Daily Archives: January 19, 2018

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 19, 2018)

You trav­el the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the Twelve Signs of the Zodi­ac. Mov­ing through Car­di­nal, to Fixed and then onto Muta­ble; strid­ing through Fire and Earth, to Air and then Water signs too. Round and around, the Sea­sons of Spir­it-Life are held in these Twelve Dimen­sions or Realms, these Shin­ing Ones formed into Three Modal­i­ties flow­ing through Four Ener­gy-Forms. Yes, the path that you walk is quite sim­ply “The Way”, it is the Roy­al Road of Light.

Today you move into the last of the four Fixed Signs, and the last of the three Air Signs; today you come home to Aquar­ius once again. In the pri­or sign of Capri­corn, your abid­ing pur­pose is to climb your moun­tain of accom­plish­ment and pur­pose. It is in Capri­corn, wher­ev­er that may be found in you and in your chart, it is there that you reach for the prize of Self-Ful­fill­ment, as you bring all of your poten­tials to their most sub­lime real­iza­tion. But this rais­es a ques­tion pon­dered by those who take time to con­sid­er these mat­ters, “Well then, what can come after that? Where do you go when you have reached the moun­tain­top??” (I will often joke with a client and say, “I guess it is all down­hill from here!!”).

Yes, it is in Capri­corn that you bring the present-day real­i­ty of your­self and your world to its finest real­iza­tion (whether that be in your craft, or formed into a great body of work of spir­it, sci­ence, art or social con­tri­bu­tion, or into a com­pa­ny or insti­tu­tion). Capri­corn is the Sign where­in we per­se­vere and pre­serve, where we hon­or our ances­tors who gave us this world, where we give thanks to them as we main­tain our tra­di­tions, and so keep all that is good and last­ing in their time and in ours; Capri­corn is the ves­sel of respon­si­bil­i­ty, and it is here that you ful­fill your des­tiny, to embody what was pos­si­ble and true with­in the present Real­i­ty-Struc­ture… But in truth, Spir­i­tu­al­ly, the next step is per­haps even more sublime…

So, you might well won­der, what can come next? What does Aquar­ius offer to this shin­ing achieve­ment; where do go after you have climbed the high­est moun­tain? Aquar­ius looks up and smiles, and answers with eyes that sparkle and shine. In Aquar­ius, you look out upon that far hori­zon, see­ing the blush of dawn that is the her­ald of all tomor­rows, and with a firm but lov­ing friend­li­ness it is Aquar­ius who says,

Yes, this is indeed the finest, and the most beau­ti­ful, and most mean­ing­ful achieve­ment of our time. Giv­en what we have so far mas­tered, yes this Capri­corn achieve­ment does stand as the very best of the best.
But, is there not per­haps some­thing more than this…After all, we are not yet what we believe we can be…Can we not do bet­ter, can we not be bet­ter; let us draw even clos­er to our bet­ter angels and high­est dreams?!”

Aquar­ius looks at what is, and then dreams of the bet­ter world that is to be. Aquar­ius is the Avatar of the Future. From the whis­pers of our high­er self who remains upon the plane of pure spir­it, we are remind­ed and so remem­ber that we are here for one anoth­er, that we are one in truth and must remain togeth­er. Aquar­ius reminds us what it means to be human, and that we are in fact “All for one, and one for All.”

We are here to cel­e­brate our indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, we are here to be dis­tinc­tive and dif­fer­ent; yet we also need one anoth­er to form the palette or music of our cul­ture, and from these shared mean­ings we each of us cre­ate our very own unique paint­ing or song.

When­ev­er we are in this time of Aquar­ius, and wher­ev­er that Sign is found in your chart, know that it is then and there that you cel­e­brate the real­i­ty of being human. That we are for one anoth­er, and that this is the very way and means to becom­ing who we are; that we are made by one anoth­er in our words and deeds, in our loves and lives shared togeth­er. The very sub­stance and ful­fill­ment of our hopes, of our fond­est wish­es and dreams is only to be found in and through being part of our fam­i­lies, friend­ships and communities.

What do you real­ly want for your­self and for those you love? You want to be hap­py; and you want them to be hap­py too. And what is “Hap­pi­ness”? Hap­pi­ness is the expe­ri­ence of Self-Ful­fill­ment. Though we need things in this phys­i­cal world so that we can live; the only things we take with us from life to life, the only trea­sure we will and can store in “Heav­en”, is the laugh­ter (and tears), the joys (and the pains) that we have shared with one anoth­er. Our self-ful­fill­ment, our hap­pi­ness, depends upon one anoth­er. For how could any of us be hap­py with­out the kind­ness and sup­port of oth­ers? And how could we tru­ly be hap­py if those we cared for were unful­filled and unhappy?

Our hap­pi­ness depends upon one anoth­er; our hap­pi­ness is tru­ly made of one anoth­er. Aquar­ius is the know­ing that you are here to be you, and to be loved for who you are; but that who and what you are is formed by so many oth­ers, whose voic­es, dreams, feel­ings and love have made you, just as much as you have made them too.

Yes, Aquar­ius is the dream of the future of nev­er-end­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties; the dream of where each of us will be free to grow and become who they are because that free­dom is shared by one and by all.

Aquar­ius is the promise that our bet­ter days are yet to be. That broth­er­hood, sis­ter­hood, tol­er­ance and uncon­di­tion­al love for one anoth­er is tru­ly what it means to be human.

In the end, we are here for one purpose,

As it was in the begin­ning, so shall it be in the end.

We are here for one thing only,

We are to be with those we love.

We are here to love and be loved.