Earth Day (April 22, 2020) — Transcript of Radio Show: What is the “what”?

Earth Day 2020

Tran­script of Radio Show- What is the “what”? (April 19, 2020)

I just post­ed about this last night because it just hap­pened this morn­ing, that the Sun has moved into the sign of Tau­rus. And I titled that post­ing that I made for today, The “Spi­ral jour­ney of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness”. And, when going through these steps of devel­op­ment in our jour­ney I wrote about “What is the what?”

So, I thought I would con­tin­ue with that theme in dif­fer­ent way, approach­ing it with some­thing sim­i­lar but a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. So, let us take a look:

The way of Aries, look­ing at the sign of Aries, is about “I am”. It is the first step of life; it is there that you expe­ri­ence the won­der of being self-aware. In Aries you answer the ques­tion, “Who are you?”

But we come to Tau­rus, the way of Tau­rus says, “I am that”. It is the sec­ond step of life; it is here you expe­ri­ence that you are some-thing. In Tau­rus, you answer the ques­tion, “What are you?”

So you could see in some way that these two signs are form­ing in their com­bi­na­tion or uni­ty one of the fun­da­men­tal truths of your jour­ney in con­scious­ness this dual­is­tic expe­ri­ence of real­i­ty there is sub­jec­tiv­i­ty of being aware of your­self or what we call self-aware­ness but there is objec­tiv­i­ty too, as you expe­ri­ence your­self and every­thing and every­one else as being formed into bod­ies or vehi­cles of manifestation.

We see the world split into spir­it and mat­ter, but real­ly what you will come to know (and what I like to call the greater real­i­ty) is that you will come to under­stand your one­ness of being which is Life or the One.

Life is spir­it and mat­ter togeth­er; they are insep­a­ra­ble, yet they are the two fun­da­men­tal aspects of life. Mat­ter forms the less­er realms of Spir­it, as Spir­it forms the high­est realms of Mat­ter. The Truth is that there is but One Life. There is the One Spir­it which man­i­fest through innu­mer­able forms from the low­est of the most sub­lime. Spir­it is the one eter­nal life; and Mat­ter is the count­less ves­sels into which all life flows.

The great mys­tery is that in all these count­less forms or ves­sels, in each atom, min­er­al, plant or ani­mal, human or deva, plan­et and star, through all of them is con­tained or held is the One True Spir­it. There are count­less forms, but there is only one life. There is only one spir­it flow­ing through the hier­ar­chies of the Uni­verse, whether those realms be divine, human, ani­mal, or mineral.

In Tau­rus, you move out of the sub­jec­tive realm of Aries into objec­tive real­i­ty. In Tau­rus you come into the realm of earth and say, “I am that!”. Tau­rus is your most phys­i­cal, sen­su­ous expe­ri­ence of life. You open your eyes and see the beau­ty all around; you open your lungs and breathe in what we all share. You take anoth­er breath and you smell the flow­ers; you reach down and touch the earth and smile, and you give thanks to the moth­er of us all for this, for your life and for your body. You look up and see the stars and you watch the moon, plan­ets and all the heav­en­ly bod­ies whirling over­head and you exclaim, “Ooh, I am so hap­py, to be sur­round­ed by this beau­ty, to be a part of this amaz­ing, beau­ti­ful, won­drous jour­ney; I’m so grate­ful to be part of Life.”

In Tau­rus, you expe­ri­ence life’s abun­dance and beau­ty; you expe­ri­ence the mys­tery and majesty of life. You are here in this won­der­ful place we call our Earth, and you feel and taste and touch and smell the won­ders of this gar­den of delights, and you get to share this abun­dance of “Spir­it that is Life” with all with whom you journey.

But what is it that makes you, you? What do you have that is yours, what gives you the val­ue of you? Well this is the ques­tion of Tau­rus to you. Through the arc of your life, from infan­cy through youth, into adult­hood and onward, your expe­ri­ence of you and your val­ue or worth will rise and fall in so many ways. The enthu­si­asms and the phys­i­cal strengths of youth will give way to what you will earn, the grav­i­tas and wis­dom, and the aches and pains of your lat­er years. It can seem, depend­ing upon your jour­ney, that your best days are still ahead or far behind you, depend­ing upon how you val­ue you.

