Daily Archives: December 7, 2014

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (December 8, 2014)


our Avatar of Truth is turn­ing around…

For as far as you will seek to find the mean­ings of life,

In your Worlds, Forms and count­less Lives “out there”,

You must and will equal­ly seek and find these same Truths within.

For As Above, So Below.

The Truth is,

All these Realms and Hierarchies,

That form this won­drous Jour­ney of Light,

Which is your Jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit,

All of this is in Truth the Life and Love of,

The One.

From the Infin­i­tes­i­mal to the Infi­nite, from the Inner­most to the Outermost,

All these realms are in fact the count­less reflec­tions, mir­ror­ing one another,

Of the Lumi­nous Beau­ti­ful Facets of the One Jew­el that is Spirit.

So it does not mat­ter which way you go,

Whether you start inwards or outwards,

Or fol­low the Noble Mid­dle Path,

In the end you will find your Destiny.

You will walk the Way of Truth…

Singing your Songs of Light and Love,

As you make your way…


I men­tioned this “turn­ing” in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

Jupiter Ret­ro­grade (Decem­ber 8 until April 8, 2015)

The Lord of Truth is tak­ing you with­in for the next four months, and it is time once again to con­sid­er the nature of your prin­ci­ples and beliefs. This time Jupiter is mov­ing back through the sign of Leo, so you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go with­in to the heart-source and well-spring of your Truth. You wish to extend your space of self-real­iza­tion, to be expand your Cre­ativ­i­ty and your Lead­er­ship, but first you must go with­in and expand your under­stand­ing of the source of your Cre­ative Spir­it, you need to lis­ten and learn from your Muse.

This turn­ing of Jupiter for the next four months does not mean you should focus only upon your Inner and not your Out­er forms of growth…for that is cer­tain­ly not “the way” (nor pos­si­ble). But this shift does pro­vide you with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to remem­ber and resolve to lis­ten to the Winds of the Spir­it and to bet­ter align your­self with your Self.

Set aside some more time, in every day, and from day to day and week to week, set aside a lit­tle more time to walk in Silence, to Look With­in and Con­sid­er your Path­ways of Growth, and so seek and search for your truth in this inner sanc­tum of your life. These attune­ments will then bet­ter inform and guide your steps upon the out­er cours­es of your life.

You are there to Grow…

You are here to Understand.

So you will move in,

And you will move out.

You are a Weaver,

Of Light and Love,

Build­ing your Lumi­nous Pathway,

To the Stars.