Monthly Archives: September 2014

Astrology Show Live on Wednesday October 1st, 1 pm EDT / 10 am PDT


Please join me live on Wednes­day Octo­ber 1st, at 1 pm EDT / 10 am PDT when I speak with Jaden Ster­ling on his pro­gram, the Soul to Prof­it Radio Show. We will talk about Astrol­o­gy and how you can use your chart to both under­stand and ful­fill your true pur­pose. Please be ready by hav­ing your per­son­al birth infor­ma­tion handy: Date, Time and Place of Birth.

You are warm­ly invit­ed to call in and ask ques­tions. If you can­not join us live you can always use the same link below to lis­ten to the show after­wards. Here is the link that will take you to the web­cast show on BlogTalk Radio on Wednes­day Octo­ber 1:

Radio Show

Look­ing for­ward to speak­ing with Jaden and all you then!

Venus Enters Libra (September 29, 2014)


Your Dear­est, your Bright­ly Shin­ing One, is com­ing home once again.

At times you will see her there, in the twi­light gleaming…

She is the First Star of the Night, your Evening Star, set­ting just after the Sun.

At oth­er times, such as now, you will see her in the blush of a New Day…

She is your Morn­ing Star, the Bringer of Light, the Keep­er of your heart.

She is Prometheus, who brings to you the Fire of Love and Understanding,

She is the Her­ald of Spir­it, who wel­comes the Dawn­ing of each New Day.

Whether Set­ting or Ris­ing, Venus is the Avatar of your most Sacred Truth,

That in the end, the mea­sure of any life that was, is or will be is quite simply,

Did you under­stand how it is done, did you live with, for and by Love?

Wel­come Venus now as she returns to her most spe­cial realm. Today Venus comes home to bring you these Gifts of Spir­it, to bright­en and illu­mine your Shared Sacred Spaces where you will find, forge and share your love of one another.

One Half of your Jour­ney of Love is about under­stand­ing that this is your True Nature. That the One True Force that binds togeth­er all of this Cre­ation as One, this same Res­o­nance also holds all that you are as one too…That in the Inner­most of every­thing and so in the inner­most of you there is a Spark of the Divine. Divine Love abides with­in you, and because of this you are and will always be Loved, because in your essence you are this Pure Love.

But the oth­er half of your jour­ney is to expe­ri­ence this same Divin­i­ty, to know this same Super­nal Light of Love “out there”…You are here to know objec­tive­ly what you already sense intu­itive­ly. You are here to leave behind doubt and fear, to move from dark­ness and into the Light. You are here to lift your­self and one anoth­er out of unaware­ness and into the Greater Aware­ness. You will come to expe­ri­ence out­ward­ly through and with one anoth­er the fuller mea­sure of this Divine Love, and you will know that this Love is the essen­tial core of all that sur­rounds you. Most espe­cial­ly, most won­der­ful­ly and per­son­al­ly, you will find this Light and Love forms the essence of what you hold and have for one anoth­er too.

Venus in Libra is about your rela­tion­ship with and to one anoth­er. It is about the “I and Thou”. It is the Dance of Light and Love that takes you into the weav­ing way of Cause and Effect, where you learn to care for anoth­er as you care for your­self, where you expe­ri­ence the Love that you Receive is equal to the love that you Bestow.

Yes, you must first under­stand your truth, you must know and love yourself…for that is your nature and your des­tiny too.

But you long to share this love with your beloved, and to feel their love in turn being offered back to you.

Venus sings to you now…

The Song that is in your Heart,

Is the song that sings in every heart.

You are here to Love, and be loved,

You are here to love one another.

Just love.

Mercury Enters Scorpio (September 27, 2014)



The Third Water/Air Dance begins…

Mer­cury dives into the deep­en­ing Waters of Scor­pio now…

Time to pierce beyond the forms and for­mal­i­ties of your relationships…

Time to take you and your beloved into the Heart of your Union.

For this is the most impor­tant ques­tion you must answer in your life: How do you do this, how can we two become one with­out los­ing our­selves? How can we join and not be lost in one another…or fail to join and so lose one anoth­er? How can we become one and also remain as two? How can we be more our­selves by being togeth­er than we can ever be apart? How?

Per­haps you will find the way, (for it is on you to do this in your own way and in your own time), as Mer­cury weaves his way, back and forth between these realms of Water and Air once more. Per­haps it is this very loop­ing and turn­ing back of Mer­cury that will show you a way through and beyond so as to fuse your Rea­son­ing and your Feel­ing and hold them as one too. That in this dance of Spir­it-Forms you will find a way to bring togeth­er your Head and your Heart, and so bring you and your beloved to that spe­cial place of being even more true to your­selves, yet also togeth­er and true to one anoth­er too.

