Monthly Archives: October 2018

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2018)

At play in the Fields of the One…

It is time to face the Truth. You are on a nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of Spir­it-Life-Con­scious­ness, mov­ing through worlds, forms and lives; it is a jour­ney of unfold­ment and self-becom­ing that takes you from a mere spark of unself-con­scious divin­i­ty to a ful­ly awak­ened co-cre­ator of Creation.

But the ques­tion remains, who are you? It is nat­ur­al to look upon one­self and it seems quite sim­ple real­ly; you perceive/experience your body and it is that which defines the con­tent and cir­cum­fer­ence of your nature. You per­ceive the truth as, “I am this; and you are that.” But you are here to learn that this is one of the most impor­tant illu­sions you have fall­en into by tak­ing on this mor­tal form.

You are not this body, oh no, you are much more than this…You are a host of ener­gy-forms, a weav­ing of fields that togeth­er form what you know as your­self. And most impor­tant­ly, and equal­ly, you are mak­ing your way through innu­mer­able fields of ener­gy-forms around your­self too. For this is the nature of the One True Real­i­ty; it is not com­posed of dis­crete things or parts. You are a sparkling field of ener­gy-forms who with innu­mer­able oth­ers moves through the lumi­nous “Fields of Life and Love” that is the One.

Real­i­ty is a Field, it is “the One”, who is in turn com­posed and formed by the many less­er wholes rang­ing from the fields known as atoms and mol­e­cules and ele­ments and com­pounds, to plants, crea­tures, worlds and stars. All of these are not as you imag­ine or per­ceive; all of these are not “things” or “par­ti­cles” as seen in the Atom­istic view. In the Ancient Wis­dom as in the New Sci­ence, all of real­i­ty is formed by sys­tems, a great Hier­ar­chy of Wholes; what is real is not a thing, but instead it is vibra­tions or waves. Tru­ly, Cre­ation is “the Word” made man­i­fest; this beau­ti­ful melody of Light is the Song of Spirit.

Real­i­ty is formed by this Hier­ar­chy of wholes. Each less­er whole, (in human terms, one such as your­self), is seem­ing­ly dis­crete for itself, but it abides in, as it is informed and shaped by all the greater and more encom­pass­ing wholes (for exam­ple of fam­i­ly, friends, com­mu­ni­ties). These innu­mer­able wholes in every king­dom or realm, like wheels with­in wheels, ulti­mate­ly resolves into the holi­est of wholes, the One.

That is why, whether approach­ing this ques­tion from “the West” with Quan­tum Physics, or from “the East” and the Ancient Teach­ings, Real­i­ty is under­stood as a Field of Wholes that form a com­plex array of rela­tion­ships with one anoth­er. Or, as I am fond of say­ing, this entire Cre­ation is the body of The One, and what we are mov­ing through, and what moves through and around us, is the Life and Love of the One, it is the sacred and lumi­nous Song and Dance of Spirit.

Through­out your life-jour­ney you will go through many realms that chal­lenge you to become more com­plete, to be more whole, to be more the you that is becom­ing, and none is greater than this space-time you enter by Scor­pio. You pre­pare your­self for this by what you learn in the fields of Libra.

In the space of Libra, wher­ev­er that may be in your chart, you learn how to cre­ate ever more social­ly intel­li­gent forms of rela­tion­ship. You are remind­ed that whomev­er is before you is “anoth­er you”, so to be with any oth­er you have only one truth to guide your way: “That you are to be as equal­ly fair to them as you would be for your­self; that you must do unto oth­ers as you would have them do unto you”. But now comes the time of Scor­pio, and the greater chal­lenge and the greater reward is now at hand; now you must utter­ly break your illu­sion of being sep­a­rate and apart from one anoth­er, now you two must become one.

Yes, it is in the realm of Scor­pio that you con­front the great­est illu­sion and expe­ri­ence the truest of Truths: You are here for one anoth­er, you are what you have become because of one anoth­er, and you can­not be or become what you are to be unless you love and join with one another.

