Daily Archives: July 21, 2018

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2018)

You have spent the last 30 days in the sign of Can­cer, find­ing your way to the cen­ter of you. You aligned your self with your roots, to your fam­i­ly, to your loves, to your cul­ture and friends too. You felt your way back, to those many touch­stones that evoke the deep­est truths in the very heart of you, to those stir­rings, those feel­ings of ori­gins and hints of des­tiny. You made you way to your cen­ter and you remem­bered once more the gold­en chord that anchors you to your past and points the way to your future too.

But now you enter the time of Leo, for hav­ing met your self at the cen­ter you have no oth­er choice…you must be You!

Yes, in Leo you stretch beyond what has been. You are “the Cre­ator”’; and your great­est cre­ation, through all your many worlds and lives is you.

Your jour­ney has tak­en you from your begin­nings, as a mere spark of the divine, as an un-self-con­scious, self-unfold­ing enti­ty cycling through count­less worlds, forms and lives. Ahead of you awaits your des­tiny as a com­plete human, to the final ini­ti­a­tion, your Apoth­e­o­sis as a ful­ly awak­ened divinity.

As you become more aware of who and what you are, as you real­ize and reveal the dis­tinc­tive­ness of you, what is your Quin­tes­sence (or what is known as your Swab­hā­va, the germ or essence of you), as you do this you move into ever more truer forms of being, cre­at­ing, lead­ing and lov­ing. You become what you are, you are “THAT”, and by this you bring out the best in you and in those who are with you, and they become inspired by your exam­ple to be their bet­ter selves too. You become ever truer to your­self and you shine; you are the self who becomes, the Self-illu­mined with the light of Truth and Love.

When you do this, when you Lead with right inten­tion, when you become one more exam­ple, one more proof and inspi­ra­tion for oth­ers to be their bet­ter selves, it is by your being true to your­self and aligned with your high­er self that you inspire oth­ers to live and love with that same noble bear­ing too.

We do not need, nor do we look for lead­ers who tell us what to do; we look to those who inspire in us the shin­ing proof that we can, and we will, over­come our present lim­i­ta­tions and be the cre­ators of a brighter future for us and for our chil­dren too.

Leo is about what abides in the heart of one and all. It is about the light that shines in the dark­ness, the eter­nal flame of spir­it that will not fail.

Leo is about what is in your heart; It is about Uncon­di­tion­al love.

That love, which is Spir­it-Mat­ter, is the source, pre­serv­er and promise behind the whole of Creation.

We are one; you are one.

We are here to be who we are.

We are here to love ourselves,

And we are here to Love one anoth­er too.

This is Truth; this is the Heart Doctrine.

And, this is the Light of the Uni­verse that will not fail.