Daily Archives: March 20, 2019

Sun Enters Aries — Astrological New Year (March 20, 2019)

The Pow­er of Presence

Hap­py New Year!

Today marks the begin­ning of the Astro­log­i­cal Year. Today you turn a cor­ner and enter a new space, and the ques­tion the uni­verse has for you now is quite sim­ply this:

Who are you?

Some­where in your chart, whether it is your Sun or Moon, your Venus or Mars, or maybe it is just on a cusp of one of your twelve hous­es, but some­how and some­where your “being”, your nature is mod­u­lat­ed by and attuned to this expe­ri­ence informed by Aries. For the next 30 days you should take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er what the mean­ing of Aries holds for you in your life.

Wher­ev­er you have Aries, that is where you begin your jour­ney to know your­self, that is where you take up the task once more of expe­ri­enc­ing what I call “the pow­er of your Pres­ence”.

It is in Aries that you start the jour­ney to the truth of being your­self in the only place where you are free to be and to become. For it is in Aries that you expe­ri­ence the mys­tery of liv­ing in what we take for grant­ed, the ever-unfold­ing real­i­ty of the “Eter­nal Now”. The only place you can tru­ly be is in the “here and the now”, your being­ness is of this Place and Peri­od, in what we call Space-Time.

It is only in the Eter­nal Now that you are free to be and become what you are meant to be. Here at the razors edge, where the past is redeemed and the future is forged, here you are the liv­ing Spir­it who is striv­ing to become a more com­plete human. Aries requires you to be aware of this most pre­cious gift of your self-aware­ness, this place and time defined by your aware­ness of you and that vehi­cle you are form­ing that reveals you to your world…your Per­sona. This per­sona is what you lead with, it is made man­i­fest by your bear­ing, it is revealed in your demeanor, and is formed by the qual­i­ties of your char­ac­ter, it is quite sim­ply the essen­tial ener­gy-form of you.

The pow­er of new begin­nings, this is the joy and pas­sion of Aries. To have a flash of insight, to be inspired by a new vision, to believe and strive to be a bet­ter you and to make a bet­ter world, this is the core of Aries. But it rais­es a very big question…what exact­ly or who exact­ly are you?

Yes, before you can take the very next step, you must con­sid­er from what and whence you came. Then equal­ly you must turn and look ahead, and you must imag­ine what will be the next space and time you wish to be forg­ing too. For what you have done, in this life and so many oth­ers, form “the where and the what” you are com­ing from, espe­cial­ly in terms of your assets and strengths. But this past equal­ly forges the lim­its upon your­self as formed by your doubts and fears as well. And so, you must take the mea­sure of you, you must assess what you are attempt­ing to accom­plish, and see whether you have the apti­tude and atti­tude that will bring you to the end that you desire.

No mat­ter where you have come from, and no mat­ter where you are going, in Aries the most impor­tant deter­mi­na­tion of what will be, of what will hap­pen is, “you”. How you meet the moment, how you move your­self through this field of the now is the thing you are chal­lenged to master.

Your degree of devel­op­ment, your spir­i­tu­al matu­ri­ty, is revealed at the very first by your demeanor and by your atti­tude, by the sen­si­bil­i­ty of how you bring to bear exact­ly what is need­ed from you to meet each moment as best as you can, as best as you should. You must nei­ther be “Over-Bear­ing or Under-Whelm­ing”. You only have this one pre­cious oppor­tu­ni­ty, this one and only chance in “the now” to make the future that will be, and you want to get it right.

This is where you move from your past into your future, here in the “Eter­nal Now”. This encounter is a del­i­cate inte­gral bal­ance formed by your aware­ness of you, revealed by this essen­tial nature of you or your “pres­ence”, which is the inte­gral fusion of your inten­tion and under­stand­ing, blend­ed with what you have appre­hend­ed about this space that you are enter­ing. The ques­tion is, how aware are you of what you are encoun­ter­ing, and what ver­sion of you should you bring?

You are bring­ing “you” into this space, but what does this moment of Space-Time need from you? You must sense, you must appre­hend in the first moment what is need­ed here. Did you enter a dull space and so real­ize, “Ah, let me bring my live­ly self into here”; or, did you enter an over­ly excit­ed space and under­stand, “Oh, let me bring my calm­ing self into here”? This is how and where you reveal your spir­i­tu­al aware­ness and the matu­ri­ty of your char­ac­ter. Quite sim­ply, are you con­tribut­ing to the advance­ment of spir­it, or not? Are you a part of the solu­tion, or are you a part of the problem?

Aries rules this under­stand­ing, that you are being your­self through these var­i­ous per­sonas, as you bring to bear the best of you as required to cre­ate the most mean­ing­ful way to be in the “eter­nal now”, and this is how you forge a bet­ter future. As you become more self-aware, and equal­ly per­cep­tive of your sur­round­ings, you refine these vehi­cles of your “self”, these approach­es of you that are most appro­pri­ate to every moment of your life.

Even­tu­al­ly, as one reach­es the most refined of lev­els of spir­i­tu­al aware­ness you become what is known as “an Adept”, a human of grace, beau­ty and kind­li­ness. You are ful­ly awake, free from fear, guid­ed by the abid­ing Truth that holds all of Life as One.

You are a shin­ing one, infused with the light of Uncon­di­tion­al Love and with a Pres­ence that is forever­more “Wel­com­ing and Welcome”.

Yes, it is by Aries that you set out to be you, to set a shin­ing exam­ple of what makes you “you”, you start the jour­ney of becom­ing a bet­ter you.

It is in Aries, wher­ev­er that is found in you, it is here that you will inspire oth­ers to fol­low your exam­ple which is to be guid­ed by the Love of the One that shines in one and all.