that can reveal to us the heart­beat of spir­i­tu­al growth in our self-trans­for­ma­tion­al jour­ney. These “Songs of Spir­it” echo down through the cor­ri­dors of his­to­ry and they should give us pause now to con­sid­er what may lie ahead.

Per­haps it is in the very nature of Uranus, which is to break up the old orders of Val­ue held by Tau­rus, which lead to these great con­flicts between peo­ples and cul­tures, both with­in and between nations. The his­tor­i­cal record would cer­tain­ly seem to indi­cate that this is so for the USA. But does this mean that our future is fat­ed; that we are mere­ly wit­ness­ing now the begin­ning of the next great world-wide conflict?

I for one do not believe that his­to­ry “repeats”. The human king­dom is on an ever-ris­ing path of spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing. There is with­in all of us an abid­ing faith and hope that we will find “the way” to more per­fect­ly align our­selves with our divine essence, and that we will remain true to our high­er self who lov­ing­ly calls to us to remem­ber from whence we came, and why we are here for one another.

We are on a Jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it; we are here on Earth for one rea­son, we are here to learn to be ful­ly human. We are to become ever more cen­tered in our Spir­i­tu­al Essence and Truth to live with a Freer Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a right­eous­ly Cen­tered Will. It is by this self-made path that we will rise above our ear­li­er errors that were found­ed in mis­un­der­stand­ing and fear. These dark echoes, flash­ing for­ward into our present cir­cum­stances, remind us that we have fall­en before.

We need not repeat our past mis­takes; we can take these gifts of the spir­it, offered at this time by Uranus in Tau­rus, to break our iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the mis­shapen husks of val­ue and reveal the deep­er truth of beau­ty, grace and love that shines through our world and in one anoth­er. We are lumi­nous beings; let us shine for one anoth­er. Let us love one another.

It is our ever-unfold­ing real­iza­tion that we are part of a greater sto­ry, the sto­ry of spir­it, the jour­ney of the Divine to become ful­ly man­i­fest in our world and in one anoth­er. We will heal the mis­un­der­stand­ings between one anoth­er and come to the truth that all our errors, all our pains and suf­fer­ings, have come from this great­est illu­sion, the illu­sion that we are sep­a­rate from one anoth­er (and from this cre­ation too). We, and all of Cre­ation, are one in Spir­it. We are here to be Cre­ators and to live our lives in Love, Beau­ty and Truth.

For each of you, look to where you have the Sign of Tau­rus in your own chart, (and equal­ly, if you have any plan­ets there, that will make this an even more sig­nif­i­cant pas­sage for you). It is in this realm of Tau­rus that you expe­ri­ence and reveal your deep­est expe­ri­ence of Val­ue and Beauty.

Under­stand that as Uranus moves through Tau­rus it will elic­it from you the neces­si­ty that is at the heart of Spir­it. If Spir­it is Life; and Life is Spir­it, then we are here quite sim­ply to grow. You are here to become a ful­ly awak­ened human and you must be open to Change. Let go of the less­er, more cir­cum­scribed reach­es of your aes­thet­ic, moral and spir­i­tu­al val­ues. It is in your essen­tial nature to become more than what you were, to lift your­self and human­i­ty clos­er to the Divine which is shin­ing there with­in you.

A new human­i­ty is com­ing; but it is upon one and all to lov­ing­ly make this so.

Let us shine together!