Daily Archives: July 22, 2019

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2019)

The Pulse of Life

The year­ly jour­ney through the Signs of the Zodi­ac forms the peren­ni­al Song of Spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment for one and all. Each sign holds the nec­es­sary expe­ri­ences and lessons that you must mas­ter as you walk the path of awak­en­ing. Though you may know your­self as one Sign or anoth­er, you are real­ly an inte­gral and unique fusion of all these essences, and you are here to mas­ter them all. Through many years and count­less lives, you will one day achieve that more per­fect bal­ance with­in this Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, and you will arrive at your even­tu­al and inevitable apoth­e­o­sis as a ful­ly formed human being.

This “Way” has been shown to us by those who came this way long ago. They are known to you as the “Great Souls”, who by their exam­ple and teach­ings ever help us through their inspi­ra­tion and wis­dom so that we may find our way as we fol­low in their foot­steps. These Great ones are known by many names, they are the self-mas­tered, the self-illu­mined or shin­ing ones, what we call the Angels or Devas, and they lov­ing­ly wait and watch over one and all.

The Song that is the Zodi­ac is chang­ing once again, mov­ing from the ele­ment of Water to Fire, from a focus that is inward to out­ward­ly once more. This is as it should be; it is the “Pulse of Life”. It is the breath­ing in and then the breath­ing out of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. This rhythm of life shapes and forms you; it is the true path of whole­ness made by hold­ing each sign togeth­er, and in a per­fect har­mo­ny they form a melo­di­ous and inte­gral song of spirit.

This is how you move upon along the “Path­way of Per­fec­tion” to an ever more per­fect con­di­tion of self-ful­fill­ment. By hold­ing all these ener­gy-forms togeth­er, in your own spe­cial way, it is by this that you become the spe­cial per­son that you are.

From your space of Can­cer, where you cen­tered and secured a truer sense of your­self, you felt a fuller expe­ri­ence of your essen­tial unique­ness of being. This is known as your “Quin­tes­sence”; it is your own Mon­ad, your own unique Spark of the Divine, and it is this essence that makes you tru­ly “you.”

But now the Pulse of Life moves on, and you are eager to move into the next realm of the Liv­ing Ones. You need to take this Ener­gy-Form of “you”, and flow and form it out­ward­ly into ever more mean­ing­ful forms of Self-Real­iza­tion. You are not mere­ly here to “feel” who you are, you will and must live this out in your life to real­ly be you.

Whether through a more authen­tic Cre­ation, or in a more inspired Role, or by a more uncon­di­tion­al expe­ri­ence of Love, it is in Leo that you move out to where you can be you and shine. Yes, in Leo you move from the realm of Feel­ing to E‑Motion, from Source to Man­i­fes­ta­tion. It is here in Leo, on the “Stage that is Life”, it is here that you will shine like a Star.

Yes, all the world is a stage and it waits upon you to become a star. If you have cho­sen well, so that your cre­ation, per­for­mance or love are guid­ed by a right and true align­ment with your high­er self, and so formed by uncon­di­tion­al love, then you will be seen as you tru­ly are…a shin­ing one too.

You will bring out the best in your­self, and by your exam­ple you will inspire oth­ers to reach in and so reach out to be their bet­ter selves too. This is true lead­er­ship; this is what we do for one anoth­er. We need one anoth­er. We need to be rec­og­nized and loved for who we are; as we in turn will respect and love them for who they are.

This is the heart of Leo; it is all about Love. We lead by our exam­ple, and by this we inspire oth­ers to be their bet­ter selves too. For in the heart of each and every one of us is a spark of the Divine, whose lumi­nous nature is Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

This is the Song of Leo; it is the Heart Doc­trine formed by the Light that will nev­er fail.

You are here to Shine.

You are here because of Love.

You are here to Love and be Loved.

Now turn toward one anoth­er and be who you are.

Just love.