Monthly Archives: December 2014

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (December 8, 2014)


our Avatar of Truth is turn­ing around…

For as far as you will seek to find the mean­ings of life,

In your Worlds, Forms and count­less Lives “out there”,

You must and will equal­ly seek and find these same Truths within.

For As Above, So Below.

The Truth is,

All these Realms and Hierarchies,

That form this won­drous Jour­ney of Light,

Which is your Jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit,

All of this is in Truth the Life and Love of,

The One.

From the Infin­i­tes­i­mal to the Infi­nite, from the Inner­most to the Outermost,

All these realms are in fact the count­less reflec­tions, mir­ror­ing one another,

Of the Lumi­nous Beau­ti­ful Facets of the One Jew­el that is Spirit.

So it does not mat­ter which way you go,

Whether you start inwards or outwards,

Or fol­low the Noble Mid­dle Path,

In the end you will find your Destiny.

You will walk the Way of Truth…

Singing your Songs of Light and Love,

As you make your way…


I men­tioned this “turn­ing” in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Ret­ro­grade (Decem­ber 8 until April 8, 2015)

The Lord of Truth is tak­ing you with­in for the next four months, and it is time once again to con­sid­er the nature of your prin­ci­ples and beliefs. This time Jupiter is mov­ing back through the sign of Leo, so you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go with­in to the heart-source and well-spring of your Truth. You wish to extend your space of self-real­iza­tion, to be expand your Cre­ativ­i­ty and your Lead­er­ship, but first you must go with­in and expand your under­stand­ing of the source of your Cre­ative Spir­it, you need to lis­ten and learn from your Muse.

This turn­ing of Jupiter for the next four months does not mean you should focus only upon your Inner and not your Out­er forms of growth…for that is cer­tain­ly not “the way” (nor pos­si­ble). But this shift does pro­vide you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to remem­ber and resolve to lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it and to bet­ter align your­self with your Self.

Set aside some more time, in every day, and from day to day and week to week, set aside a lit­tle more time to walk in Silence, to Look With­in and Con­sid­er your Path­ways of Growth, and so seek and search for your truth in this inner sanc­tum of your life. These attune­ments will then bet­ter inform and guide your steps upon the out­er cours­es of your life.

You are there to Grow…

You are here to Understand.

So you will move in,

And you will move out.

You are a Weaver,

Of Light and Love,

Build­ing your Lumi­nous Pathway,

To the Stars.

Full Moon in Gemini (December 6, 2014)


Luna has reached her next station…

She has swung around to her out­er­most reaches,

There she stands in Full­ness, in all her Glory.

Bright­ly Beam­ing, she shines for you,

She is your Mag­ic Mir­ror of Meaning.

Refract­ing, Inform­ing and Modulating,

The Ancient Wis­dom of the Sagit­tar­i­an Solar Ray,

She is your Inter­locu­tor of Truths,

She is your Mother,

Your Medi­a­trix of Meanings.

Each Full Moon com­pli­ments and so bal­ances the Sun’s pre­vail­ing ener­gies. While the Sun soars through Sagit­tar­ius the search for and secur­ing of Truth and Ulti­mate Mean­ing, for arriv­ing at the last word in Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, Reli­gion, Sci­ence or Law becomes the fer­vent long­ing for one and for all. Yet, as is often the case, mat­ters may be tak­en too, too far. The Truth becomes twist­ed by the fear-based demands for Cer­tain­ty, so that Faith becomes Dog­ma, Spir­i­tu­al Liv­ing becomes crys­tal­lized into for­mal­ized prac­tices lack­ing the true essence of Spir­it (Love), and in the name of that Truth or Sci­ence or Law the falling into dark­ness and pain returns once more.

The Full Moon in Gem­i­ni offers this nec­es­sary and spir­i­tu­al­ly uplift­ing reminder, that you and your uni­verse are…complicated. You are mul­ti-faceted and many-lay­ered. You, just like all life forms, and real­ly all of cre­ation, from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal of atoms on up through those Galac­tic Beings who Ensoul their won­drous spi­ral­ing realms, (and beyond even these forms), that all of Cre­ation is endowed with Life and Consciousness…for all of these are of the One, the One Spir­it bind­ing you and all these count­less ones as the body of the One. You are hier­ar­chi­cal as is all of Cre­ation, and so your con­sti­tu­tion ranges from the phys­i­cal to astral to emo­tion­al to men­tal into spir­i­tu­al energy-forms…You are a “host”, as are all of these lives around you…and all those lives that abide with­in you too.

For this very rea­son, there can­not be “one-way” of see­ing, or believ­ing, or understanding…for the Greater Aware­ness is formed by the Truth that is at the heart or essence of Spir­it, and that is that you and all of Cre­ation are here for one thing…you are here to Grow. You are here to become and move from a less­er con­sti­tu­tion to a greater, from a small­er aware­ness to the Greater Awareness…and there will be no end to this, not ever.

