Daily Archives: December 23, 2021

2021-12-19 Radio Show Transcript — Astrological Musings – 2022 — A look ahead, the 2022 Forecast – Part 1 (December 19, 2021)

Tran­script of Radio Show: 2022 — A look ahead, the 2022 Fore­cast – Part 1

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

As we say good­bye to 2021 and pre­pare for 2022, I thought it would be help­ful to look out to the year ahead and see what the Astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions are for the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges that lie on the path before for us.

Mun­dane Astrology
Much of Astrol­o­gy and many Astrologers focus their atten­tion upon what we call per­son-cen­tered Astrol­o­gy, which is based upon the exam­i­na­tion of the pro­gres­sions and tran­sits occur­ring in the charts of their clients year after year. But when we step back and look at World­ly or what is called Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy, we con­sid­er the larg­er forces shap­ing cul­tures, cor­po­ra­tions, nations, and the world.

To do this, Astrologers con­sid­er two gen­er­al types of indications:

  • We look at the gen­er­al plan­e­tary align­ments, which are the move­ment of the plan­ets through the signs of the Zodi­ac, and we also con­sid­er the sig­nif­i­cant angu­lar sep­a­ra­tions that the plan­ets form with one anoth­er over time, which Astrologers call the plan­e­tary aspects between the orbital paths of the planets.
  • And sec­ond­ly, Astrologers observe the Plan­ets orbit­ing through the Solar Sys­tem and note the aspects they form to the natal plan­ets in any one or any num­ber of charts of say a nation, a cor­po­ra­tion, or any oth­er enti­ty. In addi­tion to this we will often con­sid­er the charts of the lead­ers of these orga­ni­za­tions or oth­er sig­nif­i­cant actors on the world stage as well.

You would cer­tain­ly think, giv­en the con­di­tions that we are wit­ness­ing around the world right now, that the gen­er­al indi­ca­tions of the World­ly or Mun­dane place­ments and aspects would be very notice­able, stress­ful, and sig­nif­i­cant. But this is not the case, at least not at first glance. Yes, as is true for many things in this world, things are often not what they seem.

In Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy, Astrologers focus upon the most sig­nif­i­cant long-term or long-wave cycles of the plan­ets through the signs of the Zodi­ac. What we find this year is that from Sat­urn on out to Plu­to, all the plan­ets remain in the same sign in 2022 as they were in 2021. Sat­urn is mov­ing through Aquar­ius, Uranus through Tau­rus, Nep­tune through Pisces, and Plu­to remains in Capri­corn. And where­as last year, Sat­urn was mak­ing a Square to Uranus, there is no major aspect between these out­er plan­ets in 2022. Does that mean that noth­ing sig­nif­i­cant is shown by these place­ments? Well of course not!

Plu­to in Capricorn
As I have con­tin­u­ous­ly not­ed since the mid 2000’s, we are mov­ing through a peri­od in our his­to­ry which I (and oth­ers) have called the “End of an Age”. Prin­ci­pal­ly, I see this as being indi­cat­ed by the pas­sage of Plu­to (the plan­et of the Will and Trans­for­ma­tion) mov­ing through Capri­corn (the sign of Real­i­ty and Insti­tu­tions). If we look to Pluto’s pre­vi­ous cycling through this sign, (1762–1778 and 1516–1532) and com­pare it to our own peri­od from 2008 to 2024, we can see that the Cul­tur­al-Eco­nom­ic-Polit­i­cal order that had been in place since the end of the pri­or pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn falls apart and a new order begins to emerge.

Why is this so; why does this hap­pen? Quite sim­ply, every Cul­tur­al-Eco­nom­ic-Polit­i­cal order is formed for one pur­pose; we cre­ate a hier­ar­chy of insti­tu­tions to address or meet our human needs. But over time, the nature of these needs and the ways in which they are met evolve and change to such an extent that the old sys­tem begins to fail. Even­tu­al­ly we reach a cri­sis, like now, and from the undo­ing of the old order a new one is formed or ris­es from its ashes.

