Monthly Archives: April 2023

Sun Enters Taurus (April 20, 2023)

Who am I; What am I?

Today we enter the sec­ond realm of the Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones, the “sacred-made-real” home of Tau­rus. For­ev­er some­where in your own chart, and always at this time of the year, we dance and sing and give our thanks to the eter­nal light that shines in the first of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac.

For the past 30 days you have been guid­ed, shaped, and inspired to con­sid­er the fun­da­men­tal truth that forms your exis­tence, that brings your past and your future togeth­er in the only place you exist which is in the “eter­nal now”. And through each and every moment where you redeem your past and cre­ate a bet­ter future for your­self and your world, you come to under­stand that the only thing you can con­trol is this, which is what kind of aware­ness and pres­ence you bring into this next and every sin­gle moment. You need to be “aligned to your high­est pres­ence” yet equal­ly aware of the space you are enter­ing; to be aware of how you must con­stant­ly refine and seek to under­stand the first ques­tion of life, that most pro­found of ques­tions, “who are you?”.

But now the next les­son of life may prove to be even more chal­leng­ing and yet equal­ly rewarding…for now the Lords of Des­tiny will bring you to con­sid­er the nature, qual­i­ty, mean­ing, and pur­pose of the sec­ond Cir­cle of the Liv­ing Ones which is “what are you?”

It may seem quite obvi­ous, at least at first, that of course I am here is this human body, this won­der­ous phys­i­cal vehi­cle for life on Earth. I am sim­ply that! But looks can be deceiv­ing, and through our tools and meth­ods of rea­son and sci­ence, and from our spir­i­tu­al inspi­ra­tions and insights, we have come to under­stand how very many dimen­sions and “states of mat­ter” or real­i­ty there are!

Whether we approach our­selves and all that sur­rounds us from a pure­ly sci­en­tif­ic approach, or fol­low the path of the ancient wis­dom, or indeed lis­ten to our own high­er intu­itive self, we have come to under­stand that the ques­tion of “what is the ‘what’” is pro­found, and yet when we step back and con­sid­er the very root of things, I believe that it can be very sim­ple to under­stand too.

From the Ancient Wis­dom we have the under­stand­ing that Cre­ation is formed of Ener­gy-Mat­ter, and that Parabrah­man and Mulaprakri­ti are the San­skrit terms for this divi­sion of what is tru­ly an insep­a­ra­ble union and rela­tion­ship of Ener­gy and Form, where­in we can see Spir­it as the most ethe­re­al form of mat­ter, and mat­ter as the dens­est form of Spir­it. From the lat­est rev­e­la­tions in mod­ern sci­ence we find, not sur­pris­ing­ly, that this same notion of Ener­gy and Mat­ter being inter­wo­ven and inte­gral so as to form the essen­tial nature of real­i­ty as ele­gant­ly stat­ed in Einstein’s equa­tion of Ener­gy equals Mass times the speed of Light squared, E = mc2 .

What you and I are made of is infi­nite­ly com­plex, and the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings hold that we are formed by hosts of ener­gy-forms that form our twelve lev­els of being, from the most mate­r­i­al to the most ethe­re­al. In mate­r­i­al terms we stretch from the mon­ads and atoms to mol­e­cules and organs, to our entire encom­pass­ing vehi­cle for life on this earth. And, yet equal­ly, each of these is in itself a hier­ar­chy of ener­gy-forms rang­ing from the phys­i­cal body to the ether­ic body, to the emo­tion­al and low­er men­tal bod­ies, and on up to our divine tri­ad of our high­est self, our Man­as, Bud­dhi, and Atman.

Yes, it can be so com­plex and con­fus­ing to sort through all the var­i­ous realms, forms, bod­ies, and ener­gies, so I believe it helps if we can sim­ply under­stand that all of this, that every­thing and every­one exists or is formed by the one root cause behind Cre­ation. And this essen­tial “that” is the ener­gy-form that was at the begin­ning and sus­tains the entire­ty of Cre­ation, and we know it and we feel it as Divine Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

This is the mes­sage, and this is the sto­ry of Tau­rus. That is what you are, and what every­one and every­thing is, which means that the tree and rock, and the lake and flower, and the bird and plan­et and stars above, that all of this is shin­ing with the light of Divine Love. The whole Uni­verse was made by love and was made to be loved and to be lived with love.

So let us cel­e­brate this gift of Love, this won­der­ous, lumi­nous, and resplen­dent Creation.

Let us move into the space of Tau­rus and know that what we are is love.

That our true nature is price­less, as is every­thing and every­one around us.

Let us be what we are and live as we should.

Let us be,
