Monthly Archives: October 2021

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart — Zodi­ac-Paint­ings — Scorpio

The Alchemy of Creation

What makes you, you? For that mat­ter, what makes any­thing and every­thing in the cos­mos? Yes, from that pre­cious moment long ago when humans became self-aware, we have won­dered, “Where do we come from, why are we here, and where are we going”?

But behind these pro­found ques­tions, there is the first ques­tion, how did any­thing or any­one come to be?

When we look to the lat­est sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­er­ies about the ori­gins of the cos­mos, and when we also look at all the sto­ries of Cre­ation, all the sto­ries, myths, and tales we have shared with one anoth­er, we find that they all con­verge upon an under­stand­ing that the Uni­verse, from a sci­en­tif­ic view, is formed by a hier­ar­chy of fields of Ener­gy and Mat­ter, a host of fields of vibra­to­ry res­o­nances; and when viewed from the var­ied Spir­i­tu­al Tra­di­tions, it is a hier­ar­chy formed by Spir­it or Mind and Mat­ter, equal­ly form­ing fields of vibra­tions which I like to call the “Song of Spir­it”, which is the Celes­tial Sym­pho­ny of Spirit.

Real­ly, what mod­ern sci­ence and the ancient teach­ings say about this Uni­verse is essen­tial­ly the same, for they all agree that we can under­stand the con­sti­tu­tion of the Cos­mos as being formed by a Field of fields of Ener­gy-Forms that shape and trans­form one anoth­er. So, what I like to say is that we humans and all of Cre­ation, are fields of Ener­gy-Forms who can be seen as form­ing com­plex inter­re­la­tion­ships and com­bi­na­tions, and these fields are pro­tean, so that they evolve into ever more com­plex forms by these vibra­tional rela­tion­ships with­in our­selves and between one another.

What we humans, and what every part of Cre­ation form is quite sim­ply the Song of Songs that are the One. The entire­ty of Cre­ation is a sym­pho­ny of vibra­tions, and these Songs of Spir­it by all beings from the great­est to the small­est form the whole Cho­rus of creation.

Today we enter that most spe­cial field of space we call Scor­pio, and at this time, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, you enter what forms the beat­ing heart of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness. For what is the pro­pelling ener­gy-form behind the whole of Cre­ation is held here, and that is the pow­er of Com­bi­na­tion, which is the won­der of Alchemy.

In the less com­plex King­doms of Cre­ation, from infin­i­tes­i­mal par­ti­cles to atoms, from mol­e­cules to the sim­pler forms of life, these fields of Ener­gy-Forms com­bine to cre­ate more and more com­plex com­bi­na­tions, and these com­bi­na­tions are pri­mar­i­ly formed and guid­ed by what we know as the phys­i­cal laws of “com­bi­na­tion­al trans­for­ma­tion” or what we call Chem­istry. But once we reach the tru­ly con­scious realm of life-forms, and espe­cial­ly once we reach the stage of self-aware com­bi­na­tion­al trans­for­ma­tions like our human king­dom, these process­es come to be shaped by more com­plex realms of Spir­it, by our Thought and Feel­ing Forms, and these trans­for­ma­tions take us from mere Chem­istry into the heart of Alchemy.

For us humans, whether it is the field of ener­gy-forms between Par­ent and Child, or Sib­lings and Friends, or Class­mates and Col­leagues, or dear Com­pan­ions and Loved Ones, we humans become tru­ly human by this Sacred Space that is Alche­my, because it is here in the holy of holies that we are both Trans­form­ers and the Transformed.

We pre­pare the way for this quick­en­ing, of what I call our “Self that is Becom­ing”, by “in-form­ing” the space for our Unions through Mind­ful­ly Just and Equi­table thought-forms, which comes by the Grace and Wis­dom held in Libra. But the real work of Cre­ation is what is before you now, for now you are in the Cru­cible of Union that is Scorpio’s Domain. It is here, in the Heart of Spir­it that you will meet and ful­fill the truth of your nature, which is that we are Spir­it danc­ing through realms of mat­ter, we are “Immor­tals in Mor­tal Frames”.

In this most Sacred Realm, in this Heart of Cre­ation, you will find that your path can only be met and mas­tered by Love and through Sac­ri­fice. In your Heart is Uncon­di­tion­al Love, and by this you can cre­ate, hold, and then release your Unions when it is time to do so. For this you also know, that on this side of the Veil, in this Mor­tal realm, noth­ing will last beyond the time appoint­ed to it. All “things” must pass, as your spir­it, like all of Spir­it, must move on to more per­fect forms for­ev­er and ever. So, whomev­er you have met here now in any sacred union, you may be assured, that you will meet again and again; and so, we mere­ly say to one anoth­er, “fare thee well”.