Plu­to and the Will
Plu­to rules the Will; it is the vehi­cle of the spir­i­tu­al gift as to how we form our bound­aries with one anoth­er, of how we cre­ate and pre­serve our sacred space with­in our­selves. It holds the spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ple that we must relate to oth­ers by respect­ing their sacred space as much as we pre­serve our own. This Truth must guide us as to how we must work to cre­ate our shared spaces that are found­ed upon the under­stand­ing that we are the means to one another’s self-ful­fill­ment or “Hap­pi­ness”, and to do this we form our Unions or Shared Sacred Spaces, in which we join, grow, and trans­form one anoth­er and our world. Plu­to holds the capac­i­ty for “Agency”, to hold our­selves in self-mas­tery, with the abil­i­ty to say, “yes or “no”, to join in mutu­al under­stand­ing or to sep­a­rate from one anoth­er when we do not.

Plu­to is the Avatar that holds the root dri­ving ener­gy-form of Cre­ation, which we know as Alche­my, and it is by this Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form which makes man­i­fests all that is; it is “prime mover” behind the whole of Cre­ation. The Cos­mos began as the One becom­ing the many, and those many went forth in a spir­i­tu­al jour­ney of becom­ing, mov­ing through a hier­ar­chy of com­bi­na­tions from the phys­i­cal to the spir­i­tu­al, from chem­istry to alche­my, and this pro­gres­sion of com­bi­na­tions by these many ones, it is this which cre­ates how we, all the divine Sparks of the One trans­form one anoth­er, becom­ing ever more com­plex and inter­re­lat­ed, so that they and we form a ver­i­ta­ble Riv­er of Cre­ation that is the body of the One or the Cosmos.

We humans exer­cise our will in numer­ous ways. As our nature became ever more aware and com­plex, we formed and expressed our pow­er of the will through a hier­ar­chy of vehicles/institutions to meet our needs for one anoth­er, from the fam­i­ly to the trib­al group, to larg­er com­mu­ni­ties, to var­i­ous state and cor­po­rate struc­tures of our mod­ern world on up to nations and world insti­tu­tions. All these instru­ments of our will are made by us to care for one anoth­er; we are only able to be and become what we are because we make pos­si­ble our ful­fill­ment through one anoth­er. But if “life is spir­it and spir­it is life”, and spirit’s pur­pose is to grow and change, so it must fol­low that we and our vehi­cles of self-real­iza­tion must change too. Any insti­tu­tion­al order is formed for a par­tic­u­lar time, to meet the needs of that time as best as it can. But it will not and can­not last for­ev­er, and so we have watched our com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures and civ­i­liza­tions rise and fall through­out human history.

In many peri­ods of Pluto’s 245-year orbit, we will find exam­ples of the right use of the Will and of Pow­er, and the mis­use of it too. Today, as our insti­tu­tion­al order that was formed in the 1700s comes undone, we see how the very instru­ments of our ful­fill­ment, of how we meet our basic needs for food, cloth­ing, shel­ter, and secu­ri­ty, and so much more, how these very means of our liv­ing have become the obsta­cles and per­ils for life on this plan­et for us, and for many oth­er life-forms too. The very solu­tions we cre­at­ed to meet our needs have become the obsta­cles and per­ils to our con­tin­ued existence.

We find our­selves now at the end of Pluto’s pas­sage through Capri­corn, as it will begin to move into and out of Aquar­ius dur­ing 2023, before remain­ing there to stay at the end of 2024 (and con­tin­ue until 2044). We might like to think (or hope) that the end­ing of this tumul­tuous peri­od in Capri­corn would lead to a time of rebuild­ing and peace in Aquar­ius. But if the pre­vi­ous two pas­sages pro­vide some illu­mi­na­tion with regards to this, his­to­ry seems to indi­cate that our time of end­ing will lead to a peri­od of chal­lenges in the 2020’s, 2030’s and 2040’s as we attempt to cre­ate the New World.

