Daily Archives: June 2, 2019

Astrological Musings – Where are we now? The Path of Light (June 2, 2019)

I thought it might be use­ful to post a writ­ten ver­sion of my BlogTalk radio show of Sat­ur­day June 1. Here is, more or less, a tran­script of my talk:

I thought it would be help­ful to pause at this time, as we approach the mid­dle of 2019, and remind and reas­sure one anoth­er that we are indeed mov­ing through a time that is quite extra­or­di­nary (or extra-ordi­nary as in aston­ish­ing or shocking).

As I have been not­ing since 2008, we are going through a very spe­cif­ic peri­od (that con­tin­ues until 2024), which car­ries res­o­nances of what hap­pened in the 1760’s and 1770’s, and before that the ear­ly 1500’s. In each peri­od the Plan­et Plu­to was (and is) mov­ing through the Sign of Capri­corn, the sign in “Mun­dane” or World­ly Astrol­o­gy that gov­erns Insti­tu­tions. Plu­to rul­ing the Will, and the process­es of Alche­my or Spir­i­tu­al Chem­istry, also rep­re­sents the process­es of Birth, Death and Re-Birth.

This is why this time, our time, has the feel­ing of being like “The End of an Age”, because it is. The insti­tu­tions and hier­ar­chies of this world, those cre­ations we have made to meet our needs for our­selves, and for one anoth­er, are fail­ing. From the most inti­mate insti­tu­tions of fam­i­ly and local neigh­bor­hoods, to larg­er vol­un­tary groups and asso­ci­a­tions, from local to glob­al eco­nom­ic struc­tures, in the polit­i­cal realms, edu­ca­tion­al sys­tems, and spir­i­tu­al orders, wher­ev­er one turns there is a break­ing down of func­tion­al­i­ty and a loss of mean­ing that defines our time.

As I wrote in my fore­cast for 2019:

A new world is com­ing, but that requires that an old order give way. Of course, the fun­da­men­tal nature of what it means to be human, our needs for food, shel­ter, com­pan­ion­ship, love and secu­ri­ty are ever-present, but they are also evolving/transforming, seem­ing­ly (or actu­al­ly) at an expo­nen­tial rate, which is in large part due to what is known as “the sci­en­tif­ic rev­o­lu­tion” that began sev­er­al cen­turies ago.

Coper­ni­cus, Bacon, Galileo, New­ton among many oth­er “less­er knowns”, ques­tioned assump­tions passed down from time immemo­r­i­al. This quick­en­ing of the human capa­bil­i­ty to know and alter our world has endowed human­i­ty with pow­ers that have seem­ing­ly out­stripped our wis­dom to wield them, whether in Physics = Nuclear weapons, or Biol­o­gy = Bioengineering.

Much that was will con­tin­ue in some form of course, but much more of our social, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal struc­tures will be reformed/transformed into new modes of expres­sion, and they will cer­tain­ly be informed by new ideas (or old ideas renewed) and mean­ings. The ques­tion remains, will we devel­op enough wis­dom and humil­i­ty to wield our “ring of pow­er” (Intel­li­gence) with uncon­di­tion­al love and compassion.

What can one do, what can you do, to find your way in such a dis­rupt­ed world, in such a con­fus­ing time? I always say that we have been shown “the way” many, many times before. Teach­ers and Wise Ones have been shar­ing their Wis­dom since we “woke up”, whether that is 70,000 to 100,000 years ago, or much longer.  This is why the Ancient Wis­dom is found wher­ev­er you look, in what­ev­er time or cul­ture through­out the world, you will find in var­i­ous forms and guis­es the answers to your ques­tions. Yes, the answers are out there, as they are also tru­ly in your heart of hearts, in your high­er self too, and they can be found in the tem­ples of thought we call Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Religion.

Humans are human because we are Self-Aware, and we dri­ve our self-devel­op­ment because we are fun­da­men­tal­ly Sto­ry Tellers. We share our expe­ri­ences, our knowl­edge and exper­tise, and find that we are insep­a­ra­ble from one anoth­er. We are real­ly made of each oth­er; we are all in one anoth­er so that we are more of a “we” than an “I”. Each of us is made by and through our shar­ing this life with one anoth­er, in all our present-day expe­ri­ences and sto­ries, as well as in all our past lives too.