Like­wise, no Union, no join­ing with one anoth­er, or you with many oth­ers, no com­bi­na­tion can be made with­out mak­ing sac­ri­fices for and to one anoth­er. This word “Sac­ri­fice”, it means “to make sacred”, and it is by your sac­ri­fices to and for one anoth­er that you “give up the less­er and so hon­or the greater”, to affirm and build upon that which is with­in you, and what you now share with one anoth­er. It is by this giv­ing up to one anoth­er, it is by let­ting go and grow­ing, it is by this lov­ing sac­ri­fice that you move clos­er and trans­form one anoth­er, and so become much more than you ever could have pos­si­bly been by your­self alone.

This is how you grow; this is how the entire Cos­mos grows.

You are mov­ing ever clos­er to being a Co-Cre­ator of Cre­ation; now, you are the Trans­former and the Trans­formed. Here in the time of Scor­pio, and wher­ev­er Scor­pio is found in your chart, it is here that you expe­ri­ence the Mys­tery and the Won­der of being an Immor­tal in a mor­tal world.

It is here that you face the ulti­mate Truth; all things must pass away…
It is here you live the Eter­nal Truth; the One is Ever Lasting.

Yea, though I walk through the val­ley of the shad­ow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they com­fort me…and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

In Scor­pio expe­ri­ence the Joy of Union, and the pain of separation.
Here in Scor­pio, you hear the Song of the One.

There is no end­ing, there is noth­ing to fear…, for
I am an Immor­tal, danc­ing through mor­tal worlds”.

2021–10‑3 Radio Show Transcript — The Zodiac — The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation

Holo­graph­ic Universe

Tran­script of Radio Show: The Zodi­ac – The Field of Ener­gy-Forms, the Cos­mic Builders, and the One­ness of Creation

(If you wish to lis­ten to the show instead, here is the link on BlogTalk or Apple Pod­casts)

The Fields of the Lord
In this time of Libra, in this space that holds the realm or the fields of Rela­tion­ship, we are remind­ed that we, as I like to say, we are more like a “we than an I”. This is because of a foun­da­tion­al truth, that you and I are a host of ener­gy-forms; we are much more than a sin­gu­lar, sep­a­rate phys­i­cal organ­ism or any dis­crete kind of thing. Of course, this is true uni­ver­sal­ly, no mat­ter what form of man­i­fes­ta­tion or what kind of enti­ty or being we are con­sid­er­ing. Because this Truth con­cerns the Nature of Real­i­ty with regards to the entire­ty of Creation.

Whether you look at indi­vid­ual atoms or mol­e­cules, whether you con­sid­er the ranges of types of organ­isms, or com­mu­ni­ties of organ­isms or beings, the Truth is we and all of Cre­ation are tru­ly a field of ener­gy-forms that are immersed, sur­round­ed, inter­pen­e­trat­ed, and held by all the ener­gy fields and forms with which we jour­ney. The Uni­verse is in fact a Field of fields, a Holo­gram of holograms.

Cre­ation began with the One, who became the many, many ones that make up the Uni­verse. From the One, these many mon­ads or “sparks of the Divine”, the ini­tial “field of fields”, went forth to form all the var­i­ous orders, realms, and dimen­sions of man­i­fest­ed Spir­it. But we must remem­ber to see beyond the appear­ance of all these things, beyond the mate­ri­al­ized plane of spir­it, beyond our fix­a­tion on the par­ti­cles of mat­ter and to see what lies with­in and behind all these so-called sub­stan­tial forms.

We must start with the Truth, that all of Cre­ation is pure Spir­it; and pure Spir­it in its essence is just the most ethe­re­al­ized form Mat­ter, just as Mat­ter is the dens­est man­i­fes­ta­tion of Spirit…in effect, they are tru­ly one and the same, for all these ener­gies, fields, and beings are real­ly the Mind, Body and Spir­it that is the One.

The Zodi­ac
But just as all these Fields of Ener­gy-Forms unfold­ed from the One, so did what are known as the form­ing, shap­ing, hold­ing, and guid­ing prin­ci­ples which equal­ly came from and are of the One. These “for­m­ers of fields”, these hold­ers of form, are called the builders of Space-Time, and we know them as the Lords of Time and Space. Yes, these are the fun­da­men­tal Ener­gy-Forms that hold all the ener­gy-forms togeth­er, and you know them as the Signs of the Zodiac.