We can take com­fort from this fact, that at least our hearts and minds will not be focused upon what we have watched fall apart. No, instead we will lift our hearts and minds as we will be look­ing to the far hori­zon, as we focus our love, faith and hope to build the future and forge a path of light and love of what we may yet become.

Plu­to and the USA
As I men­tioned ear­li­er, the oth­er approach of Mun­dane Astrol­o­gy is to exam­ine the plan­e­tary aspects formed by the orbit­ing plan­ets to the natal plan­ets in the chart of some enti­ty. For some time now we have wit­nessed the pas­sage of Plu­to in Capri­corn through the chart of the Unit­ed States as it made a series of align­ments: the oppo­si­tion to Venus in 2009 and 2010, the oppo­si­tion to Jupiter in 2011, the oppo­si­tion to the Sun in 2014 and 2015, a square to Sat­urn in 2015, and the oppo­si­tion to Mer­cury in 2020. Tru­ly we have wit­nessed a sig­nif­i­cant and pow­er­ful series of chal­lenges from 2008 until now.

But 2022 is the final tran­sit of Plu­to in Capri­corn to the USA chart, and it is per­haps the most con­se­quen­tial. Because this is the year that Plu­to will return, (for the very first time) to its natal posi­tion in the chart of the Unit­ed States; this year we will expe­ri­ence the Plu­to return for the Unit­ed States.

I have spo­ken and writ­ten about this for some time now, and I believe we can under­stand much of the promise for and per­il of the Unit­ed States by look­ing at Pluto’s role once again. As I have writ­ten repeat­ed­ly, this Cos­mos, the sto­ry of Cre­ation, is formed and pow­ered by what we know as Chem­istry (phys­i­cal­ly) or Alche­my (spir­i­tu­al­ly), and this Foun­tain Source or Pri­mal Ener­gy for Cre­ation cease­less­ly unfolds as the prime mover or the Self-Becom­ing ener­gy that forges the innu­mer­able com­bi­na­tions and trans­for­ma­tions of the hier­ar­chy of Ener­gy-Forms of the One Spir­it. Whether by atoms com­bin­ing with atoms to form larg­er atoms, mol­e­cules with mol­e­cules, organ­isms with organ­isms, on up to the plan­ets, stars, and galax­ies, what dri­ves Cre­ation is the Pro­tean Pow­er that is Alche­my, which is the mag­ic and the mys­tery of combination.

This secret to Cre­ation, of Birth, Death and Rebirth, is held by the Sign of Scor­pio and the Plan­et Plu­to for us. The posi­tion of Plu­to in the chart of the USA is inte­gral to our under­stand­ing of who and what we are. Plu­to is in the sec­ond house of Val­ue, and it holds the secret of where our true val­ue comes from, of how we are to make val­ue, pre­serve val­ue or destroy val­ue as a nation.

Alche­my and Community
For humans, this pow­er of Alche­my is most clear­ly seen in our part­ner­ships, col­lab­o­ra­tions, joint ven­tures, enter­pris­es, com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, and nations. To form any union, we must make a sac­ri­fice which elic­its our change and growth; we let go of our less­er qual­i­ties to com­bine with one anoth­er by our deep­er val­ues, and by this we move into a greater real­i­ty. We forge our own growth and make pos­si­ble our greater and shared qual­i­ties through com­bi­na­tion. When prop­er­ly guid­ed by love and under­stand­ing, we give up for one anoth­er what we must, but we hold onto the core of who we are, sac­ri­fic­ing our ego but lift­ing our hearts and minds together.

The USA was found­ed as a Union, as a sacred com­pact, an agree­ment made by indi­vid­u­als who sought to free them­selves from tyran­ny and pledged to one anoth­er, and they swore an oath, that estab­lished “a new order for the cen­turies”. They deter­mined and declared that they would cre­ate a new kind of soci­ety and gov­ern them­selves by mutu­al con­sent. Their ideals and inten­tions stat­ed in our Dec­la­ra­tion res­onate to this day, “that all men are cre­at­ed equal”.

