Daily Archives: December 18, 2017

Saturn Enters Capricorn (December 19, 2017 – December 17, 2020)

The Test of Responsibility — The Way of Self-Fulfillment

For almost three years, the plan­et of Real­i­ty and Test­ing, the Plan­et Sat­urn, has been sweep­ing through the sign of Sagit­tar­ius, the Sign of Truth. Look­ing at the world today, and con­sid­er­ing what we have come through in the past few years, one could hard­ly find a more fit­ting title for this recent peri­od than it being, on so many lev­els, from the most inti­mate mat­ters of per­son­al and sex­u­al con­sid­er­a­tions, to the most nation­al, polit­i­cal and geo-polit­i­cal realms, this has tru­ly been a time where we have wit­nessed “The Test of Truth”. The very def­i­n­i­tion of what is know­able, what is fact or fic­tion (like in “alter­na­tive facts”), of what is “tru­ly true” has been the under­ly­ing as well as over­ar­ch­ing theme for our time. It cer­tain­ly seems we have all been mov­ing through a time of great lessons, a tru­ly “teach­ing moment”. But now we must take our next step…

Today we turn to the next oppor­tu­ni­ty, chal­lenge and test from Sat­urn, today the lord of Man­i­fes­ta­tion and Real­i­ty moves into his very own sign of Capri­corn. (The most recent times for Sat­urn in Capri­corn have been: 1988–91, 1959–62, 1929–32…most inter­est­ing times indeed).

Sat­urn is the Avatar of your fun­da­men­tal test or great­est chal­lenge. But most won­der­ful­ly, (for this is how you grow), it is by this chal­lenge and your over­com­ing of it that forms the sub­stance of your spir­i­tu­al growth. As much as Sat­urn indi­cates where you may stum­ble and fall (again and again), it is also the lumi­nous bea­con of your truest spir­i­tu­al strength; Sat­urn, the Teacher, is here to bring forth or elic­it your great­est gift of spirit.

For it is by your very stum­bling into error or fail­ures that you learn. You learn, most cer­tain­ly what “not to do”; and by tri­al and error, by wit and will, through love and inspi­ra­tion, you learn to do bet­ter and be bet­ter. Yes, your very fail­ures are the cru­cible to your self-over­com­ing; you lift your­self and one anoth­er up as you bur­nish off the dross of your being to reveal the divine light shin­ing through and through.

We can look at Sat­urn as the teacher or what I would call “The Black­smith”, like in steel-mak­ing, “The Tem­per­er” of your soul, of your Pur­pose and “The Keep­er” of your Path of Self-Fulfillment.

Con­sid­er this: on all the planes of exis­tence, from the Spir­i­tu­al to the Men­tal, from the Emo­tion­al to the Phys­i­cal, the “Laws of Life” oper­ate in much the same fash­ion. And so, with Sat­urn, the teacher, we can see these par­al­lels on each plane as it is on the phys­i­cal: The devel­op­ment of our bones and mus­cles are elicit­ed and stim­u­lat­ed by our exer­tions and phys­i­cal strain­ing, where­in the micro tear­ing of our mus­cles and oth­er fibers leads to their very renewal/rebuilding of our bod­ies into ever stronger forms. We tem­per our bod­ies by push­ing hard­er, we grow by tear­ing down and rebuild­ing. As the adage goes, “you use it or lose it”.

Well, this same prin­ci­ple applies to the oth­er planes upon which you abide. Your emo­tion­al shocks and trau­mas, lead to the devel­op­ment of our greater capac­i­ty to han­dle these chal­lenges in the future. And, most won­der­ful­ly, these very real pains and suf­fer­ings stim­u­late the growth of those spir­i­tu­al feel­ings that make you tru­ly human, your capac­i­ty for com­pas­sion, empa­thy and per­son­al love as well.

The chal­lenges thrown down by Intel­lec­tu­al com­pe­ti­tion, lead to the very devel­op­ment of more com­pre­hen­sive and com­plex con­nec­tions with­in your mind and between one anoth­er. Through men­tal striv­ings and intel­lec­tu­al com­pe­ti­tion, we help one anoth­er to move beyond our more lim­it­ed or nar­row under­stand­ings; we make pos­si­ble for one anoth­er our jour­ney to the Greater Understanding.

And like­wise, the man­i­fold and many-lay­ered spir­i­tu­al chal­lenges you are brought to, the ago­nies and ecstasies of your spir­i­tu­al strug­gles and their even­tu­al over-com­ing, these are the “Spir­i­tu­al Smithies” that devel­op your high­est and finest attrib­ut­es of self-sac­ri­fice and uncon­di­tion­al love for one another.

All of these realms, from the phys­i­cal on up to the Spir­i­tu­al, and all of these tests and result­ing growths, can be seen as whol­ly or in part brought to bear in our lives by the move­ment of Sat­urn, mov­ing from Sign to Sign, and through the hous­es of your astro­log­i­cal chart. Sat­urn is the instru­ment of mak­ing real your poten­tials, of mak­ing man­i­fest your Spir­i­tu­al Destiny.

