Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2021)

The Spark of the Divine, The Jew­el in the Lotus

Where do you come from, why are you here, and where are you going?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You came from the One; and You are here to become a True and Com­plete Human; and your Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing is how you make your Destiny.

Here at the end of the Zodi­ac in the time of Pisces, and wher­ev­er Pisces is found in your chart, it is here that you come clos­est to what I call “The Greater Under­stand­ing”. In Aquar­ius, you expe­ri­ence the truth of embrac­ing all of human­i­ty as your field of hap­pi­ness. You real­ize that you are for each oth­er the way to one another’s self-ful­fill­ment; tru­ly, you are for one anoth­er your dreams come true.

But now you must com­plete the Cir­cle of Life. You look up and to the beyond as you gaze upon the star­ry fir­ma­ment whirling above, and you equal­ly look around at the won­der­ous life-forms who share this beau­ti­ful world with you too. And in it all you see it, the Light that is there shin­ing through. This is the answer, this is the truth, that we are, that all of us are, and all the oth­er life-forms great and small, and real­ly the entire­ty of Cre­ation is in us and we in it. Because we are the Cre­ation, the One made man­i­fest in every mote and par­ti­cle of this won­der of Light and Love.

That Peak Expe­ri­ence of Whole­ness (“Holi­ness”), of embrac­ing the All as one in all, leads you to won­der once again about your jour­ney. Here at the end of anoth­er Zodi­a­cal Year, you look back and con­sid­er: Who have I become? What will I face as a New Year dawns? How will I know if I am on the path?

The Wise Ones Answer:

You are made by you; what you face is what you set in motion yes­ter­day, and a thou­sand years ago; you are on the path, always. And all you do, and do not do, it is this which cre­ates your future form and your future con­di­tions too.

Here at the end of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, you are giv­en the great­est gift; here in Pisces you real­ize that you are made by what you dream, and you find your Faith as a co-cre­ator of Cre­ation. You can see the whole arc of your jour­ney, both in this past year and for your entire life too. You stand ready now to reap the har­vest of all you did and all you did not do. You feel your shin­ing tri­umphs, and your sting­ing defeats, you cel­e­brate the pre­cious joys, and you wish to hide from your painful regrets. But hope­ful­ly you will come to this sacred place of remem­brance, dreams, and hope, and you will under­stand that it was all good because the Fruits that are Wis­dom and Love are forever.

And if this is so, you will real­ize that it was all nec­es­sary, the good and the so-called bad. Because in the end you under­stand that by your error and cor­rec­tion you forged the way to make the light that is Love; you can accept and smile and for­give your­self because you have done the one true work that you are here for, which is to become a bet­ter you by being the love that you are.

And this is the Heart of the Teach­ing, this is the Truth upon which all oth­er truths are made. You are formed, guid­ed, inspired, and held by the Love of the One which is your Spark of the Divine, your own true beloved, your immor­tal High­er Self. For you know and feel this now, you were made by Love, and you are here to be that Love.

But many have won­dered, if this is tru­ly what I am, then why can I not become bet­ter with­out all this effort; if the Spark of the Divine is with­in me, then why am I not bet­ter than this? Why must I strug­gle and suf­fer? Why?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are not mere­ly a Spark of the Divine; you, like every par­ti­cle of Cre­ation, are a host of Ener­gy-Forms, and each of these are on their path of Awak­en­ing too. Your Spark of the Divine, your beloved, is the Light of Love that is at the heart of every­thing and every­one, and it is the pro­tean force of Spir­it and your source of Self-Becom­ing. That Divin­i­ty, your Mon­ad, is the Causal Agency of you becom­ing ful­ly human some­day but which you have only par­tial­ly real­ized today. 

You are on Earth in many bod­ies (not one), and for sim­plic­i­ty now let us name them as the Phys­i­cal Ener­gy-Form, the Emo­tion­al Ener­gy-Form, the Men­tal Ener­gy-Form, and the High­er Mon­ad or Spir­i­tu­al Ener­gy-Form. Every one of these “bod­ies” jour­neys with you, you through them and they through you, in this life and in life after life. You are bound to one anoth­er by the Law of Kar­ma, and each of you will reap what you sow.

But you as the Self-Aware agent of Spir­it bear the great­est respon­si­bil­i­ty for all this Kar­ma, the so-called good kar­ma and the so-called bad. Each of these vehi­cles of Spir­it is on this path of Awak­en­ing with you. You, as the self-aware pre­sid­ing Spir­i­tu­al Intel­li­gence and Iden­ti­ty, you as a Human Mon­ad, are here to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the uplift­ment and per­fec­tion for all your vehi­cles too. You are the means to their awak­en­ing, as they pro­vide you with the means to lift your­self up too.

Yes, yes, I see. But why, why must I suffer?

And the Wise Ones Answer:

Because you are here to learn to use your body, heart, mind, and spir­it so that it per­fect­ly aligns with what is there at your cen­ter, which is Love. The Path­way to Per­fec­tion is long and ardu­ous, and you have spent many lives with­out much aware­ness and so you fell into error, suf­fer­ing and pain. This is the Law, and those ener­gy-forms of pain you will turn into Love.

This pain was not ordained or doled out by some mean-spir­it­ed deity, or the prod­uct of some strug­gle between good and evil into which you became trapped like some unfor­tu­nate vic­tim. The Law is the Law; the Law is Kar­ma, it is Action and Reac­tion on all the planes of Cre­ation, but most espe­cial­ly Spir­i­tu­al­ly. You are here to learn false from true, to cre­ate and pre­serve, to live by love, and when you fall into error you set in motion the very instru­ment of your own con­se­quence and even­tu­al growth. This is Spir­i­tu­al Jus­tice, and it is Divine­ly ordained, and all the ones of the One are sub­ject to this Path­way of Per­fec­tion and Love.

Those dear, wise ones who offer exam­ple, inspi­ra­tion and gen­tle guid­ance, they were once as you are now. They too were trou­bled by doubt, they were par­a­lyzed by fear, and they lived with shame and regret. But now they are the Shin­ing Ones. Yes, they have been where you are and that is why they under­stand and why they will stay at the por­tal that leads beyond this plane because they will not leave you alone. Why? Because they are the embod­i­ment of Love and Com­pas­sion which is your des­tiny too.

They can­not wave a mag­ic wand and make you bet­ter; they can­not remove the obsta­cles you have made for your­self. But they can help, and they will help if you will but lis­ten to your heart. These Winds of the Spir­it are like a gen­tle whis­per, and they form that know­ing in your heart, that kind­li­ness, com­pas­sion, and love that pro­vide a balm to your trou­bled soul and true guid­ance for right think­ing and right action.

You walk with them; and they are there with you on that very same path that they came by long ago. They know your trou­bles; they have felt your pain. But they know what you will be, as they are now. Shin­ing, Radi­ant, Loving.

This is the Cir­cle of Life, the radi­ant path of awak­en­ing that you will walk from the dark­ness into the Light.

This is the Promise of Pisces.

It is the Liv­ing Faith of the Cre­ator shin­ing through all that you do.

Now reap what you have sown and make ready for the dawn.

It is time to Shine.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

One thought on “Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2021)

  1. Suzy

    I have seen nor felt no high­er, nor more beau­ti­ful trib­ute to Pisces…and ALL have this sign, and all oth­ers stand­ing ready to be expressed in their high­est form. Again, dear Bill…heartfelt grat­i­tude for the gift you give.


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