Daily Archives: December 18, 2016

Mercury Turns Retrograde (December 19, 2016 ‑January 8, 2017)


Right Thinking—Right Action

One more time, for the fourth time in 2016, and this could not be more “time­ly”!

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is always a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to turn your mind back upon itself, to make some pre­cious time for self-reflec­tion. It is a time to bend your mind inwards so that you may con­tem­plate and self-cor­rect. It is a gift and not an annoy­ance at all, for it is offered to you in order that you may con­tin­ue your jour­ney of self-becom­ing, of rais­ing your con­scious­ness as you learn to exer­cise ever greater Mindfulness.

The sign of Mercury’s ret­ro­grade indi­cates in what mat­ter and to what objec­tive you should direct your Inner Sight now. For this cir­cuitous round of ret­ro­grade, Mer­cury will be mov­ing through the sign of Capricorn.

The prin­ci­pal mes­sage of Capri­corn can be best summed up by one word, Respon­si­bil­i­ty. The ques­tion that you must ask your­self as Mer­cury takes you inward is exact­ly this, “Have you been respon­si­ble in your gath­er­ing of infor­ma­tion; Have you been dili­gent in your exam­i­na­tion of the var­i­ous facts, view­points, teach­ings and truths by which you have formed your view of your world?” And most impor­tant­ly, “Have you been respon­si­ble in your shar­ing of these facts, opin­ions, view­points with the world around you as well”?

You jour­ney through an inte­gral Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, with innu­mer­able fel­low humans clus­tered around, above and below your­self. But this Rib­bon of Light and Love extends far below you to less evolved life-forms yearn­ing to become “human”, and equal­ly far above you too, into the realms of the Deva’s or “shin­ing ones” to whom you look for guid­ance and inspi­ra­tion. And this Hier­ar­chy con­tin­ues fur­ther onwards with­out end, to the plan­ets, stars and galaxies…and much more.

Your jour­ney of self-becom­ing is aid­ed by those who extend their love and con­sid­er­a­tion to you from above, while you give and receive com­fort with those who abide on your own human plane of con­scious­ness. And so then equal­ly guid­ed by your true nature, that you are a pre­cious spark of the One Divine, fol­low­ing your heart and High­er Self, you will also reach below your­self to extend your love and help to the innu­mer­able life-forms below who look up to you with wonder.

This Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it is the Body and Life of the One, and because of this, the whole of Cre­ation is bound to one anoth­er by the Love of the One for one and all. It is this that forms the true source of your expe­ri­ence and expres­sion of Respon­si­bil­i­ty. You are here because you were and will always be Loved. And you are here to be Lov­ing too. You are cared for and have been guid­ed to become who you are…And you in turn will care for many, many oth­ers for all your lives that were and are yet to be, for this is your nature, this is the Heart of all the teach­ings, “You are here to love one anoth­er as you love yourself”.

The word Respon­si­bil­i­ty lit­er­al­ly means “your abil­i­ty to respond”. But “what” is it that you are here to respond to you might ask. Most fun­da­men­tal­ly, you are here to be Respon­si­ble to this Hier­ar­chy of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, and that means espe­cial­ly on your own plane of learn­ing and lov­ing, you are here to take care of and be con­sid­er­ate towards your fel­low human beings. With regards to Mer­cury, with regards to your thought-forms and com­mu­ni­ca­tions, you must take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you do in this most pow­er­ful realm of Consciousness.

All in this Cre­ation are sub­ject to what is known as The Law of Kar­ma, of “cause and effect”. It is in fact how the Uni­verse (or the One) brings about or fos­ters Respon­si­bil­i­ty! Quite sim­ply this law of the uni­verse means that what you do, in any form, will return to you its author or cre­ator. The actions you take with regards to any oth­er will come back to you. If you harm them, you will even­tu­al­ly suf­fer in turn. And, this is equal­ly true for the thoughts that you think, and most espe­cial­ly for the words and images that you “share”.

The sym­bol of Mer­cury, the Caduceus, was adopt­ed by the med­ical pro­fes­sion as its sign or sym­bol. Like­wise, in this realm of thought, it would be a great bless­ing if one and all fol­lowed the truth embod­ied in the Hip­po­crat­ic Oath of med­i­cine with regards to thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions, the Heart and Soul of this teach­ing is this: “First, do no harm!”

With regards to the recep­tion and adop­tion of infor­ma­tion, data or “facts” for your­self, you must take the time to under­stand the source or prove­nance of this infor­ma­tion. If you fill your mind with too many dis­so­nant, con­flict-filled or neg­a­tive thoughts, you will turn away from the path of Light. Your mind will become cloudy and con­fused, your thoughts shad­owed and self-destruc­tive, and you will lose your­self in a web of dark­ness and fear.

Like­wise, and even more impor­tant­ly, you must con­sid­er care­ful­ly the thought-forms you share, whether in speech, or writ­ings or post­ings, or what­ev­er forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in which you par­take. If you spread mis­be­got­ten ideas, if you share half-truths or false­hoods, you con­tribute to the loss of clar­i­ty and trust upon which your life and the lives of oth­ers depend. You are by act­ing in this man­ner being very, very irre­spon­si­ble. If you do not con­tribute to the Light of Love and Rea­son, you will bring about deep­er shad­ows; if you spread false­hood and fos­ter hatreds, you turn away from your own true self, you turn away from love, and you do harm to your­self and to many oth­ers as well.

For it is from the fos­ter­ing and spread­ing of Lies that wrong actions fol­low, and so great harm will come to one and all by the will­ful and delib­er­ate actions of some, as well as by the unknow­ing or uncon­scious spread of these fears and dark­ness by the many who did not under­stand what they did.

But igno­rance of the Law of Kar­ma is no excuse, nor will Jus­tice be denied. You will reap what you sow, so choose wise­ly. If you do not know, real­ly know, if some­thing is “true” or fac­tu­al, then do not pass it on, ever!

A cacoph­o­ny of false­hoods is over­whelm­ing rea­son and love in the world now. Choose to be a cham­pi­on of Light and Love. Do not har­bor or hold onto neg­a­tive thoughts or half-truths. Do not share what is harm­ful or false, do not be used by the dark and destruc­tive forces that are tear­ing your world apart.

Let Mer­cury take you on an inner jour­ney of Mindfulness.

Choose to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you know and understand.

Let this turn­ing of Mer­cury cleanse your mind of false­hoods and fears.

Help one anoth­er by illu­mi­nat­ing the shad­ows that cloud one another’s minds.

Think clear­ly by fol­low­ing the Wis­dom Ways that have stood the tests of time,

Cen­tered by the qui­et con­fir­ma­tions of your own High­er Self’s lov­ing affirmations.

Look to the Foun­tain-Source of Truth found in the Ancient Teachings,

The Ancient Wis­dom found­ed upon the Wis­dom of Love.

This same Love is this Lumi­nous Hier­ar­chy of Life,

Built and formed by Love, Trust and Sharing.

Choose to stand in the Light, and

Be a light for one another.

Choose Rea­son over Fear; Choose Love over Hatred.

Live in Light,

Live by Love.