Daily Archives: March 19, 2018

Sun Enters Aries — The Equinox (March 20, 2018)

Happy Astrological New Year!

You are an Immor­tal who walks along the Razor’s Edge of Spir­it, the path­way known as Dhar­ma-Kar­ma. All your Yes­ter­days and all your Tomor­rows too, all of them meet here in this Ful­crum of Fulfillment…

There is only this, you are only in one space tru­ly, you are here in the Eter­nal Now.

What was, is done; what will be, is still being made.

All that mat­ters, for­ev­er and ever, is for you to be here, to be present and face the prod­uct of your past and hold true to your faith in a bet­ter future…and then to Act with all your heart and mind and will.

This most pre­cious space, the space of Now, is the only place that you can be free; it is only in this ever-unfold­ing moment in space-time, it is only here that you can act and feel and think and shine as the Divine being you tru­ly are. Only in the “here and now” can you be and become, it is only here that you cre­ate your bet­ter self and a bet­ter world too.

And the only lim­it to your Free­dom to be and become…is you. For every soul who is on the path of awak­en­ing, who walks the path­way of Dhar­ma-Kar­ma, the only imped­i­ment to you to become even more of who and what your tru­ly are is the self-lim­i­ta­tion imposed by your lev­el of Con­scious­ness, by your degree of Under­stand­ing and Self-Awareness.

As you and your world cir­cle your star every year, you move through the sea­sons of self-becom­ing and self-ful­fill­ment. From seed to seedling, from youth to old age, you strive to reach beyond what you were and become a self-mas­ter­ful and shin­ing spark of the Divine.

The Year just passed has been summed up in your sojourn through the realm of Pisces. It is there that you reaped and took the fuller mea­sure of your tri­umphs and fail­ures. Both your over-com­ings and stum­bles too have made you what you are today.

It is all good, for you are old­er, hum­bler and wis­er than before.

You would not have deep­ened your empa­thy and com­pas­sion with­out hav­ing come through your own tri­als. You would not have reaped your wis­dom, with­out hav­ing first fall­en into the error of hubris. You would not have under­stood the fun­da­men­tal truth: that what you sow is what you will reap.

The only trea­sure that lasts are these spir­i­tu­al trea­sures, these gifts of the spir­it, now made one with your soul. These are stored in that sub­lime realm you call heav­en. You nev­er left it you know, the high­est part of you, your sparkling dia­mond body of spir­it abides in “heav­en” from the begin­ning until the end. The body you call “you”, that is just a vehi­cle of neces­si­ty that you require upon this earth…but that is not you. You are not dust; you are spir­it, and you are immortal.

Yes, today marks the begin­ning of your next cir­cuit through the Twelve Man­sions of the Liv­ing Ones, the Zodi­ac. Today you enter the realm of Aries and the first ques­tion of life is once again put to you: Who are you?

Here, in the moment of Aries, it is here that you are always in that moment, the one and only, the Eter­nal Now.

Now, what will you do?

Do you see from whence you came, and accept all those expe­ri­ences, both the so-called “good and bad”? Do you under­stand that all of it has made you into what you are here today? And, that what you do next with this, well that is the only thing that mat­ters. The ques­tion is this: Are you bring­ing the best of you to bear as you meet the Now? Are you being what you are to be: self-aware, hum­ble and wise?

Think of your jour­ney as if each step was like mov­ing through a door­way. Of course, there is always some­one going through ahead of you. Now they may have been hurt, or upset or angry about some­thing, so what do they do? They slam that door in your face.

Now, now you face your great test of spir­it. As you go through that door, will you take that neg­a­tive ener­gy and just pass it on? Will you just uncon­scious­ly or self­ish­ly just slam that door on the next one, and so pass on the pain that may have been passed down for­ev­er and ever?

Or, will you be the one who choos­es to take that neg­a­tive ener­gy-form and trans­mute it? Will you instead choose to stand in the light; will you hold that door open for the one who fol­lows you?

If you do, know this:

You just changed the world.

You just changed yourself.

You just moved clos­er to the One.

That is all it takes…

To make the world a bet­ter place,

All it takes is Love.