Now of course it is true through­out our his­to­ry, that humans have always joined togeth­er, to hunt and to gath­er and to grow food­stuffs, and to make the neces­si­ties for life like cloth­ing and shel­ter, to join in groups for mutu­al pro­tec­tion, and so they formed them­selves into fam­i­lies, into bands of fam­i­lies, and into tribes, and they cre­at­ed vil­lages, cities, nations, and empires. The nature and qual­i­ty of those com­bi­na­tions has var­ied wide­ly, with a range of agency or “free will” for the indi­vid­u­als with­in those socio-cul­tur­al orders. No mat­ter how free or equal, even in what we may look to as “freer” soci­eties of mutu­al con­sent, there was ever to be found injus­tices and inequal­i­ties, of pow­er wield­ed by the few over the many, of peo­ple bound and enslaved to the wills of others.

Out of many, One
The Way of Amer­i­ca has been an attempt to form a new order for the ages, that as our mot­to states, “Out of many, One”. But as in any indi­vid­ual being, or group of beings, there are three “direc­tions” that must be forged into the “one way” to make a whole per­son or a whole soci­ety, to make a One; there are three ways to con­nect with­in and with­out to forge whole­ness and well-being. From Astrol­o­gy we take this under­stand­ing from the three Water Signs, to find our cen­ter from Can­cer, by forg­ing con­nec­tion to one anoth­er in Scor­pio, and to reach for the sub­lime by Pisces.

The Water Signs
From Can­cer we go down and back, to our ori­gins and roots, to who and where we came from (fam­i­ly, cul­ture, faith), and we estab­lish that which cen­ters us with­in our­selves and with our fel­low mem­bers. It is the sto­ry we tell about who we are.

By Scor­pio we go out to form our unions with one anoth­er, our join­ing in per­son­al, pro­fes­sion­al, social col­lab­o­ra­tions by which we make pos­si­ble our self-ful­fill­ments through one anoth­er. We cre­ate the share sacred spaces gov­erned by our mutu­al agree­ments (shaped by morals that guide our con­duct, pro­tect­ed by the laws that embody our truth) and by this we become the means to one another’s ful­fill­ment. It is the way in which we show our love for one another.

To Pisces, as we reach up and out, to that which we hold as our belief in a greater order, and our faith about what we will be and become as we fol­low the ever-ris­ing spir­i­tu­al imper­a­tive to become what we dream. We find the faith to believe in some­thing greater than our­selves, and that this is equal­ly the gift that makes us who we are. It is the lumi­nous path by which we can be greater than we are.

These three ways of Water, of Can­cer, Scor­pio and Pisces, these ways of being and becom­ing a bet­ter human, is true for every indi­vid­ual. But this means that these three are also the key to any com­mu­ni­ty, soci­ety, or cul­ture. And for the USA, we find our­selves at anoth­er great turn­ing in the tides of his­to­ry for these ways of being have become dimin­ished and are in dan­ger of being broken.

Bro­ken Connections
What we are wit­ness­ing at the present time for the USA is an end­ing. Why? We have become sep­a­rat­ed from our ori­gin sto­ry; so, we do not know where we came from. We have lost the capac­i­ty to cre­ate our shared sacred spaces because we can­not find a way to over­come the dif­fer­ences that divide us; so, we will not sac­ri­fice for one anoth­er. We have lost our faith in the Amer­i­can dream of a bet­ter life for one and for all; so, we can­not imag­ine a world that will be bet­ter than what came before.

Now, of course, the sto­ry that we told of Amer­i­ca had to change. Our ori­gin sto­ry was incom­plete to begin with, as it left out so many who are part of the heart of the Amer­i­can jour­ney; and, we have changed in so many ways that we need to share our sto­ries with one anoth­er so that we might cre­ate a new com­mon story.

Like­wise, our way of join­ing with one anoth­er, (which should be guid­ed by our morals and laws), is no longer pro­tect­ed by being cen­tered in a com­mon sto­ry, so our unions have been ever more dimin­ished and hol­lowed out, allow­ing those with influ­ence and pow­er to take advan­tage of our bro­ken social com­pact. The val­ues that we cre­ate with one anoth­er, that are for one anoth­er, our social wealth, is stolen by the few for their own pri­vate ben­e­fit. Our pow­er through com­bi­na­tion is lost, and we have retreat­ed into iso­la­tion and despair.

