Astrological Musings – Where are we now? The Path of Light (June 2, 2019)

I thought it might be use­ful to post a writ­ten ver­sion of my BlogTalk radio show of Sat­ur­day June 1. Here is, more or less, a tran­script of my talk:

I thought it would be help­ful to pause at this time, as we approach the mid­dle of 2019, and remind and reas­sure one anoth­er that we are indeed mov­ing through a time that is quite extra­or­di­nary (or extra-ordi­nary as in aston­ish­ing or shocking).

As I have been not­ing since 2008, we are going through a very spe­cif­ic peri­od (that con­tin­ues until 2024), which car­ries res­o­nances of what hap­pened in the 1760’s and 1770’s, and before that the ear­ly 1500’s. In each peri­od the Plan­et Plu­to was (and is) mov­ing through the Sign of Capri­corn, the sign in “Mun­dane” or World­ly Astrol­o­gy that gov­erns Insti­tu­tions. Plu­to rul­ing the Will, and the process­es of Alche­my or Spir­i­tu­al Chem­istry, also rep­re­sents the process­es of Birth, Death and Re-Birth.

This is why this time, our time, has the feel­ing of being like “The End of an Age”, because it is. The insti­tu­tions and hier­ar­chies of this world, those cre­ations we have made to meet our needs for our­selves, and for one anoth­er, are fail­ing. From the most inti­mate insti­tu­tions of fam­i­ly and local neigh­bor­hoods, to larg­er vol­un­tary groups and asso­ci­a­tions, from local to glob­al eco­nom­ic struc­tures, in the polit­i­cal realms, edu­ca­tion­al sys­tems, and spir­i­tu­al orders, wher­ev­er one turns there is a break­ing down of func­tion­al­i­ty and a loss of mean­ing that defines our time.

As I wrote in my fore­cast for 2019:

A new world is com­ing, but that requires that an old order give way. Of course, the fun­da­men­tal nature of what it means to be human, our needs for food, shel­ter, com­pan­ion­ship, love and secu­ri­ty are ever-present, but they are also evolving/transforming, seem­ing­ly (or actu­al­ly) at an expo­nen­tial rate, which is in large part due to what is known as “the sci­en­tif­ic rev­o­lu­tion” that began sev­er­al cen­turies ago.

Coper­ni­cus, Bacon, Galileo, New­ton among many oth­er “less­er knowns”, ques­tioned assump­tions passed down from time immemo­r­i­al. This quick­en­ing of the human capa­bil­i­ty to know and alter our world has endowed human­i­ty with pow­ers that have seem­ing­ly out­stripped our wis­dom to wield them, whether in Physics = Nuclear weapons, or Biol­o­gy = Bioengineering.

Much that was will con­tin­ue in some form of course, but much more of our social, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal struc­tures will be reformed/transformed into new modes of expres­sion, and they will cer­tain­ly be informed by new ideas (or old ideas renewed) and mean­ings. The ques­tion remains, will we devel­op enough wis­dom and humil­i­ty to wield our “ring of pow­er” (Intel­li­gence) with uncon­di­tion­al love and compassion.

What can one do, what can you do, to find your way in such a dis­rupt­ed world, in such a con­fus­ing time? I always say that we have been shown “the way” many, many times before. Teach­ers and Wise Ones have been shar­ing their Wis­dom since we “woke up”, whether that is 70,000 to 100,000 years ago, or much longer.  This is why the Ancient Wis­dom is found wher­ev­er you look, in what­ev­er time or cul­ture through­out the world, you will find in var­i­ous forms and guis­es the answers to your ques­tions. Yes, the answers are out there, as they are also tru­ly in your heart of hearts, in your high­er self too, and they can be found in the tem­ples of thought we call Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Religion.

Humans are human because we are Self-Aware, and we dri­ve our self-devel­op­ment because we are fun­da­men­tal­ly Sto­ry Tellers. We share our expe­ri­ences, our knowl­edge and exper­tise, and find that we are insep­a­ra­ble from one anoth­er. We are real­ly made of each oth­er; we are all in one anoth­er so that we are more of a “we” than an “I”. Each of us is made by and through our shar­ing this life with one anoth­er, in all our present-day expe­ri­ences and sto­ries, as well as in all our past lives too.

