The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump (January 2017)

Don­ald Trump

When we con­sid­er the Astrol­o­gy chart of an indi­vid­ual, there are so many fac­tors to con­sid­er, (plan­ets, signs, hous­es, aspects and aspect pat­terns), that it can seem quite over­whelm­ing as to how to pro­ceed. I have found it most use­ful to start from an overview of the entire chart and then pro­ceed to slow­ly dis­cern the var­i­ous inter­laced ener­gy-forms that the chart contains. 

First, we should step back and take the whole chart in. After all, an astro­log­i­cal chart is a Sky Map, a pic­ture of the plan­e­tary posi­tions, as seen from a spe­cif­ic place on the Earth, on a cer­tain day and time. We are look­ing at the heav­ens above, so let’s step back and take it all in to dis­cern the over­all mes­sage of the chart. What we will find is that astro­log­i­cal charts fall into cer­tain types of pat­terns, which pro­vides this first sense of mean­ing for the chart.

The pat­tern of Don­ald Trump’s chart is called a Bowl or Hemi­spher­ic pat­tern, with all plan­ets lined up on one side of the chart, and the oth­er half remain­ing open or emp­ty. This bowl pat­tern implies a great degree of self-con­tain­ment. Here is a soul that is moved or affect­ed more by exter­nal cir­cum­stances than by inter­nal fac­tors. He has a strong sense of mis­sion, a sense that he pos­sess­es some­thing (the filled bowl), and that he lacks or needs some­thing, (the emp­ty space). He will be dri­ven, pur­pose­ful and feel he has a des­tiny to fulfill.

The crit­i­cal or high focus part of the Bowl pat­tern is formed by the lead­ing plan­et or edge of the bowl. In Trump’s chart, the lead­ing plan­et is Uranus in his 10th house of career, pub­lic life and pur­pose. Uranus is the “Awak­en­er”, and brings about change through shocks and upsets. Not only is it his lead­ing plan­et, but it is also the upper­most plan­et in his chart, and, most sig­nif­i­cant­ly, it is next to his Sun and oppo­site to his Moon. A very, very great deal about Trump is summed up by this com­bi­na­tion of fac­tors: Sun in Gem­i­ni, Moon in Sagit­tar­ius, with Uranus con­junct the Sun and Oppo­site to the Moon.

Gem­i­ni is an Air Sign, known for its intel­li­gence, curios­i­ty, adapt­abil­i­ty and rest­less­ness. Gem­i­ni rules the mind in its capac­i­ty to con­sid­er things from more than one point of view or per­spec­tive, to per­ceive the world through mul­ti­ple “lens­es”, to assume mul­ti­ple posi­tions in order to con­sid­er which view or views seems most mean­ing­ful, reveal­ing or excep­tion­al. When applied in right ways, Gem­i­ni is our fac­ul­ty of Intelligence.

Gem­in­is love to “stir things up”. They can hold one posi­tion and then swing to the oppo­site posi­tion with­out skip­ping a beat. Gem­in­is are often “high-strung, ner­vous types” with a con­stant need to take in and push out infor­ma­tion. Their avid­i­ty and thirst for infor­ma­tion, and their insis­tent need to share these mul­ti­ple thoughts can push the enve­lope of rea­son to that razor’s edge that lies between genius and insan­i­ty. Keep­ing up with, and fol­low­ing the stream of con­scious­ness of some Gem­in­is can be fas­ci­nat­ing, but some­times frus­trat­ing and fruitless.

Being born at the Full Moon, Trump has his Moon in the oppo­site Sign of Sagit­tar­ius. The Moon rules the emo­tion­al life, the emo­tion­al needs, the ingrained and uncon­scious habit pat­terns of reactions/interactions, and will reveal how a per­son will act or react with­out think­ing. (And though we humans like to think of our­selves as mind­ful and intel­li­gent, we live a great deal of our lives on “autopi­lot”, some­thing hap­pens and we will often react with­out much thought at all).

The Moon in Sagit­tar­ius is very free-wheel­ing, open and out­spo­ken, so that it leads to a per­son who will feel and speak with lit­tle or no restraint. There is basi­cal­ly no fil­ter at all, what­ev­er is in their feel­ing-think­ing in the moment is what you are going to get.

The oppo­si­tion of the Sun and Moon, (the two prin­ci­ple indi­ca­tors of our Male and Female natures), will cre­ate a crit­i­cal con­flict and imbal­ance between the Thoughts and Feel­ings for Trump. The result will be a pulling and push­ing with­in him­self, often lead­ing to wider (and wilder) swings between cold intel­lect and emo­tion­al­i­ty. If the spir­i­tu­al-psy­cho­log­i­cal work of accept­ing and inte­grat­ing his male/female halves is not achieved, he will be sub­ject to extreme rest­less­ness, impul­sive­ness and impatience.

This com­bi­na­tion of Gem­i­ni and Sagit­tar­ius could be har­nessed and bal­anced if oth­er fac­tors in his chart were to bring in some restraint and ground­ing. There are some fac­tors in his chart that could help. How­ev­er, the prin­ci­ple plan­et affect­ing both his Sun and Moon is the plan­et that rules the “earth­quakes of life”, Uranus.