As I men­tioned in my show on June 13th this year, the Zodi­ac is not some­thing “in itself”, or some­thing by itself. It is not sep­a­rate and apart from Cre­ation; in fact, we should under­stand that the Zodi­ac is the very Warp and Weft of Cre­ation. These Hold­ers of Form and Mean­ing are in every field and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, in all the numer­ous hier­ar­chies and orders of being from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal to the most immense beings that are the One made man­i­fest. These Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic or bet­ter Spir­i­tu­al-Mag­net­ic shapers of Space and Time came from the One. They are the Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic Heart and Mind of the One, and they are the Archi­tect-Builders of Reality.

The Pri­mal Ener­gy-Form of Cre­ation, Divine Love, is divid­ed into these Twelve Vibra­tions. That is to say the Zodi­ac, this Realm of the Liv­ing Ones, is divid­ed into twelve cos­mic elec­tro-mag­netisms. These Noble Twelve are known in the Ancient Wis­dom as the Builders of Cre­ation, so that these twelve are omnipresent, they are in every­thing and every­one, as the twelve-fold mod­u­la­tions of the Divine Love that forms the fab­ric of the Universe.

The Zodi­ac – Not Con­stel­la­tions but part of the Fab­ric of the Cosmos 
You need to free your­self from mis­con­cep­tions and under­stand that the Zodi­ac is not a band of space that is mere­ly around our Solar Sys­tem. The Zodi­ac is the Cir­cle of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, and it is all encom­pass­ing because it is the Pri­mal Ener­gy-Sub­stance of the Mind of the One that informs and forms all the Fields of the Lord that we know as Creation.

This Pri­mal Ener­gy Form is direct­ed and shaped through the Signs of the Zodi­ac by what is called Fohat, which can be under­stood as an instru­ment of the One. This instru­ment of Guid­ing Intel­li­gence and Love is quite sim­ply the prin­ci­ple of Cos­mic Life guid­ed by Cos­mic Intel­li­gence that informs and shapes all of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.

From the One came this Mas­ter tem­plate for the entire­ty of Cre­ation; and through­out all human his­to­ry, observers have not­ed how the whole cos­mos seems to be the result of some grand design, and that it is formed and held in intel­li­gence and by beau­ty. And we can under­stand and appre­ci­ate this Intel­li­gent Design and Beau­ty because it is formed and shaped by the Mind of the One, as our hearts and mind are too. Tru­ly it is said, “as above, so below”, and that is why we can per­ceive the Intel­li­gence and Beau­ty “out there” because it is our own true nature too.

The Zodi­ac – The Design Body of Creation
In effect, the Builders of Cre­ation are these Twelve, because this Cre­ation is sim­ply the Man­i­fes­ta­tion of the Love and the Mind of the One, guid­ed, shaped, and informed by these Twelve. That is why the Zodi­ac should be seen as an Elec­tro-Mag­net­ic Field of Ener­gy-Forms that pro­vide the “Design Body” or what is known as the Sub­tle Body for all aspects of Creation.

How does this work? These fields of Ener­gy-Forms, these Holo­grams of Spir­it-Mat­ter, inter­sect to form dis­tinct fields which by their inter­sec­tions cre­ate the par­ti­cles that we expe­ri­ence as “Real­i­ty”; that is, we expe­ri­ence our­selves in our mat­ter bod­ies, and our emo­tion­al, men­tal, and spir­i­tu­al bod­ies too. But real­ly, what we are made of is a mul­ti-lay­ered inter­sec­tion of fields of Ener­gy; and fun­da­men­tal­ly, these fields of Ener­gy are formed by the Twelve Signs, in var­ied and won­der­ous com­bi­na­tions with one anoth­er. Not only is this for­ma­tion with­in each mon­ad of Cre­ation, but it exists in ever larg­er and more inclu­sive com­bi­na­tions through­out Cre­ation too.

Just as you hold all the Signs with­in your being, like an Auric Enve­lope or Design Body, so does the Earth itself, and then the Solar Sys­tem and then out into our very galaxy and beyond to the entire cos­mos. And, since this mak­er and shaper of forms remains aligned to each suc­ceed­ing lev­el from above and from below, shap­ing each atom in you, every cell in you, to your organs, and up to the whole of you and me in our vehi­cles or bod­ies, this same align­ment of the Zodi­ac con­tin­ues up and out­ward to the plan­ets and stars too, as their shap­ing and form­ing illu­mi­nates your jour­ney here on Earth.

