Monthly Archives: September 2021

Sun Enters Libra, The Equinox (September 22, 2021)

Johfra Boss­chart — Zodi­ac-Paint­ings — Libra

The Sacred Space of Relationship

There is only the One.

There is only the One Life, and One Mind, and the One Spir­it that is Creation.

There is only the One, who became the Uni­verse by form­ing the many, many ones that are the Body, Mind and Spir­it of the One.
And you, and all with whom you jour­ney, are a one of these many ones.

The Uni­verse is a Hier­ar­chy of Hosts, rang­ing from the most infin­i­tes­i­mal par­ti­cles of cre­ation on up through atoms, mol­e­cules, organ­isms, plan­ets, stars and galax­ies and beyond. And all these forms are in truth “Fields of Ener­gies” or “Rela­tion­ships of Ener­gy-Forms”, who are the embod­i­ments of Cre­ation known as Spirit-Matter.

Every unique Field of Spir­it is ensouled by its own Mon­ad or Cen­ter of Spir­it, what we call a Spark of the Divine. Because this is so, each and every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is “Alive”, “Con­scious”, and shin­ing with the One True Light of Spir­it, which is the Ener­gy-Form that holds the entire Cre­ation as one.

And this Uni­ver­sal Root of All is quite sim­ply Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

Each mon­ad of Spir­it is on a jour­ney; com­ing out of or from a Star, each par­ti­cle of spir­it moves through realms, bod­ies, and lives. And by these many forms and steps of light through the “Fields of the Lord”, this Spark of the Divine by these innu­mer­able expe­ri­ences, through cease­less unfold­ings and self-becom­ings, this spark lifts itself from unself-aware con­scious­ness to become a Divine­ly real­ized Con­scious­ness, an awak­ened being, a freed Mon­ad or Jivanmukta.

In this Jour­ney of Spir­it, every mon­ad is part of a host of sim­i­lar ones, who are in turn held in the fields of ener­gy-forms of more encom­pass­ing hosts. These fields of Spir­it inter­sect and hold one anoth­er so that in the entire­ty of Cre­ation all are relat­ed to all, all are part of and form the greater host that is the One. That is why we say, and we must learn to live by this Truth, that “We are all relat­ed, we are all ones of the One”.

In this Path­way of Awak­en­ing, we host of humans find our­selves at a most pre­cious stage. We are self-aware, and so we have reached the stage where we have the gift of choice. We can choose well or poor­ly, and by this great gift, we can learn to choose bet­ter and become bet­ter; we can more steadi­ly make progress and lift our­selves upon the Path­way of Per­fec­tion so that we can become con­scious co-cre­ators of Cre­ation. But as in the entire­ty of Cre­ation, we can­not do this on our own, because we are made by one another.

Today we reach that time of year where we cel­e­brate this fun­da­men­tal truth, “that we are all relat­ed”. Today we enter that Spir­i­tu­al Field of Life-Forms we call Libra. And at this time and wher­ev­er you have Libra in your chart, we are held and guid­ed in the truth that our one and true “Way of Being” is to love one anoth­er, as we are all relat­ed and formed into who and what we are by one another.

For this is the truth held in Libra, that we are made into what we are by all our “rela­tions”. The notion that you or I are sep­a­rate and apart from any­one (or any­thing) is one of the great illu­sions from which we must free ourselves.

We have been formed through­out our entire jour­ney that is Cre­ation, and most cer­tain­ly in this peri­od of being “human”, we are most def­i­nite­ly formed by all the oth­er “fields of ener­gy-forms” that shaped and guid­ed, formed and form us to the very end of days.

From the begin­ning, and in each and every life, you are formed and informed, shaped, sup­port­ed, guid­ed, and inspired; in one form or anoth­er you are loved, and you love, and you shared your love with your fam­i­ly, friends, com­pan­ions and strangers too. The feel­ings you feel, the thoughts you think, in fact all that you think you know of as “you” came from these oth­ers that you met with in this life and in all your oth­er lives too.

All these encoun­ters, from the most casu­al and tran­sient to the most endur­ing and deep, all of them must be guid­ed by the under­stand­ing of what you do here. You are in your space, and they are in their space; and now you must cre­ate what I call “Third Space”, which is the space we call Relationship.

In Libra, by rela­tion­ship, you cre­ate a new and “Sacred Space”, where your field of ener­gy-forms encoun­ters their field of ener­gy-forms and you togeth­er form this new space, the shared and sacred space of “Us”. In this “vir­gin ter­ri­to­ry”, you are to be guid­ed by the truth that we are all made of one anoth­er and relat­ed to one anoth­er. Tru­ly we are all part of one anoth­er, inter­wo­ven with one anoth­er, because we are tru­ly a field of ener­gy-forms that extend far beyond our mere phys­i­cal form.

What is held with­in this “Field of Dreams”, that is the real you, it is your true nature; you are a micro­cosm of the Cos­mos, and so is the one before you. And this is why you must know this truth, that who­ev­er is before me is anoth­er spark of the Divine too.

This means that the Sacred and Spir­i­tu­al guid­ing prin­ci­ple for you in this space that you cre­ate with one anoth­er must fol­low the path of True Free­dom. You must do every­thing that you can, and they must do like­wise, to make this new and sacred space, this new Field of Ener­gies, you must make it the very means by which you and they can be even more what you are meant to be than you ever could be with­out one another.

To do this you must be guid­ed by Love, and by For­give­ness too. You cre­ate this Space by Love, by extend­ing your love to them you are wel­comed by the Divine with­in them that is equal­ly with­in you too. But because you are not per­fect, and nei­ther are they, you must also take care of this sacred space by car­ing for it and your­selves through humil­i­ty, grace and for­give­ness. You must give one anoth­er this grace of spir­it, which will cre­ate a space where you will try but some­times fail, and then you must try again. And the way that you can do this is by humil­i­ty and grace, so that you for­give one anoth­er as you equal­ly for­give yourself.

You are on the Path­way of Per­fec­tion; and you cre­ate like the Cre­ator when you give one anoth­er the space to grow by for­give­ness, and this is the path of true love that is there with­in one anoth­er. It is the Love of the One that is in your heart and in theirs too.

You are the way to one another’s self-fulfillment.

You are here to love and to be loved; to shine with the light of the One.

Now enter the Sacred Space of Relationship.

As you bow to the divine before you, as you see the light shin­ing in their eyes, you say