Yes, Mer­cury is mak­ing anoth­er round between the realms of Water and Air…

Mer­cury is poised to turn ret­ro­grade once more this year on Octo­ber 4th, and retrace his steps and so back into the Air Sign of Libra on Octo­ber 10th, then to turn for­ward once more on Octo­ber 25th, and final­ly re-enter the realm of Scorpio/Water on Novem­ber 8th.

This is the final of three such Air-Water-Air-Water shifts this year. These were the triple gifts of Mer­cury to you this year, offer­ings to help you leap the seem­ing divide between your Thoughts and Feel­ings, between your Head and your Heart. Mer­cury, the mes­sen­ger, as your guide and teacher, is here to help you remem­ber and trust who and what you are, to help you become as you were, are and will always be…a liv­ing Spir­it of remark­able Wis­dom, Love and Will.

The first dance of Water and Air was February/March with Aquar­ius-Pisces, the sec­ond was in May/June with Gem­i­ni-Can­cer, and now this mag­i­cal ful­crum of Air and Water in Libra and Scor­pio com­pletes your Tri­ad of Truth, of the Inte­gral Way that is the path of Spir­it for you this year.

The dance of Scor­pio-Libra-Scor­pio will require you to bring your fullest mea­sure of your capac­i­ty to face your fears of rejec­tion and loss, to be fierce­ly fear­less if you wish to join as you need and must with one anoth­er. Your great­est strength will be revealed by your open­ing up to one anoth­er, and that your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty will be as a sign of your char­ac­ter and strength. That in and by your love and com­mit­ment to one anoth­er, you will bridge the sep­a­ra­tion formed by the fear that stands between one anoth­er. To join togeth­er tru­ly, you must sac­ri­fice some­thing for one anoth­er and pass beyond fear-based bound­aries, you must forge that shared, sacred space where you will ulti­mate­ly hold noth­ing back from one anoth­er. You will cross into that sacred space where you can be as one, unit­ed and whole with one anoth­er, and even more tru­ly your­self too.

Yet, in some of these attempts to make the Union real, you may go beyond what is right and rea­son­able, you may end up being “the sac­ri­fice” rather than mak­ing a sac­ri­fice. That is why, as Mer­cury returns to Libra, that is why you may find a refresh­ing renew­al of your objec­tiv­i­ty and sense of bal­ance is offered to you. With Mercury’s help, you can try to forge a truer rela­tion­ship that folds togeth­er your Pas­sion for Union with your Rea­son of what is Right­eous and Fair too. For what would be the point of sac­ri­fic­ing what makes you “you”?

You are a com­plex hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Mat­ters: from Spir­it, to Mind, to Feel­ing, to Body…and all must work togeth­er, and they must blend, join, coop­er­ate and mod­u­late one anoth­er in a del­i­cate dance or bal­ance of sen­si­bil­i­ties in order for you to be as you will become one day, an awak­ened Dream-Mak­er wor­thy to be a con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Creation.

Fol­low Mer­cury, your Guide and Mes­sen­ger now as he weaves togeth­er Water and Air.

Be as a child of this Cre­ative Play­ground of Light and Love…

Blow­ing Bub­bles of Spir­i­tu­al Sub­stance and Truth.

Let your Airy Thoughts be Lov­ing­ly caressed…

By your Deep Felt Feel­ings for one another.

Let your Pas­sion­ate Desires be Mind­ful­ly expressed…

By your Lov­ing Thoughts to care for one another.

Be your Truth, Mind­ful and Loving…

Be the Cre­ator of We,

Be the Cre­ator of You.

Jupiter Trine Uranus (September 25, 2014)


Here is one of the sig­na­ture moments of the year. This is what I wrote about this par­tic­u­lar align­ment of Jupiter with Uranus in my 2014 Forecast:

Jupiter Trine Uranus (Sep­tem­ber 25, March 3, 2015 and June 22, 2015)

The Avatar of Truth meets the Lord of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. This is the major ele­ment that forms one side of the Grand Trine in ear­ly Octo­ber (the oth­er two sides being Mars Trine Jupiter and Mars Trine Uranus). This is the focal ele­ment of this beau­ti­ful for­ma­tion and illus­trates one of the pre­vail­ing qual­i­ties that dri­ve or cre­ates your tru­ly unlim­it­ed poten­tial for growth.

