Daily Archives: June 20, 2018

Sun Enters Cancer (June 21, 2018)

We all want to know where we are going; we all want to know what is around the next bend in the riv­er of our life. We all want to under­stand “the what, where and why” of this jour­ney in spirit.

But if you would under­stand your path and your won­der­ful des­tiny, you need to turn around. You need to more clear­ly under­stand and hold to the essen­tial truth found­ed upon where you have come from; you need to under­stand what makes you what you are. You need to re-con­nect to your “self” at the cen­ter of you if wish to build a life that is right and lumi­nous for you.

Yes, it is always the right time, and it is cer­tain­ly time­ly now in the month that is Can­cer, to come back to your cen­ter, and to align with your sacred sense of home once more. Your home is not mere­ly a space, it is your deep and lov­ing con­nec­tion to the roots of your being. Yes, here in Can­cer it is time to swim once again in the waters of your begin­nings, to feel your­self as you are in your inner­most and high­er self, for you are a divine being made of light and love.

But this must equal­ly remind, reaf­firm and bring you to a place of peace as you intu­itive­ly come to feel that “you are you” pre­cise­ly because your jour­ney is not sep­a­rate from all that is around you. You are part of a very ancient line of spir­i­tu­al evo­lu­tion. You are part of the fam­i­ly of human. But most fun­da­men­tal­ly and lov­ing­ly, you are equal­ly and most mar­velous­ly a sparkling dew­drop of the One Spir­it, you are a one of the One.

Yes, you will start in any life to feel your imme­di­ate con­nec­tions to your moth­er and father, to your broth­er and sis­ter, with grand­moth­er and grand­fa­ther, to aunt and uncle too. But then as you lift your aware­ness you will see the more encom­pass­ing, affirm­ing inti­ma­cies and shared affec­tions among your friends and col­leagues. You will extend your­self beyond the bor­ders of time itself and feel your ances­tors stretch­ing back into the mists of his­to­ry. And then in the present day, you will equal­ly dis­solve the bor­ders that sep­a­rate you from your greater fam­i­ly, as you forge fel­low­ships with oth­er peo­ples, cul­tures and lands as part of your fam­i­ly too.

Yes, you are sin­gu­lar, you are one of a kind…and you are so very spe­cial. But, you also belong to this greater fam­i­ly of human. And, you will most cer­tain­ly feel, if not now then some­day, that you are relat­ed to all of the count­less life-forms that fill the entire cos­mos too. Why? Because All of this is the One; and you and I and all the stars above are part of this fam­i­ly too.

That is why we look to the exam­ple of the great souls, the wise ones we look to as Mas­ters, because we feel their deep car­ing, uncon­di­tion­al love and com­pas­sion. We feel this because they live in the one abid­ing truth:

We are all relat­ed.

And that is why,

What­ev­er you do to the least of these, you also do to the One.

So, there is but one injunc­tion for your entire jour­ney, and it will bring you home,

Love one another!

Yes, in Can­cer we cel­e­brate where we have come from…the stars. And from this we also under­stand what our des­tiny is too. We are part of a fam­i­ly that stretch­es back to the begin­ning of time and extends to the far­thest reach­es of this Creation.

We came from the stars,

And we were made to shine.

We are all related,

And we will find,

That our truest home is in our heart.

For we are here for one another,

From the begin­ning and for all time,

We are here because of love,

We are here to love and be Loved.