You have been formed and informed from your first breath, (and in your turn, you have done like­wise) by all with whom you jour­ney, from Fathers/Mothers, Aunts/Uncles, Sisters/Brothers, Grand­par­ents, friends and strangers too. Your sense and sen­si­bil­i­ties, your thoughts and prin­ci­ples, most of what you call “you”, is the con­se­quence of mov­ing through those spaces, the fields of ener­gy trans­fers with all with whom you trav­el. Their sen­si­bil­i­ties, feel­ings, thoughts and truths became yours, and yours theirs.

But here in the realm of Scor­pio you must con­scious­ly, will­ing­ly and lov­ing­ly find the way to join with one anoth­er in Union. One human being, alone and by itself, is mean­ing­less, impos­si­ble to imag­ine or even be, for we are noth­ing with­out one anoth­er, and could not become human with­out our shared shap­ing and cre­at­ing of one anoth­er. The indi­vid­ual or “I” comes out of the many we or “us”. Though we may believe that “I made me”, it is fun­da­men­tal­ly true that “we made we”, and we made every “I” too.

In the space of Scor­pio, when two (or the many) are joined in com­mon pur­pose and inten­tion, when we each sur­ren­der the less­er with­in us so that we might build upon, expand and trans­form the greater that is with­in and between us, it is then that we tru­ly move clos­er to our true nature, we take anoth­er step in becom­ing full awak­ened humans.

To forge our greater Union, we each con­tribute what we can and give up what we must. We elic­it from one anoth­er the quick­en­ing of our poten­tial­i­ties, mold­ing, trans­form­ing and reveal­ing more of what we are through our com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er. We move clos­er to one anoth­er, become more one with one anoth­er, and yet we also by this come clos­er to our true self too. We reach out to one anoth­er, only to see the greater truth of who and what we are through one anoth­er. That by draw­ing clos­er to them, by let­ting go of the less­er of us we dis­cov­er our truer self too. Yes, we two become one and yet we are also, each of us, revealed as one of kind too.

Scor­pio is the Realm of Alche­my, it is the space where we let go and grow. In Scor­pio you face the Fear of Rejec­tion and Loss, and you learn to be fear­less. You learn you are not, nor can you ever be alone or lost. Here in the space of Scor­pio we unite, we are re-born through love and sac­ri­fice, and by self-tran­scen­dence we free our­selves from fear. We know we move through mor­tal forms; but our laugh­ter and love, our danc­ing and songs, this spir­it will live on and on forever.

Scor­pio is the shin­ing heart of Life-Spir­it-Con­scious­ness; it is the space where we break from the shad­ow, as we dance and play in the Fields of the One.

That is what and who we are…we are Singers, we are Dancers, we are the Cre­ators of one anoth­er and we have just begun to shine.

We have made who we are, and it is by and through one anoth­er that we will make our truer selves revealed.

We are the ones of the One, danc­ing and singing our Cre­ation song.

We are all for one, and One for all.

And we will Shine on.

Venus Turns Retrograde (October 4 — November 16, 2018)

Venus, who is your Avatar of Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love, is turn­ing around once again. She does this about every 19 months or so and remains ret­ro­grade for about 40-plus days. This time she will turn ret­ro­grade on Octo­ber 4th, reach the mid­point of her dance “back­wards” as she aligns with the Sun on Octo­ber 26th, (where you may be reward­ed with a new-found truth about love and beau­ty), and turn direct on Novem­ber 16th. (That date is quite inter­est­ing, as it the same day that Mer­cury turns ret­ro­grade once again).

When­ev­er a plan­et is ret­ro­grade it affords an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to re-exam­ine, to go on an inner jour­ney of explo­ration and dis­cov­ery; it her­alds a time to turn with­in and to more deeply under­stand the realm and func­tions for that planet.