Your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty or process of Self-Becom­ing (Uranus) is the real source of Growth or Expan­sion (Jupiter). You are always unfold­ing your poten­tial, your Seed of Spir­it con­tains this germ of Indi­vid­u­a­tion as does every speck of Cre­ation, for it is from this need of the One to man­i­fest and become the many that the whole Uni­verse has come into being in all its won­drous and diverse Beauty…and you are a most essen­tial part of this spe­cial­ness that under­lies and gives mean­ing to this Cosmos.

But this Trine of Jupiter and Uranus is made more pre­cious by the inte­gral under­stand­ing that is formed by the Grand Fire Trine which will cli­max between Octo­ber 4–8. Here is what I wrote about that in the Gen­er­al Fore­cast for 2014:

The Grand Fire Trine (Uranus, Jupiter and Mars) Sept/Oct 2014

Tru­ly a gift of the spir­it, this beau­ti­ful pat­tern formed by these three will pro­vide a greater mea­sure of hope and inspi­ra­tion for your world. I will write more exten­sive­ly about this pat­tern in Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, but for now I will sum­ma­rize it in this overview:

Though form­ing up over the peri­od of about three weeks, you will prob­a­bly feel the fore­shad­ow­ing of this beau­ty when Mars enters into the Fire Ele­ment when he moves into Sagit­tar­ius on Sep­tem­ber 13. Then you most cer­tain­ly will feel the fuller effects when Jupiter and Uranus reach their exact trine align­ment on Sep­tem­ber 25, which is fol­lowed about a week lat­er as Mars joins the pat­tern exact­ly as he aligns first with Uranus and then with Jupiter between Octo­ber 4 and Octo­ber 8.

The Fire Ele­ment con­cerns the Ener­gies of Inspi­ra­tion, Ide­al­ism and Vision. When plan­ets are found in one of each of the three Fire Signs, and equal­ly spaced from one anoth­er, they then form a most beau­ti­ful pat­tern that mir­rors or reflects the beau­ty and bal­ance found by this res­o­nance of ener­gy formed by this par­tic­u­lar ele­ment, in this case a Grand Tri­an­gle of Fire.

From their inter­play and inte­gra­tion with one anoth­er, their Fiery Mes­sage will be artic­u­lat­ed in this manner:

From Uranus in Aries, you will receive a renew­al of Inspi­ra­tion so that you may forge a Freer Pres­ence that will help you to move through your world with Grace and Adept­ness. From Jupiter in Leo, you will receive a benev­o­lent gift of renewed Ide­al­ism so that you may lead from the Truth that lies at the core of you, and so find and release your Courage in Authen­tic Per­for­mances. And from Mars in Sagit­tar­ius, you will be filled by a most vital gift of focused Inten­tion, your Desires being trans­mut­ed into ever Greater Aspi­ra­tions, as right Think­ing and Right Action com­bine to keep you upon the Noble Path of Wisdom.

These three in com­bi­na­tion bring to you a triple Gift of Spir­it so that you and your com­pan­ions may find that Bridge of Light between the Old and the New, between Left and Right, between Fear and Delusion…and find a way to the Greater Truth that there is more that we hold dear and in com­mon than sep­a­rates us from one another.

We need this reminder now more than ever, we need to recall that the guid­ing prin­ci­ple of our Inten­tions and Actions will come to be guid­ed by what binds one to one, and all to the One and that is Love.

Today you enter this Sacred Space of Fire, held most supreme­ly by these two Avatars of your Jour­ney in Spir­it, Uranus and Jupiter.

Uranus, holds forth as one of the three prin­ci­ples of the Divine in Motion for you, (Uranus/Your Free Mind, Neptune/Your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and Pluto/Your Cen­tered Will). Uranus will always by vir­tu­os­i­ty and intel­li­gent bril­liance sing to you of your Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and Unique­ness in the Song that is Spir­it. Uranus is bring­ing his mes­sage of Authen­tic­i­ty to you now from the first Sign of Aries, from the Realm of your Char­ac­ter, which is how you meet the world around you by your bear­ing, your demeanor and your attitude.

Uranus rep­re­sents your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial to lift your mind into ever more sub­lime realms of Lucid and Free Think­ing, beyond the bound­aries of any one sys­tem or belief struc­tures, draw­ing you clos­er and clos­er to the Age­less Teach­ings and Way of Wis­dom. As you do this, your atti­tude and approach to your­self and your world becomes ever more refined and appro­pri­ate, so that you are able to bring to bear from with­in your­self exact­ly what the needs of the moment require from you. You become more ful­ly aware, awake and ready to be nei­ther over­whelm­ing or underwhelming…you are able to form your “pres­ence” so that it is just right, so that you con­tribute the right mea­sure of you to each sit­u­a­tion you encounter.