What is our Teacher ask­ing of us now? 

Where­as a plan­et in a Muta­ble Sign (like Gem­i­ni or Sagit­tar­ius) has much to do with mean­ing or under­stand­ing, the Car­di­nal Signs like Can­cer or here with Sat­urn in Capri­corn, are about Iden­ti­ty and Action. The ques­tion or test of Sat­urn in Capri­corn is the Test of Posi­tion, the Test of Social Respon­si­bil­i­ty. It reveals the worth­while­ness of the Hier­ar­chies of any soci­ety and cul­ture, the via­bil­i­ty and strength of a civilization’s Insti­tu­tions whether they be of the fam­i­ly or com­mu­ni­ty, Civ­il or Cor­po­rate, local or national.

Giv­en that we are also in this greater his­tor­i­cal tran­si­tion, of Pluto’s tran­sit through Capri­corn as well, (from 2008 to 2024, we are try­ing to find our way as the very sub­stance of the world order that came into being in the late 1700’s is being bro­ken down and trans­formed. And, as I have men­tioned in numer­ous shows and blog post­ings, we are here to wit­ness this end of an age and, most cer­tain­ly now, to help one anoth­er birth and become The New Age), it would fol­low that Sat­urn mov­ing into Capri­corn will bring about an inten­si­fi­ca­tion of this challenge.

Sat­urn in Capri­corn her­alds a time of Reck­on­ing: You must be true to your­self and to one anoth­er; you must be your truth and so rebuild your world.

Sat­urn in Capri­corn asks you to do one thing: Be Respon­si­ble. Respon­si­bil­i­ty is found­ed upon one thing, a right align­ment with your true self, with the Light of Love that guides your heart.

If you want to know how you should be, and where you should go, you will learn much by look­ing back at from whence you came. Fol­low­ing that very prin­ci­ple or rea­son, oppo­site Astro­log­i­cal Signs inform one anoth­er. In Can­cer you find your way to meet the needs of one anoth­er in spon­ta­neous car­ing: As a par­ent, you move with­out thought to meet the needs of your child, as a friend you share and shape one another’s dreams, and with your part­ner you find your way to uncon­di­tion­al love for one another.

But Capri­corn calls you to ful­fill the promise of Can­cer, that you take what was spon­ta­neous and pure and fold it into some­thing that will last. You take what was felt as pure and true and embody these ener­gy-forms into last­ing struc­tures of Cus­toms, Tra­di­tions, Laws and Insti­tu­tions. You are called by Sat­urn in Capri­corn to be respon­si­ble to your larg­er social circumstances.

Sat­urn rules Real­i­ty; Sat­urn is also the dark one, reveal­ing your “shad­ows of fear”. The insti­tu­tions of this age are trem­bling, crack­ing and seem­ing­ly fail­ing you…But know this, they were made by our ances­tors and by every one of us. If we wish our vil­lage, town, state and nation to be these larg­er instru­ments of our self-ful­fill­ment, then we must remem­ber what these things are for, to bring them back to their essen­tial spir­i­tu­al foun­da­tions. And then we must be that change with­in our­selves, with­in our own hearts and minds we will make our sal­va­tion, if we are to restore and rebuild our world.

The fault lies not in our things that we have made; and the fault lies not “in our stars”. The fault and solu­tion of our trou­bles lies in our own spir­i­tu­al aware­ness and prac­tice. The solu­tion for our Cri­sis of Civ­i­liza­tion is to be found in each and every human heart; the path of your heal­ing this world must start with our love for one another.

Your first respon­si­bil­i­ty is to your “Self”, to under­stand who and what you are and go out every day and strive to be the very best of that. Then, equal­ly and nat­u­ral­ly, your sec­ond respon­si­bil­i­ty is to care for one anoth­er, to help your part­ner, child, friend and neigh­bor to be the very best that they can be too.

Then you must bring this re-born spir­it into the very fibers of your life, into your most inti­mate rela­tion­ships, and then into your neigh­bor­hoods, your larg­er com­mu­ni­ties and through­out the world.

Sat­urn in Capri­corn reminds you that it is time…

You are here for thing: “To be Fulfilled”.

You can­not do this if we do not do that for one and for all.

Extend a help­ing hand to those who fol­low behind you,

For you have been where they strug­gle now.

And look ahead and feel in your heart for those Great Ones who came this way before,

And know this, they will ever extend their help­ing hand to you too.

The Hier­ar­chy of Light and Love was, is and will for­ev­er thrill through One and for All.

For Spir­it is Life; and Life is Spir­it made real.

Forged from many into One, you will reveal the Light that for­ev­er shines.

Togeth­er, we will walk in brighter days,

Togeth­er, we will be the Dawn­ing Light,

Togeth­er, we will be builders of a brand New Age.