Daily Archives: November 20, 2020

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2020)

Scor­pio to Sagit­tar­ius; Self-Tran­scen­dence to Wisdom

It is in the realm of Scor­pio that you move beyond the Illu­sion of Sep­a­ra­tion and into the Real­i­ty of One­ness; you expe­ri­ence the essen­tial inter­con­nect­ed­ness of all humans with one anoth­er, and tru­ly with all life-forms. You move beyond your more lim­it­ed notions of self towards a space of self-tran­scen­dence and illu­mi­na­tion. It is this gift of Union and Rebirth that forms your gate­way to the Greater Understanding.

The Alchem­i­cal expe­ri­ences held by Scor­pio are the foun­da­tion for the entire­ty of Cre­ation, which is the Jour­ney of Spir­it formed by the count­less sparks of the Divine who make up the One; Cre­ation is the “Self-Becom­ing Spir­it”, formed by the sparks of the Divine unfolding/evolving by Com­bi­na­tions and Trans­for­ma­tions, by Unions and Sep­a­ra­tions, by Births and Deaths and Rebirths.

Scor­pio holds the keys to the mys­ter­ies of the Uni­verse and equal­ly of your­self. But often­times these encoun­ters in Alche­my, these “high­est of highs, and the low­est of lows”, will leave you in a place with no words, no con­cepts, no way to under­stand con­scious­ly what you have expe­ri­enced or wit­nessed, at least for some time. You must wait, at the cross­ing point between the dark­ness and the light, for Under­stand­ing; you must pause at the thresh­old of Truth for the next Wind of the Spirit.

This is the Gift of Sagit­tar­ius, and wher­ev­er it is found in your chart, and at this time every year, you are remind­ed once again that you are on a jour­ney to a Greater Under­stand­ing. You are part of a great com­pa­ny of souls who are on a path of Awak­en­ing; begin­ning long ago as unself-aware sparks of the Divine, your des­tiny is to become self-aware, ful­ly con­scious Co-cre­ators of Creation.

Here in Sagit­tar­ius you enter the realm of the Wis­dom-Keep­ers, the Tem­ples of Truth, and the Watch­ers of the Eter­nal Flame. You seek to know the Truth “out there”; but know this, that very same truth is woven through your entire being. How could it be oth­er­wise? What equal­ly forms you is also the Noume­na of the One who is the Uni­verse, “I am That I am”. Truth is omnipresent, it is Shin­ing through every­where, in every mote and speck, in every plan­et, star and Galaxy. The Ancient Ones, The Wise Ones under­stood this truth: “As Above, So Below”.

How can you come to know the Truth?

Look With­in. Lis­ten to your heart; there is with­in you a source of Inher­ent Wis­dom; it is to be found in your Gen­tle, Intu­itive and Uncon­di­tion­al­ly Lov­ing Self. If you lis­ten to your high­er self, you will not stray far from the gold­en rule, “Do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you”.

Look With­out. Lis­ten to one anoth­er; you are made by one anoth­er, as your under­stand­ing is formed by all the expe­ri­ences you share with one anoth­er, in ages past down to this very day. We humans are Sto­ry­tellers; we depend upon one anoth­er to make one anoth­er, and we do this by shar­ing our impres­sions, expe­ri­ences, dis­cov­er­ies. We divine what is truer from the less true, by com­par­ing, con­trast­ing, argu­ing, and laugh­ing with one anoth­er. If you lis­ten to one anoth­er, you will stay on the One True Path of Light, “Love One Another”.

Look Around. We live in a Cre­ation that is formed by the One, and it is Hier­ar­chi­cal­ly arranged in and gov­erned by Spir­i­tu­al, Men­tal, Emo­tion­al and Phys­i­cal Laws. Much has been dis­cerned and dis­cov­ered before your time, and we are the heirs to a mighty for­tune, a ver­i­ta­ble Tem­ple of Truth. There are sev­er­al paths you may fol­low or com­bine to share in this wealth that is Wis­dom. You will find it in the Holy Teach­ings held in the heart of every Reli­gion; in the Meta­phys­i­cal and Philo­soph­i­cal Truths of the Wise Ones; in the Halls of Sci­ence where the Phys­i­cal Laws of this Uni­verse are enu­mer­at­ed; and also in the Arts, it is in Lit­er­a­ture, Music, Dance, Sculp­ture, Paint­ing, and so much more; there are so many sto­ries we have shared, so many gems of wis­dom and truths to behold for you. Trea­sure these Tem­ples of Spir­i­tu­al Truth and Wis­dom for they are the hard-won gifts from your ancestors.

The Way. There is no one path to fol­low, but all these paths, inward, out­ward, upward, they all lead to the Ever­last­ing Light of the One. Step by step, Truth by Truth, the path you fol­low is forged by find­ing this Eter­nal Light with­in your­self and equal­ly shin­ing around you in Nature and in one anoth­er too. It is by this, it is by Self-Tran­scen­dence, of reach­ing beyond one­self to one anoth­er and to the Greater Under­stand­ing, it is by this that you move steadi­ly for­ward in Love and with Humil­i­ty to Wis­dom and Peace. You are on a path with the many, the lumi­nous ones of the One.

So, come togeth­er with one anoth­er now, and let us give thanks. Tell your sto­ries, sing your songs, and dance your dances. This is what you are made for; this is what you are made of. This is how we were; this is who we are; this is the way we will be ones of the One.

This is the Gift of Sagit­tar­ius, the Wis­dom of the Ages.

And may the Light of Truth, Love and Under­stand­ing be with you all.