Daily Archives: January 20, 2019

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2019)

The Way of Happiness

Do you know the pur­pose of your life?
Why are you here? And, where are you going?
What are your Hopes and Dreams?

Today you leave the space of Capri­corn and enter the realm of Aquar­ius. The last 30 days have been about under­stand­ing the pur­pose of your life. It is from this under­stand­ing that you are able to assume your respon­si­bil­i­ties and take your prop­er place in your com­mu­ni­ty and the larg­er world. And, by “doing your duty” you are equal­ly able to enjoy the rights you may claim by the ful­fill­ment of those responsibilities.

You are part of a great Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, where you find and ful­fill your­self in a vast and inter­de­pen­dent struc­ture of car­ing and being cared for. You are here, in life after life, to reach deep­er into your­self so that you may reach a lit­tle high­er in each life, as you slow­ly but sure­ly approach self-mas­tery through an inte­gral bal­ance of wis­dom and humility.

Along this path of pur­pose­ful­ness, it does not mat­ter “where” you are going; but it very much mat­ters “why” you are going there. You will find that your jour­ney is not about being “suc­cess­ful”; it is about being true to who you are so that you remain on the path of Self-Fulfillment.

But, of course, you do not, you can­not, walk this path alone. You could not be you or become what you will be with­out a host of oth­er souls who walk this path too. You are human, and so you are formed and forged by all those with whom you walk on this path of becoming.

This is the Truth of Aquar­ius, that you are here to be some­one spe­cial, to shine and sparkle with the light of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. But the very mate­ri­als you form into that indi­vid­ual that is you, that spe­cial essence that shines through as “you”, are formed by those build­ing blocks that come from all with whom you have shared this life (and many lives before). What you have, (your feel­ings, thoughts and spir­i­tu­al sen­si­bil­i­ties), and what you share with all with whom you jour­ney, comes from your par­ents, sib­lings, class­mates, friends, col­leagues and of course, most heart­felt, from those dear­est to your heart too.

You are all mixed up in one anoth­er, and your true Hap­pi­ness comes from this being one who is part of many oth­er ones too. You are part of many cir­cles of life, and they are in you, and you are most cer­tain­ly part of them too. Here is what I wrote in my 2019 Fore­cast – Part 3 about the nature of the “Age of Aquarius”:

The prin­ci­ple of Aquar­ius is Fel­low­ship, it is Broth­er­hood and Sis­ter­hood, it is Com­pan­ion­ship and Com­mu­ni­ty and the Spir­i­tu­al Truth that we are all made of and by one anoth­er. We can­not be, Life can­not be, with­out blend­ing, mix­ing, com­bin­ing, and then shar­ing and grow­ing togeth­er. Life, Con­scious­ness and Spir­it are forged and formed by Inter­re­la­tion­ship, Diver­si­ty, Com­plex­i­ty and our essen­tial Inter­de­pen­dence with one anoth­er and all Life-Forms. Every Par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is a Spark of the Divine, formed in its core by its own Quin­tes­sence. Every tree and every leaf on every tree, every being and each cell form­ing that being, every­thing is formed by “ones” formed into a greater One. All of life is part of some­thing greater, yet it is pre­cious­ly and won­drous­ly its own unique instance of that Greater Whole.

Aquar­ius is all about the One and the Many, and we are each a pre­cious part, a unique one of a “Kind”, but formed and held and made pos­si­ble by that Kind, by that whole, and then the next greater whole, which ulti­mate­ly forms the whole of this entire Cre­ation or the ONE.

We are made of one anoth­er, and we see our­selves in each oth­er, as we share our love for this life and for one anoth­er. We can­not be hap­py by our­selves; that is just not pos­si­ble. That is most sim­ply but pro­found­ly because we can­not be our­selves, we can­not be or become human with­out one anoth­er. Our true Hap­pi­ness (our smiles and laugh­ter) are essen­tial­ly human and social expe­ri­ences; we shine with the light of spir­it as we share and show our love for one anoth­er. Our hopes and dreams are made of and by one anoth­er. And our well-being, our true Hap­pi­ness, comes from being with our fel­low-trav­el­ers in this amaz­ing Jour­ney of Spirit.

Yes, your Hap­pi­ness comes from your Self-Ful­fill­ment; but you can only and tru­ly expe­ri­ence this when those whom you love and care for have their Self-Ful­fill­ment and Hap­pi­ness too. You find and extend your hap­pi­ness by help­ing one anoth­er to pre­serve your way of life in your fam­i­ly, through your com­mu­ni­ty and out into the larg­er world too. Then you turn your atten­tion to your dreams of a bet­ter life, as you join togeth­er to improve your world and one anoth­er. And then you look even high­er, and you dream of what might be, and you look to that far hori­zon and say, “Let us strive to make a new Gold­en Age, let us build that Shin­ing City on a Hill, and let us live and love and laugh as we make a bet­ter world for one and for all.”

This is real­ly the deep­er mes­sage of Aquar­ius: That until we cre­ate a world where self-ful­fill­ment is pos­si­ble for one and for all, none of us will be ful­ly or tru­ly happy.

This is the dream of Aquar­ius, this is the far­away look you see in an Aquar­ius’ eyes, (and in your own Aquar­i­an nature that each of you has some­where in your chart). Humans are dream­ers and cre­ators, and we yearn to live (once more) in a gold­en age where the val­ue and worth of each indi­vid­ual is cel­e­brat­ed, hon­ored and fulfilled.

We know and feel in our sacred cen­ter and by the light of our high­est self, that we are here for this: “We are all for one and one for all”.

Your Hap­pi­ness, our hap­pi­ness is found in one anoth­er. We feel it in our smiles and laugh­ter. Because what makes us hap­py is the hap­pi­ness of our fam­i­ly and friends.

And our life is good, true and beau­ti­ful when it is lived with and for one another.

For this is why we came, this is what we are here for.

You are what you are because of love.

And all you have to do,

Is Just love one another.