Monthly Archives: November 2016

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2016)


The Way of Understanding

The Way of Wis­dom, Humil­i­ty and Love

The Wheel of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it turns once more.

Time to move out of the Waters of the Deep,

The Space of Union that is Scorpio.

Time to draw back your bow of Inten­tion, and take aim by the Clar­i­ty of Fire,

To look for Truth in the Wis­dom Ways of Sagittarius.

You have felt the joy of Union; and you have felt the agony of Sep­a­ra­tion too.

It is time to step back, to widen your per­spec­tive and points of view…

It is time to drink from that Ancient Well of Wis­dom, and add your pre­cious drops too.

Now you wish for one thing only, now you yearn to “under­stand”. You need the essence, the elixir of mean­ing from those heart­felt “meet­ings and part­ings”. You smiled in the joys of find­ing com­mon pur­pose, of shar­ing your life or your work with one anoth­er, and becom­ing even more who you are through join­ing with one another.

Or, you expe­ri­enced the awful pain of being bro­ken apart as you found your com­mon grounds were not so com­mon after all. What defined you and they now made clear, at least for now, that you were too dif­fer­ent from one anoth­er; your paths may have crossed, only to sep­a­rate once again.

What did you learn about your­self (and of them)? What are you sup­posed to make from those awe­some heights of ecsta­sy and these painful depths of despair…exactly where do you go from here?

You need to har­vest the mean­ing from these expe­ri­ences, so you can under­stand the Quin­tes­sence of Truth behind them. You aspire to see how these glean­ings of mean­ing may pro­vide some insight about your­self and your des­tiny, and like­wise offer a Prov­i­den­tial point­ing to the greater des­tiny of “I and Thou” and your larg­er world too. Whether you came togeth­er as one; or fell apart into sep­a­ra­tions (for a time), you need this now. You must under­stand what this means, the how’s and why’s of what hap­pened in that mys­te­ri­ous and Alchem­i­cal space of union.

Know this, it was exact­ly in this fric­tion­al cru­cible of val­ue and mean­ing, of Unions made and Unions lost, it is exact­ly through this that you will dis­cern what is you and what is less you. This is “the way”, you find your­self in and through one anoth­er. That by going out to meet, under­stand and join with them you also dis­cov­ered “you”, that this is the way you come that much clos­er to your own true self too.

But now there is this urgent need to under­stand what hap­pened, to extend your­self into a more encom­pass­ing frame­work of mean­ing. You wish to know how to be your­self, and for them to be them­selves too, and so remain true to the path of light and love. Because you do need one anoth­er, we all need one anoth­er to become who we are meant to be. This is the Spir­i­tu­al Dance of Life, the One and the many, and out of the many we return to the One.

So, you look for answers, you seek in the Halls of Wis­dom and you look with­in your own mind­ful heart too. You look to the gifts of your Ances­tors, from the Teach­ers, Sages and Seers who came this way before. They too strug­gled to under­stand, and their gifts remain a Light in the Dark­ness, and will help you to dis­pel the shad­ows of Igno­rance and Evil in the world. By Phi­los­o­phy, Reli­gion, Sci­ence and Art, their Rea­son­ing and Faith are the hard-won Quin­tes­sence of their spir­i­tu­al strug­gles for the Greater Aware­ness, and their Lives, Love and Rea­son the most pre­cious gift offered for one and all.

Yet the path­ways of Truth are equal­ly found with­in, because the same spir­i­tu­al light behind all that is “out there”, is equal­ly what makes you, you. Your own Wis­dom Well, your High­er Self, will gen­tly whis­per inte­gral affir­ma­tions, align­ing what you inward­ly intu­it with what you out­ward­ly know by expe­ri­ence, and so you take anoth­er step on the path of Truth too. You will offer your­self and your dew­drops of under­stand­ing, adding your expe­ri­ences to the Well of Wis­dom shared by one and all.

But because you are unique, each of you will come to the Greater Aware­ness upon dif­fer­ent paths, so that even in your seek­ing for truth and under­stand­ing, you will come togeth­er but also at times pull apart over what is “the truth”. But through Rea­son and by Love, by com­bin­ing and refin­ing, through inner Inspi­ra­tions and out­ward con­fir­ma­tions, you will come to know the most impor­tant Truth behind all the less­er truths you hold, that before me is anoth­er, just like me, and my only way for­ward is to love them as I love myself.

You start­ed as One, one with one anoth­er, and you will through all your indi­vid­u­a­tions, dif­fer­en­ti­a­tions and res­onations as a unique spark of the Divine, you will end as many but One again. In your jour­neys through Worlds, Forms and Lives you are will always be a spe­cial spark of the divine, and you will bring forth your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and dif­fer­ences that make you dis­tinct. But this will also bring about your sep­a­ra­tions from one anoth­er too, at least for a time. But for­ev­er and always you must remem­ber the fun­da­men­tal Truth, that you are made by and for one anoth­er. You must strive to hold togeth­er “I and Thou”, to both hon­or the indi­vid­u­al­i­ty in one anoth­er yet ten­der­ly dis­cov­er, nur­ture and abide in the Greater Aware­ness and Real­i­ty which is your Love for one another.

