Monthly Archives: November 2017

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21, 2017)

The Gift of Humility, The Way of Wisdom

You have felt your way for 30 days…

There were no words, no touch­stones or anchors that could bridge your under­stand­ing; there was no ade­quate chal­ice to hold your expe­ri­ence of the “ecsta­sy and agony” that is Scorpio.

Because it is in that realm of Spir­i­tu­al Alche­my, it is there you meet in the unimag­in­able joy of union, and you endure the unbear­able pain of sep­a­ra­tion and loss too…and all your words will fail you.

Yes, there is no way, in that space between worlds, between here and there, between your mor­tal­i­ty and your Immor­tal­i­ty, there is only every­thing and noth­ing all mixed up togeth­er. All you can do is feel, to expe­ri­ence an intu­ition­al know­ing as you draw one step clos­er to the Truth of your radi­ant nature. Scor­pio lit­er­al­ly takes your breath away, as you catch a glimpse of the undy­ing “light that is the uni­verse”. You have felt the Truth, and you are in awe, and you have been shat­tered, and you have been hum­bled too.

It was here that you were made aware of the divine in your­self, and in one anoth­er, and that thrills through as the shim­mer­ing light of every­thing and every­one. It was here that you felt the Truth; that Life-Spir­it is the very essence of you and every world and star and the whole of Cre­ation too.

But now it is time to turn…

You need to find your words, to share what you have learned, to extend your indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ence and fold it into a larg­er con­text of mean­ing­ful­ness. Here in Sagit­tar­ius you reach beyond your­self to become a sto­ry­teller, as all humans have done since the begin­ning of time. Here in the Cir­cle of the Lone­ly Ones, it is here that you share with one anoth­er your sto­ries, so that you can heal and grow into the Greater Understanding.

The Way of Scor­pio yields the stage to the realm that is Sagit­tar­ius, where you will find the Ever-Renew­ing Foun­tain Source of Truth. Here is found the Ancient Wis­dom and those Seers, past and present, who pre­serve the trea­sure of Human expe­ri­ence in Sci­ence, Phi­los­o­phy, Reli­gion, Art and Truth. It is here that you find the path; “The Way” home beck­ons to you once again.

But you must remem­ber this, what they dis­cov­ered and inscribed on papyrus, tablet and tome, all these truths and more are equal­ly found in the stars above, and in your own true heart too. “For as above, so below”, and in the heart of all cre­ation there shines the undy­ing Light of the One. For Spir­it is Life; Life is Spir­it. And so, it is known in all the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings that there is but one Spir­it, and there is but one Life. The Truth is there for all to see; you need only to weave togeth­er your heart and your mind. And you will smile, and your heart will be at peace. As the great Seer William Blake so beau­ti­ful­ly wrote:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heav­en in a Wild Flower

Hold Infin­i­ty in the palm of your hand

And Eter­ni­ty in an hour…

God Appears & God is Light

To those poor Souls who dwell in Night

But does a Human Form Display

To those who Dwell in Realms of day.

                                          “Auguries of Innocence”

Light begets Light, and with­in you resides a greater con­scious­ness, your High­er Self, who con­stant­ly encour­ages you to align what is your upper­most spir­i­tu­al and moral com­pass with what you encounter “out there” in the hier­ar­chies of Spir­it-Mat­ter. But this Intu­itive Wis­dom is mod­u­lat­ed through your inter­me­di­ary bod­ies which have not yet ful­ly awak­ened. And so, you will con­tin­u­al­ly strug­gle until your final awak­en­ing. The fear will fight to hold you, but the Light of Love will lead you onward…

Your Jour­ney is your Awak­en­ing; and you are quite sim­ply here to lift your­self into the Greater Light that is your true nature. You will hold through Faith and you will find by Rea­son, as you weave togeth­er your expe­ri­ences of feel­ing-thought into the “Wis­dom Way”, where every­thing is con­nect­ed, both with­in and with­out. You learn to turn away from sep­a­ra­tion and affirm the insep­a­ra­ble Truth: “That Life is Spir­it, Spir­it is Life”. One shin­ing day you will achieve your apoth­e­o­sis, and you will tru­ly under­stand how Lov­ing and Beau­ti­ful you are, and equal­ly under­stand that this Love and Beau­ty is what sur­rounds you too. Each is part of the oth­er; there is but One Spir­it, and we are the many ones of the One.

To bring you clos­er to this cross­ing point of Light and Love, innu­mer­able encoun­ters just like those you met in Scor­pio, of unions and sep­a­ra­tions, encour­age you to reach beyond your­self, and con­nect with your true nature by com­mu­nion, by com­pan­ion­ship and through love. It is by this that you serve as both mir­ror and light for one anoth­er. You see what holds you as one with one anoth­er, while equal­ly hon­or­ing and cel­e­brat­ing your dif­fer­ences too.

Yes, it was by Scor­pio that you felt the Truth; you sac­ri­ficed the less­er in your­self to join with one anoth­er. You came clos­er to your own true self by reach­ing beyond your­self and expe­ri­enc­ing your shared space of feel­ings for one another.

In Sagit­tar­ius you will under­stand and seek to share this Wis­dom and Love. You have your sto­ry; and they have their sto­ry. Togeth­er, you will share your sto­ries with one anoth­er, and you will refine your less­er truths into a more encom­pass­ing Truth for one anoth­er. You will dip your cup into the Well of Wis­dom, and find peace of mind in the Peren­ni­al Truths. And you will add your spe­cial sto­ries to this Sto­ry of Spir­it too. It has always been so…

You will see that the authen­tic­i­ty of your own true Feel­ing-Know­ing depends upon one anoth­er, as your shar­ing of feel­ings and thoughts removes your pri­or mis­un­der­stand­ings and half-truths. You will equal­ly rely upon the inspi­ra­tion and guid­ance from the Wis­dom of those Ancient Ones, who came this way long before you. For this is a well-worn road of awak­en­ing, and there are many, both past and present, who will help you along the path.

Behind all the noise and con­fu­sion that swirls around you now, beyond all the lies and half-truths…there is Truth.

You Felt it; now you Know it too.

Gath­er togeth­er, give thanks to those who came before you.

They forged the Roy­al Road of Truth.

And give thanks to all who trav­el with you now.

Togeth­er you keep one anoth­er on the path of Light.

Tell your sto­ries, sing your songs.

Laugh; Cry; Laugh.

Dis­pel fear, by kind­ly shar­ing your under­stand­ing with one another.

And above all, remem­ber there is one Truth upon which all oth­ers rest…

Love One Another.

This present dark­ness will fade; your words and deeds will remove it.

Your Light is shin­ing in a greater Wis­dom, which grows in step with your deep­en­ing Humility.

Be not afraid; speak Truth to Power,

Guid­ed by Love.