The con­junc­tion of the Sun with Uranus means that Trump will stand out, and nev­er blend in. His life will be unusu­al, full of excep­tion­al moments that break through bound­aries. Born to rebel, he would have been inde­pen­dent and defi­ant as a child, and he would have devel­oped a view of him­self as not sub­ject to nor­mal rules or expec­ta­tions. He can exhib­it bril­liance and flash­es of great insight, but he will at times be equal­ly unable to restrain him­self from dis­trac­tions and errat­ic behaviors.

Again, even this chal­leng­ing set of fac­tors could have been com­bined with sta­bi­liz­ing ele­ments to mod­u­late and mit­i­gate his nature. But in Trump’s chart the ener­gies of insta­bil­i­ty (and chaos) are dou­bled-down by Uranus also being in oppo­si­tion to his Moon. Trump will look upon feel­ings (and women) with great dis­trust because they are for him so unpre­dictable and unknow­able. By being dis­mis­sive of and not in touch with his feel­ing nature, he will swing wild­ly between his peri­patet­ic intel­lect and chaot­ic emo­tions. His thoughts will lack true empa­thy and com­pas­sion; his emo­tions unin­formed by his rea­son. He will be capa­ble of bril­liance yet lack empa­thy, he will be sen­ti­men­tal but not car­ing. Trump may remain divid­ed with­in him­self; he would be unset­tled and unstable.

Many com­men­ta­tors have assumed that Trump’s way of act­ing (and react­ing) is pure­ly an act, and that he employs the “prin­ci­ples of chaos” as a mas­ter manip­u­la­tor to upend his adver­saries and achieve his ends. What his chart reveals is that this is no act. Trump is unsta­ble by nature. He is sim­ply unpre­dictable because he prob­a­bly can­not con­trol himself. 

The plan­e­tary ruler for Gem­i­ni is Mer­cury, which for Trump is in the sign of Can­cer. Though he will con­sid­er him­self to be a man of rea­son, pos­sess­ing a great range of ideas and knowl­edge, and that he comes to his facts and opin­ions via his supe­ri­or intel­lect, much of his think­ing and deci­sion-mak­ing is uncon­scious­ly influ­enced by his emo­tions. He will believe that he is being “rea­son­able”, when he in fact he is often being blind­ed by his emo­tion­al biases.

But much more trou­bling is that he also has his Mer­cury squar­ing his Nep­tune, the plan­et of Dreams and Imag­i­na­tion. Nep­tune is also, when mis­ap­plied or mis­un­der­stood, the plan­et that rules Fan­tasies, Delu­sions and Decep­tions. Mer­cury squar­ing Nep­tune, if you can mas­ter your­self, can be won­der­ful and make you a great sto­ry-teller, it is gift for painters and poets, allow­ing one to slip beyond the bound­aries of real­i­ty for inspiration.

But when com­bined with the inher­ent insta­bil­i­ty of his chart, Mer­cury square Nep­tune means that Trump will say any­thing, and mean noth­ing. He will make some­thing up, and turn around and say the opposite…and prob­a­bly turn around again and say some third thing. He will employ “smoke and mir­rors”; he will claim to speak plain­ly, and accuse oth­ers of being untruth­ful. He will sow doubt and con­fu­sion, he will often promise and not deliv­er. He is prob­a­bly not to be believed or trust­ed much of the time.

One of the more chal­leng­ing aspects a per­son may have in their chart is a hard con­tact between Venus and Sat­urn. Trump has his Sat­urn con­junct Venus, which means he expe­ri­enced con­di­tion­al forms of love as a child. Rather than being loved tru­ly, he was exposed to “love” that was giv­en or with­held as a tool for reward or pun­ish­ment. This is not love, this is the abu­sive pow­er wield­ed by an author­i­tar­i­an par­ent, most like­ly the father.

With­out sig­nif­i­cant help to heal this wound, Trump would have no true expe­ri­ence of healthy “self-love”, nor would he be capa­ble of tru­ly lov­ing anoth­er. He would need oth­ers to love and admire him to fill the aching hole in his soul. But he would be unable to show real love to anoth­er, for he has none to offer. He would be ungen­er­ous, unchar­i­ta­ble and treat oth­ers as “objects”, as he can be the only “sub­ject” in any relationship.

This aspect in a chart may indi­cate and form the con­di­tions for devel­op­ing “nar­cis­sis­tic per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der”. It has been not­ed, that many of the actions and over-reac­tions that Trump has dis­played in his pub­lic life seem to con­form to the clas­sic behav­iors asso­ci­at­ed with nar­cis­sis­tic per­son­al­i­ty disorder.

In short, these delin­eations from Trump’s chart point to an indi­vid­ual who appears fun­da­men­tal­ly unsta­ble, often untruth­ful, and with a heart that is broken.

Next, The Tran­sits in Trump’s chart


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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

3 thoughts on “The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump (January 2017)

  1. Pingback: Now Trump’s in, What do I do About My Fear? (Part 1 of 2) – Welcome to Chris Johnson's website

  2. Pingback: The New Year – Part 5 – Donald Trump (January 2018) | Astrologer Bill Attride

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