Your Jour­ney is the sto­ry of Con­scious­ness, of the self that is the Self-Becoming.

As you draw ever clos­er to Wis­dom you will find that you will also become more hum­ble too. For this is truth, the more you under­stand, tru­ly under­stand, the more encom­pass­ing, nuanced and lov­ing your truths will become. Your Wis­dom will grow as your Humil­i­ty grows too. There is an inte­gral align­ment between your Mind and Heart, and in this Jour­ney of Self-Becom­ing, no mat­ter how high or far you have come, you must ever “Walk On” to greater Wis­dom, as you equal­ly deep­en your affec­tions for one another.

You shall be inspired by the great ones lov­ing­ly show you “the way”. They did not come to tell you what you do, for you must walk your own path towards Under­stand­ing. But by their exam­ple, they showed you who you real­ly are. By their Illu­mi­na­tion held in the Greater Aware­ness, and by their lives filled with Grace and Humil­i­ty, you see true Wis­dom and feel what is hold­ing togeth­er one and all, Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Where is the answer, where is the Pearl of Great Price?

It is there in your heart, and found in all hearts too…

There you will find Peace in the Gift of Wisdom.

There you will find Grace in a Life of Humility.

There you will tru­ly Live with Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Full Moon in Taurus (November 14, 2016)


A Call for Under­stand­ing, Tol­er­ance and Peace

There is some­thing hap­pen­ing here; What it is ain’t exact­ly clear…. (“For What It’s Worth” by Buf­fa­lo Springfield)

Today is anoth­er Full Moon, the Full Moon in Tau­rus. Though many will write about how spe­cial this “Super Moon” is, (it is only a few hun­dred kilo­me­ters clos­er than oth­er recent Perigee Full Moons), the impor­tant point or Truth is that each Full Moon brings a Rev­e­la­tion for you. A Full Moon illus­trates the inte­gral rela­tion­ship between 2 of the 12 signs of the Zodi­ac. Dur­ing this time of the year, we will have the Sun in Scor­pio and the Full Moon is in Taurus.

This Full Moon should be viewed and under­stood as the coun­ter­point to the “Bud­dha Full Moon”, when the Sun is in Tau­rus and the Moon in Scor­pio, occur­ring in April or May. That Spring Full Moon in Scor­pio is a reminder that though your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney requires you to move through many Worlds, Forms and Lives, you are not these vehi­cles, and you will have to let each one of them go. You are an Immor­tal work­ing through mor­tal forms and there is noth­ing in this Mate­r­i­al Realm that will last for­ev­er. This les­son of The Bud­dha reminds you about your true nature: You are Spir­it mov­ing through Time and Space, a Spark of the Divine, essen­tial­ly Pure Con­scious­ness evolv­ing into a greater aware­ness by danc­ing through these forms, but you are ulti­mate­ly beyond any one form. The Bud­dha taught that in order to free your­self from suf­fer­ing, you must prac­tice the Art of Non-Attachment.

But here in the Time of Scor­pio, you are remind­ed of the inte­gral and oppo­site Truth by the Full Moon in Tau­rus: That each form of man­i­fes­ta­tion, every speck and mote of cre­ation, all things, all crea­tures great and small, all beings on any world, on up to the plan­ets them­selves, and the stars and galax­ies too, that all of these are the liv­ing body of the ONE. Each and every dew-drop of Cre­ation has val­ue beyond mea­sure, for each is a beau­ti­ful and pre­cious real­iza­tion of Spir­it too. Every form is also “Divine”, every form is valu­able, and each is beau­ti­ful and worth pre­serv­ing for as long as they may last.

Held togeth­er, these two Signs speak to your nev­er-end­ing jour­ney in Con­scious­ness: That you are to hold on and to let go, to pre­serve, pro­tect and endure for as long as you can, and then you are to let go and allow your­self to become some­thing more too. You and all of Cre­ation are like a Riv­er, thrilling and flow­ing through Worlds, Forms and Lives so that in time you will be them All, you will have expe­ri­enced all forms of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it as you draw ever clos­er to being out­ward­ly what you are for­ev­er inward­ly, you are a spark­ing dew­drop of the One Divine Light.

You are here because of Love, the Love of the One. You are made by and all of your forms are because of this Divine Love. Your val­ue, is beyond mea­sure for you are a spark of the Divine…and so is every­thing and every­one else too. Hence the fun­da­men­tal Truth found in all Teachings:

Do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you…for they are you!

And what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me, The One”.

