Daily Archives: March 19, 2017

Sun Enters Aries – Happy Astrological New Year! (March 20, 2017)

Hap­py Astro­log­i­cal New Year!

The Les­son of Pres­ence — Mov­ing through the Eter­nal Now


What are you going to do now; how do you begin; where do you begin? How should you start the day, the week, the year? Because this is most impor­tant, it is fate­ful­ly impor­tant to you.

The first thoughts you think, the first feel­ings you feel, the first actions you take, they flow forth from you, and they will both mold you and give form to what you cre­ate. By these first steps, “you make what you make of you”.

Each and every step you take will set in motion a chain of cau­sa­tion that echoes down through time and space. Though every sin­gle step mat­ters, it is the first one that sets the pat­tern for what is to fol­low. So, con­sid­er wise­ly what are you going to do; who are you going to become?

Today you begin the Astro­log­i­cal New Year in the “Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones”, the fun­da­men­tal Spir­i­tu­al Hier­ar­chy of Life you know as the Zodi­ac. Today you start the next jour­ney of you in Aries.

In your life, as in all things, first things come first…This is the Les­son of Aries, this is your les­son of “Pres­ence”. It is here, right now in Aries, it is always here that your past and your future are brought togeth­er in the only place you are free to be the cre­ator, here in the Eter­nal Now.

You must remem­ber this, that you are in fact a unique com­bi­na­tion of all twelve ener­gy-forms of the Zodi­ac. Some part of you is Aries, some oth­er part Tau­rus and even Gem­i­ni is part of you too. This is because these Sacred Twelve form the Spir­it-Sub­stance of Cre­ation. From the small­est infin­i­tes­i­mal on up to the grand­est stel­lar won­ders of Galax­ies and beyond, each part and par­ti­cle of Cre­ation is at its core a radi­ant par­ti­cle of the One Spir­it whose “Cen­ter is Every­where and whose Cir­cum­fer­ence is Nowhere”.

In life after life and through all the moments in any life, you move through Space-Time in this “vehi­cle” of you: your body, feel­ings, thoughts and spir­it. In each moment, you bring your­self into some “space”, and that space changes, and so do you. You turn a cor­ner and encounter something/someone; you enter a room and are faced with the Ener­gy-Forms that were already present. And in the very next instant, you must deter­mine how you will be, what you will be, and who you will become.

Aries is the begin­ning, it is you aware of you. It is by Aries that you take the first step. It is by Aries that you are self-aware and new­ly awak­ened to and so inspired by the pow­er and joy of new begin­nings. But before you leap into the next moment or the new day, before you move out you must under­stand you…before you go “out” you must look within.

How you meet the moment before you is formed by your lev­el of self-aware­ness, which is most cer­tain­ly revealed by what informs your “Pres­ence”, your Moti­va­tions and Inten­tions. What is in your head and heart, what do you “Desire”? Because if you wish to know “where” and “how” you might be going, you must look with­in to under­stand the “why” you are com­ing from.

As you move through space-time, as you enter a “new-space”, you must imme­di­ate­ly ascer­tain what you should bring to bear to meet this moment well. If the sit­u­a­tion is already too ener­gized, then you need to bring your calm­ing self. And if the sit­u­a­tion is lack­ing in ener­gy, then you must bring more live­li­ness to bear.

If you lean in too much, you will be over­whelm­ing; and if you hold back over­much you will be under­whelm­ing. But it you can bring to bear in each moment that per­fect bal­ance of you that fits, then you will be wel­com­ing and wel­comed, and you will be well-met indeed.

For each encounter with the Now, there is a hier­ar­chy of con­sid­er­a­tions that should be formed into your pres­ence. It will often mat­ter how you are attired. It will very much mat­ter how you hold your­self, as your demeanor or dis­po­si­tion will be crit­i­cal to your recep­tion. It will mat­ter how well you speak, and how well you listen.

But all of this and more will flow from your aware­ness; all of this comes from your inte­gral com­bi­na­tion of Right-Inten­tion, Right-Think­ing, and Right-Feel­ing. It is by this that you are tru­ly you in Right-Action. Your spir­i­tu­al aware­ness, your lev­el of inten­tion, will deter­mine how you will be and what you will next become.

If you under­stand the “Why” of you, then you will know that you are one of many ones whose jour­ney is the Song of Spir­it. If you can tru­ly under­stand that each of you is pre­cious, then you will know that you are equal­ly pre­cious for one anoth­er too. Then you will under­stand this “Why”; you will know that the truth of you is Love. Then you will stand in the Eter­nal Now, the place of Free­dom and Truth, and when you do this you will tru­ly shine.

You are here to be who and what you are, and only you will make it so. If you have lis­tened to your soul’s true nature, you will bring ever increas­ing Light and Love into every moment met in the Eter­nal Now. You will take your next step in your self-becom­ing as you:

Lead with Kindness
Act with Courage
And love one anoth­er as you love yourself.

Because this is who you are; this is who we are.
You are one of the ones of the One.
You are here because of Love,
You are you to be this Love.

Fol­low the Wis­dom of the Ages,
It is writ­ten there in your heart.
Know Thy­self; Love One Another,
And you will be you as you,
Live by Love in the Eter­nal Now.