Of course, for each of us, we must come to know who and what we are in this life. For me, Astrol­o­gy has been a call­ing and a prac­tice, and it is cer­tain­ly a key com­po­nent of the Ancient Wis­dom, as it pro­vides invalu­able insight and guid­ance. As I under­stand it, Astrol­o­gy is a tool or path­way to under­stand­ing your “Self”. While many will debate about the “pur­pose” of life, and how one can mea­sure the good in any life, (as through­out his­to­ry and in many var­ied cul­tures, what is known as the “good life” would cer­tain­ly encom­pass a wide range of mea­sure­ments, and often in diver­gent cul­tures, hold rad­i­cal­ly oppo­site notions of “the good”). For me, as I have come to under­stand or remem­ber this, by observ­ing life, and study­ing phi­los­o­phy and the Ancient Wis­dom, because we are a self-aware spir­it, I believe we should under­stand that our goal is Self-Fulfillment.

The Twelve Signs and the Plan­e­tary place­ments in one’s chart pro­vide a map of your own per­son­al “con­stel­la­tion of pos­si­bil­i­ties”. Each Sign show­ing you, ask­ing of you, to keep striv­ing to mas­ter some qual­i­ty of being that will move you towards your greater self.

Aries = Self-Aware­ness (being mind­ful, present in The Eter­nal Now).

Tau­rus = True Worth or Val­ue (to expe­ri­ence true, Uncon­di­tion­al Love).

Gem­i­ni = Intel­li­gence (The capac­i­ty to con­tin­u­al­ly ques­tion and move your aware­ness to new points of view).

Can­cer = Roots and Cen­ter­ing, to find the Self at the Cen­tre, (and from this to know that all our cen­ters even­tu­al­ly meet togeth­er as one).

Leo = Self-Expres­sion, to stretch one­self into greater roles and stages of self-realization…to Per­form by releas­ing the authen­tic self.

Like­wise, we can be guid­ed by the Plan­ets, their place­ments and arrange­ments with one anoth­er as their inte­gral com­bi­na­tions with one anoth­er stitch togeth­er the quin­tes­sence, form­ing the essen­tial indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of each one of us.

More­over, in the day to day, as we encounter a world that is trans­form­ing before our very eyes, we can look to the mes­sages encod­ed in the ever-unfold­ing “Dance of the Plan­ets” to help inspire and guide us here on Earth.

Which brings us back to our prin­ci­pal con­cern for our end of an age, Pluto.

Plu­to rules the third prin­ci­ple in the Tri­ad of Spir­it. Uranus is the prin­ci­ple of devel­op­ing an ever-Freer Mind; Nep­tune is the prin­ci­ple of express­ing ever more Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and Plu­to is the prin­ci­ple of abid­ing in a tru­ly Cen­tered Will. Each of us is a unique spark of the Divine; each one of us is here to learn to use the pow­er of the will, the pow­er of con­trol, for ever greater self-con­trol. We are a spark of the Divine and at the core of us, is the holy of holies, there in our sacred center.

By your striv­ing to be guid­ed by this sacred cen­ter, oth­ers will learn to hold them­selves true to Spir­i­tu­al Truth, which is that every being is Sacred. You and they in turn, will take that sacred oath to nev­er tres­pass upon any oth­er, nor allow any­one to tres­pass or vio­late your holy of holies either.

So, what can you do, how can you cope when the world that was seems to be crum­bling before your very eyes? You must remain cen­tered and strong in the knowl­edge that we have been here before, and that the new world that is com­ing requires strong souls. This end is a begin­ning and it requires and calls out for Pre­servers, Pro­tec­tors, Trans­form­ers and Heal­ers. Your duty, as always is to Mas­ter your­self and then to help oth­ers towards their self-mas­tery too.

Then, mov­ing out­ward into your sacred unions, you can join togeth­er one to one, and one to many, and so com­bine your wills and become the change that will give birth to the New Age that is dawning.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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