Jupiter, is the Avatar of your Beliefs, Prin­ci­ples and Truths, of what you hold as your guid­ing Lights of Aware­ness. These sparkling Jew­els of Spir­it, that you hold in your Mind and Heart, elic­it your “moti­va­tions”, guide your “Inten­tions” and keep you upon the noble path of your jour­ney of becoming.

Jupiter is hold­ing forth from the Realm of Leo at this time. You seek through Leo the path of Hon­or and Respect, of being True to your­self by and with the love you feel for your­self. But this is only half of Truth, for the oth­er half of this must be equal­ly lived out as well: you must respect and hon­or the Under­stand­ing and Truths of those with whom you jour­ney too. You can only live by and earn respect by show­ing respect to one anoth­er, as you can only ful­fill your love of you by lov­ing equal­ly the one who is before you too.

The Fire Trine of Uranus and Jupiter is here to remind, affirm and guide you upon the noble path of Right Intention/Right Conduct.

That you can only be Lov­ing and True to yourself…

When you Respect and Hon­or one anoth­er too.

That you are here to find and fol­low the Path of Wisdom…

And Live in the Truth that is Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Love one Another.

Sun Enters Libra (September 22, 2014)


You come out of Non-Being,

From what some would call “No Thing”,

A Pre­cious, Won­drous Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine.

You are a Lumi­nous Beam­ing of the One Super­nal Light.

You are endowed, as is all of Spir­it, with the urge to Grow, to become Ful­ly Aware and Awakened.

You jour­ney through many realms and stages of Consciousness,

Through your many, many worlds, through your many lives and experiences,

You move out of the Dark­ness and into the Light, as you lift your­self from:

Sim­ple Awareness…To Per­son­al or Self-Awareness…to Transper­son­al Awareness.

There you will be com­plete as Human, at-one-ness with your High­er Self, abid­ing in Lucid­i­ty and Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

You emerge from the Hosts of Light, a bright beam­ing par­ti­cle of Spir­it whose pere­gri­na­tions through Forms and Worlds, as an Infin­i­tes­i­mal danc­ing through Infini­ties, finds you seek­ing and search­ing, inward­ly and out­ward­ly, ever long­ing to become one with your High­er Self with­in as also with the Cre­ation that is all around you.

You spin your webs of des­tiny and always and ever behind them all you will find, as you forge these innu­mer­able path­ways of the Sil­ver Chord of Spir­it, you find that it was always there, your essen­tial Being…That in your Ori­gin there too is your Des­tiny, to be one with the One.

The Astro­log­i­cal Year has come to this most spe­cial turn­ing point again. Four Sea­sons mark your year, Four Turn­ings in your bob­bing and weav­ing Spi­ral Dance around your Star. In this play of Lights and Shad­ows, of wax­ing and wan­ing Ener­gy-Forms, the Fall Equinox marks the time you will more con­sid­er­ate­ly and con­scious­ly join hands with one anoth­er, and forge togeth­er your hopes and dreams that are made of your expe­ri­ences with and through one another.

Libra is the Gate­way to your Return. For as you look into the eyes of your part­ner, as you gaze into the win­dow of the soul of your beloved, you will see look­ing back at you “the pres­ence”, the aware­ness of aware­ness that is also there with­in you. Yet, not quite “you”, for each spark of the Divine is dif­fer­ent, each is a lumi­nous mon­ad of the One. Yet the one before you is, as you look into their eyes once more, they are so famil­iar to you…and it is then that you will trem­ble and bow down as you see beyond the present shells into this well of full­ness, of ancient mem­o­ries and your future lives too.

You are drawn to one anoth­er, again and again, because you have made one anoth­er in life after life. You are your rela­tion­ships, and they also are made of and by you. There is no way real­ly to undo or untan­gle you from one anoth­er, for all your expe­ri­ences that have made you “you”, these have been formed and forged with and through them. Your Sil­ver Chords of Des­tiny weave around and through one anoth­er, forg­ing a tapes­try of Light and Love that is your Karmic Bridge to your greater real­i­ty of the Love that holds the whole of Cre­ation in the Heart of the One.

It is time to cel­e­brate your Relationship…

To the one who is before you,

To the One who is always within.

For you are nev­er alone…

You are always loved…

For­ev­er and Ever,
