Daily Archives: March 27, 2020

Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show, 2020 – The USA and Pluto (Sunday March 29, 2020 @ 2 pm EDT)

Astro­log­i­cal Mus­ings – The End of an Age & The USA (March 29, 2020)

In my sev­enth show of 2020, we will con­sid­er the Astro­log­i­cal pat­terns and cur­rent con­di­tions in the chart of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca. It was dur­ing Pluto’s pre­vi­ous pas­sage through Capri­corn in the 1700’s that the USA became a real­i­ty. We are now expe­ri­enc­ing the chal­lenge of Plu­to; it is time for our spir­i­tu­al re-birth and renewal.

I have been writ­ing and speak­ing about the cycle of Plu­to for many years, and I have writ­ten and talked about Pluto’s pas­sage through Capri­corn every 250 years, which is hap­pen­ing once again from 2008–2024. Each Plu­to in Capri­corn peri­od sig­nals the end of a world order, which is equal­ly the emer­gence of a new insti­tu­tion­al order in the hier­ar­chy of social realms: spir­i­tu­al, cul­tur­al, polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic. What we are see­ing across the globe today is not how it had to be; it is we and our way of life that has made the con­tent and facts of what this chal­lenge would look like. But it is most cer­tain­ly true that this is our time to bring into being a New World, and what emerges will and must be dif­fer­ent than the order we have had since the late 1700’s, not just here but for the entire world.

As before, I will answer your ques­tions dur­ing the show, whether on this top­ic or some oth­er mat­ter, includ­ing per­son­al ques­tions about your astro­log­i­cal chart. If you do wish to ask a per­son­al ques­tion, please be ready to pro­vide at least your birth date and birth­place, and time of your birth if you have that too.

If you wish to sug­gest a sub­ject or top­ic for a future show, please email me as I would be hap­py to hear from you. My email is: billattride@gmail.com.

Here is the main link to Astrologer Bill Attride Radio:


Here is the link to the show on Sun­day March 29th @ 2 pm EDT:


The phone num­ber to call if you wish to ask a ques­tion dur­ing the live show is: (516) 531‑9638.

Please join me on Sun­day March 29th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the cur­rent astro­log­i­cal indi­ca­tions and what they mean for you.