Sun Enters Cancer – The Solstice (June 21, 2019)

The Jour­ney of Life

Who are you; What are you; and How do you Know?
These three ques­tions are posed by the first three Signs of the Zodiac.
In the Fire that is Aries you expe­ri­ence your Pres­ence; in the Earth of Tau­rus you expe­ri­ence your essen­tial Val­ue; in the Airs of Gem­i­ni you expe­ri­ence your Know­ing. So, what comes next in the Jour­ney of Life; what realm comes next in the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones you know as the Zodiac?

Yes, it is that time once again to move deep­er and wider, to bring it all togeth­er, to gath­er togeth­er and weave togeth­er all that you are into some­thing more than all these parts and pieces of you…it is time to be whole. It is time to come “home” to Cancer.

It is from Fire that you find your Inspi­ra­tion and Vision, and in Earth that you form that Vision into Man­i­fes­ta­tion, and by Air that you Know and Under­stand. But here at the next turn­ing of the wheel you sense that this is not enough, because you appre­hend some­thing beyond ordi­nary know­ing. What do you sense? That you need to bring all of your­self togeth­er and expe­ri­ence you as you are; you need to weave them all into a whole one of you.

This is “The Way”, this is the true nature of you and in fact for the entire­ty of Cre­ation too. You are not bits and pieces, you are a whole being, a human being, and you will find your way to whole­ness through these realms of “feel­ing”. Yes, you bring you and all your myr­i­ad expe­ri­ences togeth­er by Feel­ing the whole of you.

The Way of Can­cer is to hold you, to embrace you, and to feel the Truth that all of Cre­ation came from, and it is made from, and it is held togeth­er as one by the One. You begin your own jour­ney to your cen­ter by feel­ing and find­ing your ori­gins in your imme­di­ate fam­i­ly. It is by Mother/Father, Sister/Brother, Grandmother/Grandfather, Aunt/Uncle, that you start your jour­ney of whole­ness. From this first cir­cle of fam­i­ly you will feel your sense of mean­ing­ful­ness and con­nec­tion to your­self and your phys­i­cal heritage.

From your fam­i­ly will come the famil­iar attach­ments to the cul­ture and life­ways that nur­tured and formed the first cir­cle of your sense of you. This is your first sense of ori­gin, your first feel­ing of home. But as you grow and expe­ri­ence the larg­er world for your­self, your expe­ri­ence of what is you will both broad­en and deep­en, so that it comes to encom­pass ever-widen­ing rip­ples of nur­tur­ing and mean­ing. You will through­out your life trim or alter some or even many of these “giv­en” roots of you, as you choose to align with oth­er mean­ings and sen­si­bil­i­ties that feel more cen­tered and truer to your jour­ney of becoming.

You will move ever inward as you equal­ly move ever out­ward until you come to where it all began. You will return to anoth­er famil­iar feel­ing, a con­stant, warm and lov­ing embrace, and you will smile because you sense that you are part of a much larg­er fam­i­ly. You will know that your pre­cious human life, and all oth­er life-forms too, that in truth the entire­ty of Cre­ation is held as an Ocean of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. Your home is in the “Stars”; and the whole of Cre­ation, of which you are a pre­cious spark of the Divine, that this entire Uni­verse is the body and soul of the one life that is the One.

You will know because you feel this, and it affirms and cel­e­brates your essen­tial kin­ship with all of life. Because in every speck and mote, in every crea­ture great and small, and in every plan­et and every star, all of life is held togeth­er as one by Spir­it. All these roots meet in the “Cen­ter that is Every­where, and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”. All roots meet and join into one, because that is where we come from. Yes, if you fol­low your many roots, as you feel your way with these feel­ing-mem­o­ries-truths, as you go deep and deep­er, you will come to the very same cen­ter that is there for one and all. That is why, “We are all relat­ed” for we are all “ones of the One”.

We say to one anoth­er, “the heart is where the home is”. It is equal­ly true to say that, “your home is there, in your heart”. The Gift of Can­cer is to help you find your way to the cen­ter of you, to your place of whole­ness and truth.

Wher­ev­er Can­cer is in your own chart, that is where and how you make your way to what will hold you, embrace you and remind you that you are pre­cious. Each and every day you need to cen­ter your­self as you reach out to help oth­ers to feel cared for too.

This time of Can­cer is for you; it is a time of align­ment, cen­ter­ing and feel­ing the whole of you. And by this, you will also feel that deep, abid­ing and eter­nal love in which you live, in which you share your lives with one anoth­er, and by which you cre­ate this Cre­ation by and for one anoth­er too. You will know that you are here, you are sim­ply here, to care for one anoth­er as you are cared for too.

This is the mes­sage of Cancer:

Fol­low your Heart,

Love one anoth­er, care for one another,

And you will feel your “Home sweet home”.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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