Daily Archives: May 4, 2020

Pluto and the Will (May 3, 2020) Transcript of Radio Show — “The Fundamental Lesson of Self-Mastery”

Tran­script of Radio Show — “The Fun­da­men­tal Les­son of Self-Mastery”

I thought that today I would return to the top­ic, that I keep return­ing to, of the plan­et Plu­to mov­ing through Capri­corn, and talk a lit­tle bit about how we under­stand the con­sti­tu­tion of the Uni­verse. I have some thoughts I would like to share with you. I will begin with a premise as it were, and it comes from many teach­ings from all traditions:

The Uni­verse is Hier­ar­chi­cal. Begin­ning with the One, which encom­pass­es the entire­ty of cre­ation as it con­sti­tutes the essen­tial ulti­mate that makes one and all, the for­ma­tion of the Uni­verse is arranged into a series of Spir­it-Forms from the most sub­lime to the most mun­dane and mate­r­i­al. In each form, that same hier­ar­chy of spir­it-forms exists, in each realm, in each part of it, the same hier­ar­chy from the high­est to the low­est is present. And that is why “what is above so is it below”, even to the very atoms and mol­e­cules form­ing you has this Hier­ar­chy, as does the whole of you as a hier­ar­chy, and that same hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms are to be found all around you too in everything…it is every­thing and everyone.

Since the whole Uni­verse is formed by these same Spir­it-Forms, whether you look out there to the Stars for truth, or look deep with­in your­self, you will find the same mean­ings, mes­sages and pat­terns shin­ing through. The Truth is out there, but it most cer­tain­ly is with­in you too. That is why we say, “All things Shine with the Light of the One”.

That is also why, once you have reached the cross­ing point of the Divine Light, that is once you became “self-aware”, your jour­ney quick­ened. This “gift of the Gods”, that Promethean Fire, was embod­ied as an injunc­tion, and it is at the core of all the teach­ings of the mys­tery schools, found in the Greater and Less­er Mys­ter­ies, in the eso­teric teach­ings that con­nect all reli­gions, cul­tures and peo­ples. And that one injunc­tion held above all oth­ers is “Know Thyself”.

This is the heart of the Teach­ing, this is the Key, for it points the way to your self-ful­fill­ment, your self-mas­tery and illu­mi­na­tion; it is the joy­ful truth that your des­tiny is in your hands.

The main vehi­cle or tool you have for the “Great Work”, as it is called, is your mind. Because you are self-aware, because you now know, and you know that you know, you are self-con­scious­ly on the path of awak­en­ing. There is no excuse; you can see and under­stand the fun­da­men­tal law of your world; you expe­ri­ence “cause and effect” self-con­scious­ly each and every moment, and from life to life. You under­stand, at least you should, that what you make, that what you give, this is equal­ly what you will get. The Uni­verse is gov­erned by immutable laws; spir­i­tu­al jus­tice is true and per­fect. If you want a bet­ter life, if you want a bet­ter you, then you must live it! This is true for one and for all.

The great teach­ing holds, “As above, so below”. What that means is that with­in you are the same essen­tial ele­ments found in the high­est parts of cre­ation, and of these the three High­est are rep­re­sent­ed in Astrol­o­gy by the three out­er­most plan­ets, Uranus, Nep­tune and Pluto.

Uranus is the Avatar for the ener­gy-form you know as High­er Mind; Nep­tune is the ener­gy-form you know as Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and Plu­to is the ener­gy-form you know as Divine Will. They are in their high­est the Mind, Love and Will of the One or God or what­ev­er you may wish to call “that”. In you, these very same ener­gy-forms are your own high­er mind, your uncon­di­tion­al love, and your very own will.

These three are inte­gral to one anoth­er, they only work togeth­er, and as you become ever more aligned to the Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy “out there”, your own spir­i­tu­al hier­ar­chy with­in you will become illu­mined and aligned as well. Your Mind will be mod­u­lat­ed and shaped by Uncon­di­tion­al Love; and your Love for one anoth­er will find form and be expressed by your con­duct as a lov­ing being who is gov­erned and cen­tered by your own Will; and so guid­ed by Divine Will, you will tru­ly under­stand the great teach­ing and prayer, as you now stand in the light of the eter­nal now, that you are a co-cre­ator with the Cre­ator and so, say we all, “Let thy will be done”. This is the path to a tru­ly pur­pose­ful life, it is a life of Light and Love, guid­ed by Divine Purpose.