Yes, there is an order to Cre­ation where­in all are held togeth­er and guid­ed and formed by these Twelve. This true way of under­stand­ing the nature of the Zodi­ac helps us to appre­ci­ate how infi­nite­ly com­plex yet pro­found­ly con­nect­ed every­one and every­thing is with every­thing else. We are all our very own cos­mos of ener­gy-forms as a human being, but we are also held in a larg­er field of ener­gy-forms, and this pro­ceeds in ever more encom­pass­ing fields of holo­grams on up to the Solar Sys­tem and beyond.

We are all Relat­ed – We are all Holograms
This brings us back to the fun­da­men­tal truth held by Libra, “that we are all relat­ed”. We are all held togeth­er by these fields with­in fields of ener­gy-forms that form the web of Spir­it, the Zodi­ac of the One. In a man­ner of speak­ing, each of us indi­vid­u­al­ly is a Holo­gram, an inter­sec­tion of var­i­ous ener­gy-forms which form our unique self; yet we are equal­ly mov­ing through the fields or Holo­grams of a host of oth­er Life-Forms with which we share this plan­et, this Solar Sys­tem and indeed the Uni­verse too.

Those inter-weav­ings and inter­sec­tions, our giv­ing and shar­ing with our fel­low humans have made us what we are. We would be noth­ing, we could not be, with­out the many, many dear ones who are part of us as we are part of them. We have con­tributed to one another’s unfold­ment of poten­tial, and with­out our rela­tions with fam­i­ly, friends, col­leagues and loved ones, we sim­ply would not be human at all.

Yet we equal­ly are com­ing to under­stand that what we thought was spe­cial or dif­fer­ent about us, that we were social­ly shaped and formed as human by humans, (and yes, that is a spe­cial form of the inter­sec­tion of fields of ener­gy-forms or Holo­grams to be sure), we have come to see the intri­cate order­ings and inter-weav­ings with­in oth­er life-forms and species, as well as across and between species too. We humans hold only a slight dif­fer­ence of kind or degree from our fel­low crea­tures, for we can see now that all of life, and in fact all of Cre­ation is formed by fields of rela­tion­ships of beings and orders of life-forms with one another.

Human Sep­a­ra­tion from the King­doms of Life
We have shaped one anoth­er, but we have most cer­tain­ly shaped and inter­wo­ven our lives with many oth­er life-forms too. What we do to or for them, and what they do for or to us is deep and pro­found. But we have moved away from our ancestor’s rev­er­ence and more inti­mate rela­tion­ship with the life-forms who share this plan­et with us. We have drawn a line between us and them, so that we have cre­at­ed a space apart for us and the rest of life. And this con­struct or con­ceit, well this is quite impos­si­ble to jus­ti­fy or accom­plish, because every­thing and every­one is con­nect­ed, is inter­re­lat­ed, and is inter­wo­ven with all oth­ers. We should remem­ber what we have been told, that “what you do to the least of these, you do to me”.

Com­pe­ti­tion ver­sus Cooperation
We have come to under­stand of late, that some of the con­ceits of our human supe­ri­or­i­ty can be explained by our mis­con­cep­tion or mis­char­ac­ter­i­za­tion that the prin­ci­pal dri­ver of the devel­op­ment of the King­doms of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness is cen­tered and steered by the so-called com­pe­ti­tion with­in and between species. But of late, we have come to under­stand (and remem­ber) that there is far more coop­er­a­tion at the root nature of the Cos­mos. The pro­found­ly inter­con­nect­ed and coop­er­a­tive real­i­ties in the so-called plant king­dom, or the insect or mam­malian king­doms is quite mov­ing and real. For exam­ple, the way trees help one anoth­er, com­mu­ni­cate with one anoth­er through what we now know as the Myceli­um net­work under­ground, is quite mov­ing and won­der­ous. I would rec­om­mend read­ing “The Over­sto­ry” by Richard Pow­ers for exam­ple, or his new book “Bewil­der­ment”.

It seems ear­li­er humans did per­ceive and under­stand this true nature of the coop­er­a­tive, inter­wo­ven, inter­de­pen­den­cy of life. But it seems many of us have lost it. Why? I would say it is because we are very much shaped as humans by our thought-forms, which is a very sig­nif­i­cant part of our Holo­gram of Ener­gy-Forms, and those Ideation-Holo­grams became dom­i­nat­ed by the fear-based con­ceits of pow­er and dom­i­na­tion as opposed to our love-based nature of shar­ing and equity.

Sep­a­ra­tion By Thought-Forms
To reach this degree of sep­a­ra­tion from the rest of life, we humans in our self-unfold­ment forged a new holo­gram, a new Par­a­digm of Per­cep­tion, a new Field of Con­scious­ness, and it did mark anoth­er step in our spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment. We reached the stage of self-aware, self-devel­op­ment and this quick­ened the devel­op­ment of our intel­li­gence. By this we were enabled to stand apart from the world around us, to expe­ri­ence our­selves as some­thing apart, and this allowed us to change both our phys­i­cal world and us too in very dra­mat­ic ways.

