Monthly Archives: August 2019

Sun Enters Virgo (August 23, 2019)

Peace of Mind

What is the great­est good? Do you know your true heart’s desire? Where is hap­pi­ness to be tru­ly found?

Through­out the cen­turies, seek­ers and seers have pon­dered these ques­tions, and the wis­est of them have all come to the very same answer…

The great­est good, your true heart’s desire and the source of abid­ing hap­pi­ness is found by being at peace with your­self, by hav­ing “Peace of Mind”.

This is the pur­pose, and this is the path that you will for­ev­er fol­low in the realm of Virgo.
No mat­ter what your “Sun Sign” is, some­where in your chart, some­where in you, there you will expe­ri­ence the gift of Virgo.

It is the gift of “Ini­ti­a­tion”, the quick­en­ing of devel­op­ment for your body, feel­ing, mind and spir­it. Through­out the ages, in all cul­tures and spir­i­tu­al tra­di­tions, (notably exem­pli­fied in the less­er and Greater Mys­ter­ies in Greece and Rome), the promise of being a more com­plete human being, of becom­ing a human capa­ble of self-mas­tery, was offered to those ready to lift them­selves up by receiv­ing the key to the secrets of life. The Ancient Wis­dom, the Peren­ni­al Philoso­phies, were impart­ed by var­i­ous prac­tices, tri­als and teach­ings whose pur­pose was quite sim­ply to elic­it the initiate’s unfold­ment and uplift­ment. The goal or pur­pose was to bring about a more tru­ly whole or com­plete human being. Only then, were you tru­ly pre­pared to take on the next chal­lenge of a tru­ly inter­de­pen­dent expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship (Libra).

Today you and your world cel­e­brate the tran­si­tion from Fire to Earth, where Leo makes way for the grace of Vir­go. By Leo, you are for­ev­er inspired by the prompt­ings of your true self (encoun­tered in the realm of Can­cer), to strive and to seek, and to stretch your­self into ever more mean­ing­ful forms of Lead­er­ship, Cre­ativ­i­ty and Love.

But now, after “the per­for­mance”, now comes the review. You have a need to be more cir­cum­spect and self-aware, and so improve your­self. Yes, it is a time to pause and con­sid­er, to ana­lyze and cri­tique and so learn how you can “do bet­ter”; how you can “be better”.

Of course, you do this every sin­gle day, (or you most cer­tain­ly should). A well-ordered life would cer­tain­ly sub­scribe or fol­low the exam­ple of such great souls as Seneca or Mar­cus Aure­lius, who would take time at day­break to con­sid­er and pre­pare for the day ahead, and then before bed, to review the day, to har­vest the lessons learned, to sep­a­rate the “wheat from the chaff” of life, so that they could then retire and pre­pare for the next day.

There is only one way to find peace, and it starts with the under­stand­ing that the only con­trol you will tru­ly have, the only mas­tery you need to acquire, is self-con­trol and self-mastery…and this path begins and ends with the tem­ple of your mind. You are here to learn that the way of the mas­ters, the way of “the lone­ly ones”, is to lis­ten to the voice of truth and beau­ty that abides with­in your own spark of the divine.

Vir­go reminds us of the need for order­li­ness and rhythm in our lives. A good life is fash­ioned and formed with a bal­ance between work and play, with activ­i­ty and rest, so that you will feel the truth in how all the var­i­ous parts and pieces of your life cre­ate a greater whole, a whole being that is “you”. There is a neces­si­ty to struc­ture your day, week and year (and tru­ly the entire arc of your life), but nev­er rigid­ly but with con­stant adapt­abil­i­ty and facil­i­ty of nuance, so that each part of your life is inte­grat­ed and in fact made more mean­ing­ful and com­plete by all the oth­er parts.

At the cen­ter of this is “right think­ing and so right action”; the good life, a beau­ti­ful life is formed and cen­tered by the qual­i­ty and state of your thoughts. The whole pur­pose of meta­phys­i­cal, spir­i­tu­al and philo­soph­i­cal engage­ment is to help you find the way to the great­est trea­sure and prize. The Wis­dom that is Vir­go is there to help you form the tem­ple with­in that is guid­ed and informed by the del­i­cate and inte­gral bal­ance of your Intu­ition and Rea­son, by a know­ing that is lucid, self-crit­i­cal and open to the ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. It is the Way of Beau­ty:


As I walk, as I walk

The Uni­verse is walk­ing with me

In beau­ty, it walks before me

In beau­ty, it walks behind me

In beau­ty, it walks below me

In beau­ty, it walks above me

Beau­ty is on every side

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

Liv­ing in Beauty

Lov­ing in Beauty

May you walk in Beauty

May you live in Beauty

For all your days

May you be at Peace

Sur­round­ed by Beauty

It is done.