It is by these bro­ken roots and sev­ered con­nec­tions, that we have lost faith in our future. We have wan­dered off the path of faith because we do not know where we came from, or how we can join with one anoth­er. We do not have a com­mon sto­ry, nor an equi­tably shared space for self-ful­fill­ment, nor a faith in a future that is bet­ter than before. We find our­selves at the end of our days, and we are con­fused and scared, and our fears dark­en the horizon.

Amer­i­ca — A New Beginning
Yes, Plu­to is return­ing; the Lord of Birth-Death-Rebirth is here. Plu­to is ring­ing the bell of truth, that what was our Amer­i­can Jour­ney of Val­ue for the past 240 years is over. Plu­to says that we must let go of the past that is past, and the only way for­ward is for there to be a renew­al and restora­tion of our true source of val­ue. For we have nev­er lived ful­ly by the truths we declared to be “the Truth”, and we must take up the chal­lenge of being bet­ter than we were once again, which real­ly is the quin­tes­sen­tial core of the Amer­i­can Sto­ry. We believe that we can be bet­ter, and we can be again if we under­stand that we are for anoth­er the means for this bright future.

We must remem­ber the true source of all val­ue, shin­ing at the heart of Cre­ation, and in every par­ti­cle and being in this Cos­mos. At the cen­ter of it all is the One True Spir­it, and we know, and we feel this gift of Spir­it for what it is, which is quite sim­ply and pure­ly that behind all of Cre­ation we feel the splen­dor that is Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

We must write a new sto­ry that lifts our minds and heals our hearts; we must forge deep­er unions with one anoth­er by know­ing that we are the instru­ments for one another’s hap­pi­ness, and by this we will restore our faith in a future that is wor­thy of those who will fol­low us.

The Way Forward
The only way we can go for­ward is by tru­ly under­stand­ing how we got here. We need to share our sto­ries and lis­ten to one anoth­er. We must acknowl­edge the good efforts and sac­ri­fices of so many who made this nation a lit­tle bet­ter than before. But we also need to acknowl­edge the great inequities and injus­tices that exist among our peo­ple too, and to under­stand that much of this is not an acci­dent, no it is not, because it is the result of delib­er­ate poli­cies and actions that broke our promis­es to one anoth­er. It is the prod­uct of fear, from those who prof­it by divid­ing us from the truth one way or anoth­er. But we must put away these false­hoods now and choose love over fear.

The divi­sions of well-being by race and eth­nic­i­ty, the stag­ger­ing dif­fer­ences in income and wealth, the dis­pro­por­tion­ate cir­cum­stances of secu­ri­ty and safe­ty among var­i­ous groups, all these dif­fer­ences are no acci­dent but the result of our fail­ure to live by the truth that we are here to love one another.

This is going to be hard. It is going to require resolve and kind­ness, ded­i­ca­tion, and com­pas­sion, it is going to require pas­sion, intel­li­gence, and for­give­ness. Build­ing a bet­ter future is going to ask each of us to let go of our fears and believe in one anoth­er, to sup­port one anoth­er, for we are the wealth of this nation, and the future is ours if we will keep faith and have the courage to believe in one another’s essen­tial good­ness and courage to live and love as we were meant to be.

The answer is to live by the Light of Love, where you see the one before you as you see your­self, essen­tial­ly the same, but also dif­fer­ent too. That we must cel­e­brate and embrace the Truth that our real strength comes from our alike­ness and dif­fer­ence, com­bined; we need to be the Truth of our mot­to, “out of many, One”.

The way has always been thus, to see the light of the Uni­verse shin­ing from the oth­er as it is in you. And you will know the answer is quite sim­ply what it has always been,

You are here to love one anoth­er as you love your­self, there is no oth­er way, and this is what you were made to do.

May the Light of Truth, Love and Under­stand­ing guide us now and forevermore.