Tru­ly, in the most devel­oped beings that we know, what some call Devas or Shin­ing Ones and oth­ers call Angels, these fac­ul­ties have been refined and bal­anced with one anoth­er with a degree of per­fec­tion that we humans are seek­ing to reach but have yet to attain, to reach those undy­ing lands beyond these human forms.

The crit­i­cal and essen­tial fac­ul­ty for this Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing, for lift­ing one­self and one anoth­er to the next spir­i­tu­al realm of becom­ing, is the Will or Plu­to. For if you are to rise to a greater lev­el you must mas­ter your­self, and you must walk the path of right­eous­ness, you must walk the nar­row but roy­al road, for that is the mid­dle way of self-real­iza­tion, and to do this you must mas­ter your­self by your will and exer­cise and reveal your guid­ing divin­i­ty by your very own self-control.

And with regards to your “Jour­ney in Self-Mas­tery”, the most impor­tant fac­ul­ty you must bring under your will, the most impor­tant gift you must mas­ter is your mind. This is what you must keep your atten­tion upon. For as your Will flows through your Uncon­di­tion­al Love, you will see the Truth and find your mind at peace. And by Right Think­ing you will be guid­ed to Right Action, and you will become the truth that you are made of.

Cer­tain­ly, it is not easy now, in this time of a great cri­sis, but even more it is of a neces­si­ty, to hold your mind steady and calm in the face of so much fear, and pain and death. This is what a cri­sis brings, it shat­ters the world that was, it breaks the assump­tions and cer­tain­ties, and reveals that what had been expect­ed and accept­ed as “the way the world is, that it is just the way it is”. Much of that world­ly par­a­digm is now exposed as unten­able and false.

This world is at a turn­ing, as many of the pow­er­ful now are found to be emp­ty of their pur­pose and their promis­es, and the weak and the ignored are lift­ed up with great praise and encom­pass­ing grat­i­tude. This is a moment that you and the world will not for­get; when the val­ues, and the mean­ings of what is “the good”, of what is life for, are for­ev­er changed once again. Because this is not the first turn­ing, but it is your turning.

An age is end­ing; an age is begin­ning. Each of us can be or make a difference.

Where to begin; what can you do? The only con­trol you pos­sess, at least to start with, is over your­self. The very next moment in each and every day is pre­cious, and what will you make of it, what will you do? Your actions or inac­tions, your words and their into­na­tion, your bear­ing or demeanor, your inten­tions and moti­va­tions are powerful.

What­ev­er or whomev­er you are now encoun­ter­ing, remem­ber you have a choice. Do not be a reac­tor, pushed and pulled by the ener­gies and actions of events and by oth­ers. Be true to your­self, lis­ten to your high­er self and let your will be guid­ed by the One.

Yes, it does take more effort at first, to move through this world as an actor and not a reac­tor. But over­time it becomes effort­less, as the ener­gy-forms of love and com­pas­sion dis­si­pate the fear-filled fogs of illu­sion and you feel more at peace with­in as well.

You prob­a­bly will stum­ble and fail many days, even the Dalai Lama has a bad moment or two I would imag­ine, but over many days and months you will lift your­self and one anoth­er to a bet­ter way and a bet­ter place.

Your goal is what seems most elu­sive to you at this time, to be at peace, to have Peace of Mind.

The way is to take con­trol of what you can, that is your­self. Choose to lis­ten care­ful­ly, choose to respond car­ing­ly, and always act in align­ment with the Love and Will of the One.

This is what is called “the Way”; and, it has always been the way.

Once you are aligned with­in, you will also be able to reach out and join with oth­er mind­ful, lov­ing and cen­tered souls. With friend and with neigh­bors, with col­leagues and loved ones, we are already begin­ning to remake the world we live in and with one anoth­er on this beau­ti­ful cor­ner of the Uni­verse, this home we call our Earth.

On Thurs­day morn­ing here in New York, but around the world on that day, many will cel­e­brate a great soul who walked the path we all walk. He is known by what he is, the Bud­dha. This day, this Thurs­day, is called the Bud­dha Full Moon; and it is cel­e­brat­ed to hon­or some­one who chose the path of Light and Love and Divine Purpose.

So, what we all need to do per­haps every day, and cer­tain­ly on this great day we cel­e­brate on Thurs­day, we say the Great Invo­ca­tion. Which we can hold in our hearts to guide our steps every day. And the invo­ca­tion is:

From the point of light with­in the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love with­in the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the cen­ter where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the mas­ters know and serve.

From the cen­ter which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Here is the link to the radio show: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/astrologerbillattride/2020/05/03/astrologer-bill-attride-radio-show-pluto-and-the-will