Daily Archives: October 3, 2014

Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 4, 2014)


Time to turn around again…

To glance back and reconsider…

Whence, wither…and why.

Here is what I not­ed in my Gen­er­al Fore­cast regard­ing this third and final Mer­cury ret­ro­grade for 2014:

Mer­cury Ret­ro­grade (Octo­ber 4 until Octo­ber 25)

The third and final ret­ro­grade of 2014 is here, and Mer­cury will move from about 2 Scor­pio back to around 17 Libra. Just as in the pre­vi­ous two ret­ro­grades, you are bridg­ing the ele­ments here as you move back out of Water and into an Air Sign. With all three Mer­cury ret­ro­grades hav­ing had this link­age of Water and Air, you have been giv­en an oppor­tu­ni­ty to form a much deep­er appre­ci­a­tion of the inte­gral con­nec­tion between the depth of your Feel­ings and the wis­dom of your Thoughts. As you will often find though with Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, many issues in your present day life may slow down or be put on hold as you go back to fin­ish some mat­ters that you left behind.

Her­mes, the mes­sen­ger of the Gods is pass­ing you by. Oh yes, it seems as if he is going “back­wards” to you…But that is because your point of view is lim­it­ed and cir­cum­scribed by the nature of your expe­ri­ence in this dance of the plan­ets. Plan­ets nev­er go in reverse, of course, but rel­a­tive­ly speak­ing you will come to real­ize more about the nature of truth vs. Truth, and that what appears to be so obvi­ous­ly true, well it is not quite true after all.

In a way, each Mer­cury ret­ro­grade pro­vides anoth­er reminder from the stars, as you strive to become wis­er, that the key to this is Humil­i­ty. Mer­cury reminds you that you must first let go of your pre­sump­tions and pre­con­cep­tions, which by deliv­er­ing to you what you expect also hide from you the Greater Real­i­ty in which you abide. You must be hum­bled by your mis­con­cep­tions, and the errors and mis­takes that they cre­ate, you must “suf­fer” in order to let go of the less­er so that you might rise into the Greater Under­stand­ing. For when you let go of your old, cer­tain per­spec­tives (which are also your blind­ers), you can then open your­self to the uni­verse with the eyes of a child, filled with won­der and new-found delights.

You are seek­ing “the way”, you are always look­ing for answers. The prob­lem is you do not know what you do not know, and you can­not find a bet­ter answer unless you pose a more inclu­sive ques­tion. You have to con­stant­ly ques­tion your assump­tions, and there is no bet­ter time to do this than when Mer­cury takes you back with­in your­self, and this “Men­tal­i­ty of the Moment” turns inward and helps you to con­sid­er the nature of thought itself.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-exam­ine you, to turn your won­der­ful fac­ul­ty of self-con­scious/­self-aware­ness back upon itself, and with the help of your High­er Self, to pierce beyond your own self-cast shadows.

First you must be will­ing to take these oppor­tu­ni­ties, to know that in every sin­gle moment in which you expe­ri­ence an obsta­cle, delay, imped­i­ment and defeat is yet anoth­er chance for you to turn your­self around. Each cri­sis is actu­al­ly anoth­er pre­cious moment in which you can choose to grow, to take anoth­er path, to find a bet­ter way to be. And, if you do this, you will become more aligned with and true to your High­er Self, who is ever faith­ful, stead­fast and by your side. Your High­er Self or Beloved is there always with kind­li­ness and com­pas­sion, whose “soul” pur­pose is to lift you up into this bet­ter way of being…but you have to choose…you must choose to let go of the old ways and grow.

From now until Octo­ber 10th, Mer­cury will ret­ro­grade in Scor­pio and Her­mes’ lamp of lucid­i­ty will shine upon your most heart-felt of feelings…that you desire to tru­ly cross the divide between I and Thou and expe­ri­ence a deep, deep union with one anoth­er. To do this, with Mercury’s help, you need to shine the lamp of Min­er­va upon your shad­ows, those fears of rejec­tion and loss, and do what­ev­er you can to put them behind you.

If you fail to do this, then these karmic bonds will pre­vent you from being a freer, liv­ing spir­it, where spir­i­tu­al strength is mea­sured in your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, com­mit­ment and open­ness. For it is these Lov­ing Qual­i­ties which form the absolute require­ment for build­ing a greater union with one another.

Yes, you were hurt, and yes you can (and will) be hurt again, for this is how you learn…But if you hold your­self back and fail to cre­ate the con­di­tions for what your heart desires, well then you have already lost, for you have reject­ed your­self, and anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow will be lost. Choose instead to face your fears, choose instead to let them go…and grow.

Then from the 10th until the 25th of Octo­ber, while Mer­cury con­tin­ues to ret­ro­grade in Libra, you will be remind­ed of how your aware­ness is formed through the inter­play of one another’s points of views and per­spec­tives. You are not made by you alone, as many, many souls have touched and illu­mi­nat­ed your jour­ney, and helped to form and forge your aware­ness, as you have done like­wise for count­less souls as well.

You are made of one anoth­er, and you need to take this time to remem­ber that you do not, real­ly, know much on your own at all. The very term “Con­scious­ness” means “Know­ing-Togeth­er”, and you should see that your mind and thought-forms are more like a field of ener­gies that sweep through and between you, mak­ing each of you what you are, but that your very con­scious­ness is insep­a­ra­ble from you being made of and by one anoth­er too. Your strength comes from shar­ing, blend­ing and know­ing together.

You need one anoth­er, to bal­ance and coun­ter­point, to medi­ate and mod­u­late your thoughts through one anoth­er. With Mer­cury ret­ro­grade in Libra, you need to refresh your “Mind that is Relat­ed­ness”, to be thank­ful to those who have sup­port­ed your jour­ney on this path to wis­dom, and be grate­ful that they gave you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help them to see beyond their shad­ows too.

Wel­come this gift of the Spirit…

Mer­cury is ret­ro­grade now, and stronger than ever.

You are here to grow,

You are here to be together.

You are here to learn,

You are here to be better.

Let Her­mes light your way!