So the Full Moon in Gem­i­ni shines upon you tonight to remind you of this essen­tial com­pli­ment to the Desire for “the Answer”…that you, and your life, and your jour­ney are com­plex, many-lay­ered and multi-faceted…that you are a Sparkling Dew­drop of Con­scious­ness wheel­ing through Worlds and Bod­ies and Lives…and you must remem­ber to keep questioning…Everything. You are to look at things “this way”…and then “that way”…and then anoth­er way too! You can only tru­ly “know” some­thing by in some way “becom­ing” that someday…and you have done this many, many times…and so you will live and live again in many worlds, and forms and lives…forever and ever.

For you are here to be Self-Mas­ter­ful, to be a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator in this Creation…and so you must be and become it all. For as Above, so Below. You are the Micro­cosm of this amaz­ing Macrocosm…and your jour­ney is bare­ly begun, and yet it is beyond reck­on­ing how far back it stretch­es too.

The Gem­i­ni Full Moon reminds you, that as you approach your Greater Under­stand­ing, that you fol­low this Path of Truth with a Lov­ing Open­ness and a Gra­cious Humil­i­ty. For what counts as the great­est advances in Sci­ence or Truth today, will be dis­missed with deri­sion if not with hor­ror by those who will fol­low you…as you too in your time look back upon the beliefs of those who came before you, (maybe just 20 or 30 or 100 years ago), and won­der how they could have believed and act­ed by their so-called “truths” then…but of course, they too felt this way about those who came before them too.

As you look at your Beau­ti­ful Gem­i­ni Full Moon tonight…

Bow your head and open your heart with Humility,

For you do not know nor can you under­stand, not yet.

Look up at the Spaces of Space that sur­round you…

Look into the Infin­i­ty, and Wonder.

What or Who is out there…

It is Spirit…It is The One…


Mars Enters Aquarius (December 4, 2014)


Your Avatar of Desire and Action,

Is push­ing beyond the rims of reality.

For Forty Days you have climbed a lit­tle higher…

You have pulled and pushed your­self along,

Striv­ing to ascend that wind­ing-weav­ing way.

As by Leaps and by Falls, and leap­ing yet again,

You have made your cir­cuitous journey.

You have forged anoth­er well-earned space,

Upon your Path of Purposefulness.

For this is how it is done,

This is your Self-Unfoldment,

This is your Destiny.


You have sought by Capri­corn to do your part…

To Bring your Vision in Truth together,

To Fold your Ide­al into Forms,

And by Prax­is make your­self a Greater Reality.

You came to this world, your Earth,

To bring Spir­it, Thought and Feel­ing into Matter,

To be a Cre­ator, to be what you are…and yet so much more.

Your Desire formed your Actions,

Now met in your Self-Substantiation,

Your ever-grow­ing Responsibilities,

To be a Maker/Creator,

To be a One.

You look out now from this High­er Place, to the far, far away…And you real­ize, that your jour­ney is far from done. For you are here to unfold and become, you are in fact the Self-that-is-Becom­ing. And this means that your Jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it is for one thing tru­ly, and that is quite sim­ply, pure­ly and won­der­ful­ly this…you are here To Grow.

But you Jour­ney with many oth­er ones, with­in a won­drous shin­ing host. You trav­el with one anoth­er, with your Broth­ers and Sis­ters, for you will nev­er be nor can you become alone, not ever. Your Aims and Inten­tions are mod­u­lat­ed now as Mars moves on, through those Gleam­ing Ideals of your Brighter Tomor­rows that is Aquarius…and you will find your Dream and your Ful­fill­ment is to be made in, by and through one anoth­er, for how could it be otherwise…

Your Aims and Actions now will be focused upon the World that you wish to live in, in the shin­ing dreams of what is yet to be. You will know that in fact that your dreams are made of one anoth­er, for what else is there. Your dreams are not made of “things”, of your pos­ses­sions and the tran­sient, pass­ing objects of this or that…Your Dreams are made of one anoth­er, of your ful­fill­ment and shared expe­ri­ences by which you come to be and love one another…You are one another’s dreams, and you are made of one anoth­er too.

Your real Dream is this Liv­ing Real­i­ty of Indi­vid­ual Self-Ful­fill­ment, and this is found and forged in your Dream-Mak­ing Space that you call “Free­dom”. It is your free­dom “to be” and “to become” which is only pos­si­ble when your Aims and Inten­tions are to allow one anoth­er, to encour­age one anoth­er to be more tru­ly who they are by being in this Shared Space of Self-Ful­fill­ment. For from the One has come the Many, and out of Many there is in the end but One.

Free­dom is not the “free­dom from” some­thing, it is your free­dom (and their free­dom) “to be and become”…and this quite sim­ply is the Shared Sacred Space you cre­ate with and for one anoth­er. And this, this is what Mars is lead­ing you into now. For with­out Free­dom for all, there can be no Free­dom for any. That is why your sacred duty is and will always be to help to extend the Spaces of Free­dom for one and for all.

This is your Sacred Path of the Self that is-Becom­ing; This is your Cre­ation Song.

Your Avatar of Action is call­ing to you now.

You are here to help one another…

You are here to free one another…

You are here to become who you are…

You are here to be what you are,

A bright­ly shin­ing one,

Singing Cre­ation’s Song.