Over the next 42 days, you will be well reward­ed if you take more time to re-con­sid­er, to pause and reflect upon your own life and recent events, to ques­tion the very nature of what is “val­ue” to you, to your loved ones and for one and all.

Spir­i­tu­al­ly, the ever­last­ing Foun­tain-Source of Val­ue comes from this one essen­tial truth. That all of Cre­ation is the Love of the One shin­ing through every speck and mote of Cre­ation, for every­thing in this Uni­verse is “alive”; The One is shin­ing through one and all with the ever­last­ing Light of Spirit-Life-Consciousness.

For this ret­ro­grade, Venus begins to move back­wards through the Sign of Scor­pio, the very sign that brings you to the Truth of your indis­putable con­nec­tion with one anoth­er, and so equal­ly with this won­drous, beau­ti­ful Cre­ation that is all around you (and, you must under­stand, is you too).

Yes, in Scor­pio you must con­front “The Great Illu­sion” which is your expe­ri­ence as being sep­a­rate from this Ocean of Life; we as “Human” fall into untold error and pain as we move in and out of these mor­tal frames, because they most def­i­nite­ly seem to cre­ate the irrefutable fact that every­thing is dis­tinct and sep­a­rate from every­thing else. And from this error we then cre­ate divi­sions between and among our­selves. We stum­ble and fall into count­less errors of expe­ri­enc­ing one anoth­er dif­fer­ent­ly, and from mis­un­der­stand­ing and fear we relate to some more as sub­jects, and oth­ers, those we feel are not as us, we may treat them more and more as objects. We divide our­selves from our high­er self and we “fall” into error, because we for­get who and what we tru­ly are.

But in Scor­pio, and with Venus in Scor­pio cer­tain­ly, we are moved by our need and desire to attempt to reach beyond our sep­a­rate self, to break the bonds of lone­li­ness and fear and con­nect to that one spe­cial oth­er (or attempt to join with sev­er­al oth­ers in some enter­prise or group effort)…And what we dis­cov­er every time, through this Alchem­i­cal blend­ing-com­bin­ing-trans­form­ing realm, we encounter in this sacred space the agony and ecsta­sy of Scor­pio, we expe­ri­ence the gift of self-tran­scen­dence and re-birth. That by sac­ri­fic­ing what is the less­er with­in us in order to form the union, and by equal­ly affirm­ing what is the greater and tru­ly shared between us, it is by this death and re-birth that we encounter the great­est Truth…That ever and always at the core of each of us, and equal­ly found in this new­ly cre­at­ed cen­ter that we share in our Union, we encounter that all of Life is One. And, we feel and know that the ener­gy-form that binds togeth­er one and all, well that is Love. It is the force that holds all of us and Cre­ation togeth­er as we were and are, and as we will ever be. We come back to where we start­ed, as one of the ones of the One, and so we know we are here to love and be loved.

Yes, in this time of soul-search­ing, where you may under­stand the pain of loss and the joy of union that the ret­ro­grade of Scor­pio in Venus holds for you, you will smile and be most grate­ful for these reminders of your divin­i­ty and true nature. You are here to be fear­less; you are here to love.

You are immor­tal, yet you are here in a very mor­tal realm that requires that you move from life to life, and you will expe­ri­ence the ecsta­sy of mov­ing beyond your sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er to the joy of being one with one another…and all of this, this great song and dance of spir­it, it is all for you in order to bring you back, with wis­dom and grace and love to the know­ing that you were and always will be loved…for you are.

Because that is what you are…

You are one of the ones of the One.

And you are here quite sim­ply to see the oth­er, any oth­er, as yourself…

Because this is truth and it shines through in the dark­est of hours.

It comes from your heart, it is in your soul.

You are a most pre­cious spark of the Divine; and so is the one before you too.

You are here to love and be loved.

There is but one truth; there is the one true way.

Just love one another.