Mercury Turns Retrograde (July 7th to July 31st, 2019)

It is that time, to slow down, step back and con­sid­er once again your most pre­cious gift, your self-aware­ness, the lev­el of your con­scious­ness, what you think of as “you”.

Yes, it is always good to take time to reflect and revise, (but espe­cial­ly for the next three weeks), so that you may be more able to under­stand your­self, as well as under­stand one anoth­er. Use that space “in-between one moment and the next”, a most pre­cious time, before you react to what was done or said, because you will always ben­e­fit great­ly by paus­ing, reflect­ing and being ever more mind­ful of your own men­tal atti­tude and how that influ­ences your demeanor or tem­pera­ment, as well as how that affects those around you most cer­tain­ly as well.

All you can con­trol is you, and this is prin­ci­pal­ly estab­lished by your Mind­ful­ness, by your aware­ness of your Aware­ness. Yes, it is time to take the next step in being a bet­ter per­son by tak­ing a firmer hold of your own mind. This is what Mer­cury ret­ro­grade offers to you now.

Mer­cury is turn­ing ret­ro­grade once again, and it is a most nec­es­sary and won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er: What you know, how you know it and in what man­ner should you (or should you not) share it with others.

Take even more time, be much more care­ful in lis­ten­ing to and speak­ing to others.

Much like the weath­er, if we do not pay atten­tion to the con­di­tions around us, we will most cer­tain­ly be unpre­pared for what befalls us. Know­ing about this “Astro­log­i­cal Weath­er” of Mer­cury, which affects our own men­tal dis­po­si­tion as well as our com­mu­ni­ca­tions with one anoth­er, we can avoid many problems.

Make use of this time, which ide­al­ly is a time for intro­spec­tion, con­tem­pla­tion, and for a deep­er recon­sid­er­a­tion how we know and what we know. By going deep­er, and being self-crit­i­cal, we can make cor­rec­tions, refine our under­stand­ing and open our minds to oth­er pos­si­ble ways to com­pre­hend the world around us, and be more con­sid­er­ate and mind­ful about one anoth­er too.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is for review, revi­sion and renew­al. From July 7th till July 31st, mat­ters may become more chal­leng­ing, progress in your affairs may seem­ing­ly slow down or become even reversed. This is per­fect­ly fine and is quite tru­ly an oppor­tu­ni­ty. It is very like­ly that the mat­ter need­ed fur­ther study or revi­sion. Though you might wish that you could always go for­ward in straight lines, you must under­stand that your jour­ney and life are more cir­cuitous, (and more inter­est­ing and mean­ing­ful for that in the end).

Yes, if it is pos­si­ble, avoid sign­ing an impor­tant con­tract or oth­er doc­u­ment. But in the mod­ern world life does go on, so just be pre­pared that when Mer­cury moves for­ward you may find the need to revise that agree­ment. The key as always is to main­tain your own cen­ter and self-con­trol, because that is all you have.

By tak­ing this time, by pay­ing more atten­tion, by being even more pre­cise in your com­mu­ni­ca­tions, (and like­wise encour­ag­ing those you are con­vers­ing with to make this same attempt too), you will be able to nav­i­gate the unin­tend­ed pit­falls and prob­lems that Mer­cury ret­ro­grade seems to bring. Real­ly, it is just our own mis­un­der­stand­ing of the change in ener­gies that is to blame. As the great observ­er of the human king­dom Shake­speare wrote:

The fault, dear Bru­tus, is not in our stars / But in our­selves, that we are underlings.”
(Julius Cae­sar, Act I, Scene III)

We have lit­tle to no con­trol as to what takes place around us; but we have the capac­i­ty through the devel­op­ment of Wis­dom and Humil­i­ty to be mas­ters of our own mind, and by this we will forge an ever more pur­pose­ful life lived in “Right Think­ing and Right Action”.

Mer­cury is ret­ro­grad­ing from around 4 degrees of Leo back to about 24 degrees of Can­cer. The first 12 days of the ret­ro­grade in Leo will bring to focus ques­tions regard­ing respect, hon­or and integri­ty. You will be remind­ed to under­stand that you should expect to receive what you bestow; give oth­ers their due, respect their posi­tion or point of view and they may be more inclined to show you the same consideration.

The sec­ond half of the ret­ro­grade, from July 19th to July 31st, Mer­cury will move back through Can­cer, and the focus will shift to ques­tions about your home, fam­i­ly, nur­tur­ing, and secu­ri­ty. The prin­ci­pal oppor­tu­ni­ty here will be to more deeply con­sid­er what is at the root of you, what makes you feel “cen­tered” and secure. Ulti­mate­ly, it should remind you that all our cen­ters come togeth­er and so we find that by our ori­gin in the One “we are all relat­ed”. From this we will estab­lish our own well-being through our com­mon cen­ter; tru­ly our secu­ri­ty is found­ed upon car­ing for one another.

The gift of Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade is to help you lift your­self ever high­er, and it will bring you that much clos­er to the most pre­cious thing you will ever know…“Peace of Mind”.

Peace is found with­in. By tak­ing this time for qui­etude and con­tem­pla­tion, you can move clos­er to the sacred space that lies with­in one and all. It is there, in your sacred cen­ter, that you will hear “the Voice of the Silence”, the gen­tle whis­pers of Wis­dom and Truth that form the Hier­ar­chy of Life and Love.

There, at the cen­ter which is every­where, and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere, it is there that you will become a mas­ter of yourself.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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