Daily Archives: January 21, 2018

The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump (January 2018)

Don­ald Trump

In con­sid­er­ing the influ­ences in any individual’s chart, there is a hier­ar­chy or degree of oppor­tu­ni­ty and/or chal­lenge that will be elicit­ed by the unfold­ing plan­e­tary posi­tions in the solar sys­tem. What is often more con­se­quen­tial is when any sig­nif­i­cant tran­sit­ing plan­et aligns with a par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant plan­et in that chart; and, even more sig­nif­i­cant is when that plan­e­tary influ­ence “trig­gers” a plan­e­tary pat­tern with­in the chart.

In 2017, the prin­ci­ple tran­sits to Trump’s chart were, 1) Plu­to square his Jupiter; and, 2) Uranus square his Saturn.

For the Plu­to tran­sit, I wrote that 2017 would be one of the great­est tests of pow­er in his life. The exer­cise of pow­er is, of course, one of the most sacred and chal­leng­ing tests for we humans. Pow­er, of any type or lev­el, is held in trust by those who are to wield it, whether as the head of a fam­i­ly, cor­po­ra­tion or coun­try. The “Test of Pow­er” will remind the wield­er that the such pow­er is nev­er “yours” to use as you will; the exer­cise of pow­er must be aligned to its source and serve it’s ends. If you bend the pow­er that was giv­en in trust to you, and you instead make it serve you, you will fail, and you will fall eventually.

The tran­sit of Uranus over Sat­urn in 2017 elicited/excited the fun­da­men­tal root of Trump’s per­sona, which is his Uran­ian nature, which pro­pels him into his role as an icon­o­clast and shat­ter of Insti­tu­tions and Norms. But giv­en its dou­bled influ­ence in his chart, (on his Sun and oppo­site his Moon), Trump is by nature unsta­ble, unpre­dictable and inca­pable of focus. Look­ing back on this past year, there would be ample evi­dence that he was most cer­tain­ly an agent of change, but also some­one whose con­sis­tent incon­sis­ten­cy sab­o­taged, and will con­tin­ue to sab­o­tage, his own agenda.

In 2018, Trump will expe­ri­ence a dou­ble-tran­sit of, 1) Sat­urn squar­ing his Nep­tune, 2) while Sat­urn oppos­es his Mer­cury. This is because one of the most reveal­ing aspects in Trump’s chart, (and which I ana­lyzed as one of his three prin­ci­pal chal­lenges when I exam­ined his chart for the 2017 fore­cast, which you can read here), is that he was born with Mer­cury square Nep­tune. I char­ac­ter­ized Trump as some­one who could lit­er­al­ly say one thing and then say the total oppo­site with­out any prob­lem (for him). As I wrote then, “Trump will say any­thing, and mean noth­ing”. He will be a fab­u­list, who will tell sto­ries, make up sto­ries and basi­cal­ly lie to any­one, (and per­haps even to himself).

This tox­ic rela­tion­ship, or non-rela­tion­ship, to the truth is what will be put to the test in 2018. Trump’s mind (Mer­cury) will feel the oppo­si­tion of Sat­urn as his thoughts and words are test­ed by agents of Real­i­ty (Sat­urn). Mean­while, the dreams and visions that dance through his head, (Nep­tune) will also be brought into con­fronta­tion with these same agents of Real­i­ty (Sat­urn).

The last time this exact aspect occurred in Trump’s chart was 1989, and this was peri­od when Trump’s bluff­ing and self-pro­mo­tion­al debt bub­ble began to burst. He bought the East­ern Air­lines Shut­tle, re-brand­ing it the Trump Shut­tle, only to have it go bank­rupt. It was a peri­od when the excess­es of the “go-go 80’s” was catch­ing up for many indi­vid­u­als and cor­po­ra­tions, espe­cial­ly those whose empires were built on easy mon­ey and lots of debt, and many of them would now expe­ri­ence their very own “rever­sal of fortune”.

Trump’s empire of casi­nos and real estate went through bank­rupt­cies, and only by mas­sive infu­sions of monies was he able to avoid total col­lapse. This is indeed the time that reports point to Trump receiv­ing unusu­al and very ques­tion­able loans from the very banks he owed his debt to, (such as Deutsche Bank, and when bankers were asked is this nor­mal, to give mon­ey to a per­son who is a bad cred­it risk, they emphat­i­cal­ly answered “No!”). And, so began the whis­pers of sweet­heart deals and for­eign (Russ­ian) monies being fun­neled by var­i­ous shell cor­po­ra­tions to prop up the Trump brand. Then as now, there is only one cen­tral con­sid­er­a­tion to focus upon; as in any scan­dal of the mod­ern era, the pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mantra will always be, “Fol­low the Money”.

Spir­i­tu­al­ly how­ev­er, the ques­tion will for­ev­er be, “Did you learn from your mis­takes, did you make your amends”? Giv­en the on-going inves­ti­ga­tions into Trump’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, and the many indi­ca­tions that inves­ti­ga­tors are “fol­low­ing the mon­ey”, it would not be far-fetched to imag­ine that the wheel of kar­ma is turn­ing once again, and Reality/Saturn is com­ing once more to pop the web of lies and illu­sions spun by Trump’s Mercury/Neptune square.

It is more than like­ly that the var­i­ous con­gres­sion­al and FBI inves­ti­ga­tions will reveal not only streams of “dark monies” com­ing into the 2016 cam­paign, (both for the Pres­i­den­tial and oth­er cam­paigns), but that these shad­ow mon­ey flows and sweet­heart deals have long been part of Trump, the cor­rupt core of brand “Trump” from the very beginning.