What you expe­ri­ence in Tau­rus is the Val­ue of You. The mys­tery you seek to unveil in Tau­rus is how to under­stand what you have, to expe­ri­ence what you can do, and dis­cov­er what you are worth. The val­ue of you at any one time is made up of a range of fac­tors: your phys­i­cal pow­ers, your emo­tion­al depths, your intel­lec­tu­al agili­ty, and your spir­i­tu­al integri­ty. Through­out any day, week, year of your life, these val­u­a­tions of you will wax and wane. The gifts of youth may shine forth in phys­i­cal strength and emo­tion­al enthu­si­asms; but matu­ri­ty will bring both a mod­u­la­tion an even­tu­al wan­ing of these as you age. Like­wise, the tem­per­ing of your emo­tion­al nature, sea­soned by the grow­ing depths of your judg­ment and wis­dom, will lift your spir­its as oth­er fac­ul­ties fade.

But the phys­i­cal life and its entice­ments and plea­sures can also bring dif­fi­cul­ties and pain. If you become too attached to one or anoth­er gift or strength that you pos­sess, you will find your expe­ri­ence of val­ue to swing wild­ly up and down. When you are too attached to some­thing with­in you, or some­thing you have acquired, then you can suffer.

Wise ones know that this is because this way of relat­ing to val­ue and things is not “the way” to be or become what you real­ly are you are. You are Spir­it liv­ing by and through these won­der­ful forms or bod­ies that you have cre­at­ed for your­self. Your life (and lives) are made in these vehi­cles that are phys­i­cal, ether­ic, emo­tion­al, men­tal, and spir­i­tu­al. But they are held togeth­er and bound to one anoth­er by the spark of the Divine which is your high­est Spir­it-Form, your High­er Self. You are in your essence this One Spir­it; you are here to grow and move beyond any one world, form, or life.

This is so, and you need to remem­ber, that at the very heart of you, you remain as you always will be, price­less beyond all mea­sure because you are not a human being at all. Being human is mere­ly the form of your self-real­iza­tion at this point in your jour­ney. Tru­ly, at your core, you are a spark of the Divine who is on a nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of the “Self-That-Is-Becom­ing”. You are a mon­ad, an unfold­ing Spir­i­tu­al Fire of Life-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness and your true worth or val­ue will be for­ev­er beyond any finite measure.

So, no mat­ter what you think you are worth today, or yes­ter­day, or a thou­sand years from now, remem­ber this, you have no way of com­pre­hend­ing the beau­ty and glo­ry and worth of you. You are the “Jew­el in the Lotus”, you are the kiss of the dew in the morn­ing, and you are the glo­ri­ous sun­set too.

Then you will hear anoth­er reminder. The voic­es of the Ancient Ones will whis­per in your heart, “What you know as the resplen­dent and immor­tal you, that heav­en that is always with­in you, (for you nev­er left it tru­ly), this essen­tial spark of you is your spir­i­tu­al heart. And in your heart, you will feel and know that this same light of the Divine is in every­thing and every­one else too”.

Yes, in every speck and mote of Cre­ation, in every atom and mol­e­cule, gas and rock, plant and crea­ture, in the plan­ets and the stars, all of this is Spir­it-Life in evo­lu­tion too. This is what we must under­stand in Taurus.

In your heart of hearts, in your high­est vehi­cle of Spir­it, you are a spark of the One Divine Light. Quite sim­ply, won­der­ful­ly, and for­ev­er and ever your true mea­sure is beyond mea­sure. In your High­er Self, and through­out all your forms too, there is the one true light of Spir­it shin­ing through, so that fill­ing and inform­ing all of you is quite sim­ply Divine Love.

Know this: the val­ue of you is beyond ques­tion, you are quite sim­ply Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

So what you will know and feel and cel­e­brate in Tau­rus is that all of this Cre­ation is Beau­ti­ful, all of this is Pre­cious, because all of this is the One Life, and all of this is the Cre­ation of the One, and all of this is the Love of the One for all.

Let us give thanks to the sun­rise and the sun­set, to the flow­ers and the trees, to the moun­tains and the oceans; yes, bow down and give thanks to it all.

Bow down to the divine with­in you and with all that sur­rounds you too.

Turn to one anoth­er, and you will see that super­nal light shin­ing there in one another.

Yes, smile and bow to one anoth­er and be filled with the won­der of this.

I am that!


These are the things that we need to be remind­ed of and hold close to our hearts and guide our steps each and every day. That is why I always say, in trou­bling times such as we are cer­tain­ly mov­ing through, there are truths that have been always there from the begin­ning to guide our steps.

If we hold to these truths and guide our steps accord­ing­ly, we will find a bet­ter way and we will become bet­ter for it. That is what a hard time is for. A cri­sis should not return as to where we were; it is going to be a vehi­cle for trans­for­ma­tion, for a rev­e­la­tion and new epipha­nies, and a New World that is coming.

We are mak­ing it; we are mak­ing it every sin­gle day. And we will not go back, there is no going back, but there is a brighter, bet­ter future out there that we are mak­ing day after day.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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