Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2018)

The Spi­ral Jour­ney of Light and Love

You are quite sim­ply and won­drous­ly a unique spark of the one Divine Light. You are a self-lumi­nous dew­drop shin­ing in a cos­mic sea of resplen­dent con­scious­ness. Life after life you climb the Uni­ver­sal Tree of Spir­it, mov­ing through Worlds, Forms and Lives in pur­suit of one thing:

To Know Thyself

Slow­ly but sure­ly you move ever clos­er to your moment of Lib­er­a­tion. World after world, you draw ever clos­er to your true nature, to that pre­cious moment when you ful­fill your promise and arrive at your apoth­e­o­sis: A Divine Being, an Angel, a shin­ing one or Deva, who has come so very far and now returns to the “cen­ter which is every­where and to the cir­cum­fer­ence which is nowhere”. You are what you were in the begin­ning, remain­ing true to your Spir­i­tu­al Quin­tes­sence: You are a Self-Becom­ing Spark of Spir­it now made real as a ful­ly Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Cosmos.

You and all of Cre­ation are made of and by the Lords of Know­ing, Lov­ing and Being, the Twelve Astro­log­i­cal Signs, known mys­ti­cal­ly as “The Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”. In truth, each mote and speck of cre­ation, and so you dear one too, are a beau­ti­ful inte­gral and unique com­bi­na­tion of these Twelve Avatars. And today, today you cel­e­brate the final Por­tal of Promise, today you hon­or the last step which is also the first, today you bow your head and give thanks “to the one and to the many” as you enter the space that is Pisces.

Here in Pisces you face the answer to the ever­last­ing ques­tion, “Why”? “Why am I here, and what is the pro­pelling force or agent of my self-becom­ing?” And the Lords and Mas­ters, who came this way long ago will reply: “You are, and all of Cre­ation is too, because of the very same pur­pose­ful­ness that forms the beat­ing heart of Spir­it.” It is forged in the Tri­une Nature of the One Spir­it, being the one unde­ni­able force behind one and all, what you know as Divine Mind and Love and Will. You know and feel this as it forms the Pow­er of Faith, tru­ly the gift of the Gods. It is the foun­tain-source of your self-becom­ing, your well-spring of Imag­i­na­tion, your capac­i­ty to dream and believe and become more than mere con­di­tion­ing. It is quite sim­ply the very source of Cre­ation itself.

Yes, your Faith is not some yearn­ing, some kind of hop­ing that things might turn out bet­ter, that you will become some­how, some­day become more than you are…It is a Know­ing! Faith is found by liv­ing in the Eter­nal Now and in the Knowl­edge of this: That you are the Cre­ator of you, and your dreams and your faith are what form your future.

You and all of Cre­ation are formed by this beat­ing heart of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. That beat­ing heart is your won­drous capac­i­ty to won­der, to meet the present real­i­ty and then to imag­ine and dream of what might be. You are the “self-that-is-becom­ing” because you are in your essence Spir­it-Mat­ter formed as Self-Con­scious Ener­gy. You are self-made by this pre­cious gift of Spir­it: you are a Dream­er, you are a Spir­i­tu­al Imag­i­neer. Your dreams, cou­pled with your imag­i­na­tion, form the very quin­tes­sence of you and all of Spir­it. It is why all of this is; it is why this entire Cos­mos exists:

The ONE wished “to be”,
and all of the “ones of the One” became this Cre­ation for and by the One.
The Truth of Cre­ation is this, “Life is Spir­it; Spir­it is Life”.
The whole of Cre­ation is alive; the whole of Cre­ation is the One made manifest.
The One encom­pass­es every­thing and every­one in a Jour­ney of Awak­en­ing that is formed and guid­ed by Divine Love.

This pre­cious por­tal of Pisces also con­tains your great­est test and chal­lenge, Fear. Faith and Fear are the twins dri­ving your sto­ry from the moment you became self-aware. This was the price of your awak­en­ing, your loss of inno­cence or igno­rance, to know fear; and this is the gift of your illu­mi­na­tion, of becom­ing ful­ly self-con­scious, and so shin­ing by a Liv­ing Faith you will become Fear­less. The answer to the ques­tion of “why” is clear, but the road to self-mas­tery is long and hard. But as you draw ever clos­er to your fuller awak­en­ing, you will know this truth: you have noth­ing to fear what­so­ev­er for you are the mak­er of you. What you sow is what you will reap; Spir­i­tu­al Law is per­fect and just.

Wher­ev­er you have Pisces in your chart, know that there is where you face your source of Fear and equal­ly your Source of Faith. Cel­e­brate this pearl of great price in the time of Pisces, and in each and every day of your life. Know that you must stand and hold your­self in the only moment in which you are free, the moment where past and future meet in the ever-unfold­ing moment of “The Now”.

In each pre­cious moment you must stand in the Light and under­stand this: Do I know and believe that I am the mak­er of me? Do I accept and redeem my past as a pre­cious gift? Do I under­stand that this gift of my past, that I have giv­en to myself, that it forms this exact moment from which I can now build a bet­ter future? Do I accept that all that was of my past, all my tri­umphs and most cer­tain­ly my so-called fail­ures too, that they are what has made me what I am today, the good with the so-called bad? That I am what I am; I will be what I dream.

Do I have and hold to this Liv­ing Faith, that all of what I did and did not do has brought me to this exact moment where the next step will be tak­en? And, most sub­lime­ly, do I know that I have no need to fear any of this, for my past is not a bur­den of regret nor a fore­telling of my future? Do I see, that I stand now on the razor’s edge between what was and all that will be, and I can hold myself in the cer­tain knowl­edge and liv­ing faith that I am the cre­ator of the future that will be?

And then you can turn, you will look out ahead, and you will ask what will be my tomor­row, and all my tomor­rows for­ev­er and ever, rip­pling through these resplen­dent oceans of space and time? You will remem­ber, for you know, and you will smile. You will look with eyes bright and shin­ing and say, “I know this, I know what makes me what I am. I know that what is with­in me forms my liv­ing faith and that I am not alone; and what I see that is with­in me equal­ly sur­rounds me too, and that this is what forms the entire uni­verse. I know, that the One Divine Light is and will always be what is behind all that was, is and will be to the end of days. And so, I know that all will be well and good. I have noth­ing to fear, for the very nature of this beau­ti­ful, won­drous cos­mos is the Wis­dom and the Love and the Will that is the One.”

Pisces is the Alpha and the Omega, it is the sum of all your labors and your hopes and dreams too.

Here in the time of Pisces you will restore your faith.

You will hon­or the past, and you will dream of the future.

For you are faith­ful, you are a Creator.

Liv­ing on the edge between yes­ter­day and tomorrow.

You are Shining.

You are one of many ones,

Dream­ing in the Eter­nal Now.

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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