Of course, for each of us, we must come to know who and what we are in this life. For me, Astrol­o­gy has been a call­ing and a prac­tice, and it is cer­tain­ly a key com­po­nent of the Ancient Wis­dom, as it pro­vides invalu­able insight and guid­ance. As I under­stand it, Astrol­o­gy is a tool or path­way to under­stand­ing your “Self”. While many will debate about the “pur­pose” of life, and how one can mea­sure the good in any life, (as through­out his­to­ry and in many var­ied cul­tures, what is known as the “good life” would cer­tain­ly encom­pass a wide range of mea­sure­ments, and often in diver­gent cul­tures, hold rad­i­cal­ly oppo­site notions of “the good”). For me, as I have come to under­stand or remem­ber this, by observ­ing life, and study­ing phi­los­o­phy and the Ancient Wis­dom, because we are a self-aware spir­it, I believe we should under­stand that our goal is Self-Fulfillment.

The Twelve Signs and the Plan­e­tary place­ments in one’s chart pro­vide a map of your own per­son­al “con­stel­la­tion of pos­si­bil­i­ties”. Each Sign show­ing you, ask­ing of you, to keep striv­ing to mas­ter some qual­i­ty of being that will move you towards your greater self.

Aries = Self-Aware­ness (being mind­ful, present in The Eter­nal Now).

Tau­rus = True Worth or Val­ue (to expe­ri­ence true, Uncon­di­tion­al Love).

Gem­i­ni = Intel­li­gence (The capac­i­ty to con­tin­u­al­ly ques­tion and move your aware­ness to new points of view).

Can­cer = Roots and Cen­ter­ing, to find the Self at the Cen­tre, (and from this to know that all our cen­ters even­tu­al­ly meet togeth­er as one).

Leo = Self-Expres­sion, to stretch one­self into greater roles and stages of self-realization…to Per­form by releas­ing the authen­tic self.

Like­wise, we can be guid­ed by the Plan­ets, their place­ments and arrange­ments with one anoth­er as their inte­gral com­bi­na­tions with one anoth­er stitch togeth­er the quin­tes­sence, form­ing the essen­tial indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of each one of us.

More­over, in the day to day, as we encounter a world that is trans­form­ing before our very eyes, we can look to the mes­sages encod­ed in the ever-unfold­ing “Dance of the Plan­ets” to help inspire and guide us here on Earth.

Which brings us back to our prin­ci­pal con­cern for our end of an age, Pluto.

Plu­to rules the third prin­ci­ple in the Tri­ad of Spir­it. Uranus is the prin­ci­ple of devel­op­ing an ever-Freer Mind; Nep­tune is the prin­ci­ple of express­ing ever more Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and Plu­to is the prin­ci­ple of abid­ing in a tru­ly Cen­tered Will. Each of us is a unique spark of the Divine; each one of us is here to learn to use the pow­er of the will, the pow­er of con­trol, for ever greater self-con­trol. We are a spark of the Divine and at the core of us, is the holy of holies, there in our sacred center.

By your striv­ing to be guid­ed by this sacred cen­ter, oth­ers will learn to hold them­selves true to Spir­i­tu­al Truth, which is that every being is Sacred. You and they in turn, will take that sacred oath to nev­er tres­pass upon any oth­er, nor allow any­one to tres­pass or vio­late your holy of holies either.

So, what can you do, how can you cope when the world that was seems to be crum­bling before your very eyes? You must remain cen­tered and strong in the knowl­edge that we have been here before, and that the new world that is com­ing requires strong souls. This end is a begin­ning and it requires and calls out for Pre­servers, Pro­tec­tors, Trans­form­ers and Heal­ers. Your duty, as always is to Mas­ter your­self and then to help oth­ers towards their self-mas­tery too.

Then, mov­ing out­ward into your sacred unions, you can join togeth­er one to one, and one to many, and so com­bine your wills and become the change that will give birth to the New Age that is dawning.