But we seem to have cre­at­ed a field of per­cep­tion that con­tained a fatal flaw in that it was incom­plete, and by mak­ing this choice and form­ing an assump­tion of spe­cial­ness and sep­a­ra­tion, we divid­ed our­selves from oth­er life-forms, and more than this, we even divid­ed our­selves from one anoth­er too. Yes, we gained some spe­cial abil­i­ties by this divi­sion, but we forged a path that began to erode our humil­i­ty and com­pas­sion. We became God-like in our manip­u­la­tion of ener­gy and mat­ter, but we began to turn our hearts to stone towards the rest of life on this plan­et and even towards one anoth­er. And now, most cer­tain­ly, we are suf­fer­ing the trag­ic con­se­quences of our mis­un­der­stand­ing about the nature of Life and Spir­it and the fun­da­men­tal One­ness of Creation.

Giv­en our sta­tus of self-aware con­scious­ness, we have achieved the abil­i­ty to choose, well or poor­ly for our­selves and for one anoth­er, and equal­ly for the all the life-forms we share on this home we call Earth. By our intel­li­gence and rea­son, we have dis­cov­ered some of the con­di­tions and phys­i­cal laws gov­ern­ing the holo­grams or ener­gy-fields of the man­i­fest­ed or mate­r­i­al plane. But we failed to real­ize or under­stand the pro­found and man­i­fold ways in which all of Cre­ation, how all the ener­gy-fields and how all of life on this plan­et is inter­wo­ven and inter­de­pen­dent. Because of this sev­er­ance from the greater real­i­ty of Earth’s Holo­gram, we are respon­si­ble now for the break­down of the inte­gra­tion and integri­ty of life on this plan­et. We have tru­ly become the Creator/Destroyer gods here on Earth.

Our Spir­i­tu­al Crisis
But pre­cise­ly because of our sep­a­ra­tion from the Greater Real­i­ty, we humans are going through a Spir­i­tu­al Cri­sis, and the Holo­grams that are most con­se­quen­tial for us as Human, the Fields of our Thought-Forms, these are being bent and warped by fear, con­flict and grief. The per­ils we have cre­at­ed for our­selves, and for all the oth­er life-forms on this plan­et are very real, but the good news is this…we made these perils…and we can with our rein­te­gra­tion with the larg­er holo­grams of under­stand­ing on this Earth, and those above and beyond our Earth, by remem­ber­ing and recon­nect­ing to them we can find our way to right thoughts, so that we might be guid­ed by com­pas­sion­ate feel­ings, and forge a path of right action and heal our­selves and our world. What is need­ed, and what is indeed hap­pen­ing I would argue, is for humans to move through anoth­er shift of con­scious­ness, and by this we can choose to return to a bal­anced and inte­gral way of being and liv­ing once again.

We have turned against our own true nature; we have become in a way alien­at­ed from the entire­ty of Cre­ation. The Truth is that we are all relat­ed, but we have cre­at­ed a bub­ble of belief that fos­tered the illu­sion­ary con­ceits of “excep­tion­al­ism”. For­tu­nate­ly for us, though some may still believe that we humans are apart and alone, I believe most humans very much still embrace and are guid­ed by the encom­pass­ing holo­grams of Mind and Love that are ever-present in the oth­er King­doms of Life on this plan­et and most cer­tain­ly in the stars above.

The One is All, and the Lords of Time and Space are hold­ing us in their Wis­dom and Love, and we need only to open our minds and hearts to this Greater Real­i­ty and return to the path of beau­ty and love once more.

Let us remem­ber, and hold in our hearts and minds the Great Invocation:


From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.


Astrological Musings – The Zodiac — The Field of Energy-Forms, the Cosmic Builders, and the Oneness of Creation (October 3, 2021)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The Zodi­ac- The Field of Ener­gy-Forms, the Cos­mic Builders, and the One­ness of Cre­ation (Octo­ber 3, 2021)

In my tenth show of 2021, I will con­tin­ue our dis­cus­sion about the nature of the Zodi­ac, and how we should under­stand the true nature of our uni­verse as a field of Ener­gy-Forms with the Zodi­ac being the Archi­tect-Builders of Creation.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is:

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:

Here is the link to the show on Sun­day Octo­ber 3rd @ 2 pm EDT:–the-field-of-energy-forms

The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day Octo­ber 3rd @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.

If you miss the show, it will be avail­able as a Pod­cast short­ly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Pod­casts.