Daily Archives: November 25, 2020

Should have listened to my Mother, with Jackie Tantillo — Episode 47 with Bill Attride

I am very hap­py to share with you my episode on Jack­ie Tan­til­lo’s Pod­cast, “Should have lis­tened to my Moth­er”. I was a guest on her lat­est show and we talked about my moth­er, and how ahead of her time and what a spe­cial per­son she was. As I like to say, we are made of one anoth­er, infused by all the expe­ri­ences, thoughts, feel­ings and spir­it of those with whom we jour­ney. Of all those spe­cial mak­ers of us, our moth­ers are among the most mean­ing­ful and mag­i­cal. Thank you mom!
Here is the link to the episode: https://shltmm.simplecast.com/episodes/so-different-and-ahead-of-her-time-shltmm-47