You are here to care for one anoth­er, to help one anoth­er grow…and because you are Spir­it, you will grow, and so you will change and this growth/change will often come because many are suf­fer­ing in the old real­i­ty. But the very changes that are bring­ing about the New World will cause pain and suf­fer­ing too…and you, by your Love for your­self and for one anoth­er equal­ly, you are here to help heal this pain and suf­fer­ing for one anoth­er. You must ful­fill your respon­si­bil­i­ty to be true to your­self, which will equal­ly guide you to be faith­ful to one anoth­er and to all of life too.

Now of course there is change…and then there is CHANGE. You are going through a very chal­leng­ing time now, and it has been fore­seen and expect­ed. For this is not the first time, nor will it be the last. Ages come and ages go, and there are many inter­sect­ing cycles that beat out these rhythms of the Jour­ney of Spir­it and of human lives too. The changes that you and the world are expe­ri­enc­ing now have not been seen or felt since the mid-1700’s, and before that the ear­ly 1500’s. You are wit­ness­ing the End of an Age and the Birth of a New World. In fact, you are here to be that change, but that is hard for many (if not most) to mas­ter, but you must try.

Many things and ways will endure, and many shall pass away. Why is this so? When­ev­er the plan­et Plu­to sweeps through the Sign of Capri­corn, we will expe­ri­ence a cathar­sis in the realm of Capri­corn, the Sign that gov­erns Insti­tu­tions, Tra­di­tions, Respon­si­bil­i­ties, real­ly the entire Hier­ar­chy of Life-Consciousness-Spirit…or more sim­ply put what we know as “Real­i­ty”. Look at what hap­pened before:

500 years ago, it was the end of Feu­dal­ism and the rise of Monar­chies as the Ref­or­ma­tion swept Europe and a new Cul­tur­al-Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic order came into being. 250 years ago, it was the end of Monar­chies and the rise of Democ­ra­cies in the Amer­i­can and French Rev­o­lu­tions, and again a new Cul­tur­al-Polit­i­cal-Eco­nom­ic order came to be. These changes shook their world and our ances­tors. They too lived through a time when the world was “turned upside down”.

Now we are expe­ri­enc­ing this immense shift once again, from 2008 until (at least) 2024, the world we have called our real­i­ty is crum­bling all around us. We are lit­er­al­ly halfway through this process of trans­fig­u­ra­tion, and it is real­ly get­ting seri­ous now. We see our insti­tu­tions frac­tur­ing and fail­ing; we allo­cate the blame for our suf­fer­ings to these fail­ures of “gov­ern­ment”, “edu­ca­tion”, “reli­gion”, all these things that we have made are fail­ing and we just want them to work again. We believe the “fix” is “out there”, that it is some­how exter­nal to us, sep­a­rate and embod­ied in these real­i­ty structures…

But, of course, that is just pro­ject­ing on our part, and it is cer­tain­ly not ful­fill­ing our pur­pose which is to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for our­selves, for all life-forms and habitats…and for our beau­ti­ful home called Earth. No, the change can­not hap­pen “out there”, until it hap­pens “in here”, in each of our hearts and minds. Those “things”, whether gov­ern­ment, edu­ca­tion or reli­gion, they are not things in them­selves, they are made by you and me…they are made of, by and for us. We are the Liv­ing Spir­it that makes things come to life, we make them work (or not work). If we want them to be as they should, or we want them to change as they must, then it will come from “below”, from each one of us remem­ber­ing who and what we are…we made this, and we will re-make this…for we are the prob­lem and the solu­tion too.

The good news…we have done this before, we became the new human of the 1500’s, we became the new human of the 1700’s…and now, now we will rise again to the call of our Divin­i­ty, for we are here because this is our time, we are here to end an age and begin anoth­er. We are like a relay rac­er, pass­ing the baton of spir­it to our descen­dants, who are count­ing on us to return to the one eter­nal “Source of Truth”, to lis­ten to that qui­et­ly firm, calm­ing voice in our hearts which will guide us to Think and Feel and Act with Love. We must turn to one anoth­er first…and Lis­ten, Share and Care for one another…for we are here to Love one anoth­er first, last and always.

Remem­ber who and what you are…Love.

Affirm this in how you care for your­self and for one anoth­er too.

Do not indulge/engage in the cre­ation of more fear, dis­cord or blame, (there is quite enough of that already).

Be an exam­ple of Kind­ness, Con­sid­er­a­tion and Mercy.

Stand up to hate and divi­sion, for “evil” is just the twist­ed fruits of igno­rance and mis­un­der­stand­ing, (for they know not what they do).

Shine the Light of Truth which is the Light of Love when­ev­er and wher­ev­er you can.

Take Respon­si­bil­i­ty and so Ful­fill your Des­tiny, and behold the New World Rising…

Remain Cen­tered, and hold in your Heart the mes­sage of the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.