The New Year – Part 1 (January 2019)

Whence – Where – Whither

Part 1 – Whence

As we attempt to dis­cern the spir­i­tu­al themes of the com­ing year, it is help­ful to con­sid­er what we have just encoun­tered in 2018. It is most cer­tain­ly true that the tests faced, and the lessons learned in any one year may con­tin­ue into the fol­low­ing year (or sev­er­al years), as the unfold­ment of one day into the next is cer­tain­ly dri­ven and informed by ener­gies and expe­ri­ences that wax and wane over many weeks, months and years.

Plu­to in Capri­corn — The End of an Age

For Earth as a whole, the most impor­tant plan­e­tary influ­ences remain in place, with some vari­a­tions on a theme we have been faced with for some time now. Cer­tain­ly, the pas­sage of Plu­to through the Sign of Capri­corn, (2008 through 2024), con­tin­ues to pro­vide the pri­ma­ry heart­beat of our spir­i­tu­al chal­lenge. I have called this once every 250-year cyclic peri­od the “end of an age”, which was clear­ly so for the pre­vi­ous pas­sages in the ear­ly 1500’s and the 1700’s. In those ear­li­er peri­ods, and I would think most by now would agree it is true for our own time too, the world seemed to fall apart as Polit­i­cal, Eco­nom­ic and Cul­tur­al dis­in­te­gra­tions rever­ber­at­ed through all realms. But these spir­i­tu­al earth­quakes also her­ald­ed each time that a new age was dawning.

A new world is com­ing, but that requires that an old order give way. Of course, the fun­da­men­tal nature of what it means to be human, our needs for food, shel­ter, com­pan­ion­ship, love and secu­ri­ty are ever-present, but they are also evolving/transforming, seem­ing­ly (or actu­al­ly) at an expo­nen­tial rate, which is in large part due to what is known as “the sci­en­tif­ic rev­o­lu­tion” that began sev­er­al cen­turies ago.

Coper­ni­cus, Bacon, Galileo, New­ton among many oth­er “less­er knowns”, ques­tioned assump­tions passed down from time immemo­r­i­al. This quick­en­ing of the human capa­bil­i­ty to know and alter our world has endowed human­i­ty with pow­ers that have seem­ing­ly out­stripped our wis­dom to wield them, whether in Physics = Nuclear weapons, or Biol­o­gy = Bio-engineering.

Much that was will con­tin­ue in some form of course, but much more of our social, eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal struc­tures will be reformed/transformed into new modes of expres­sion, and they will cer­tain­ly be informed by new ideas (or old ideas renewed) and mean­ings. The ques­tion remains, will we devel­op enough wis­dom and humil­i­ty to wield our “ring of pow­er” (Intel­li­gence) with uncon­di­tion­al love and compassion.

Uranus and Nep­tune — Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty vs. Communality

Con­tribut­ing to this shift of his­tor­i­cal pat­terns last year (and the year before), was the first major align­ment of Uranus with Nep­tune after their his­toric con­junc­tion in 1993. From 2017 on through into the begin­ning of 2019, we have been influ­enced by the Uranus/Neptune Semi­Square which is the first sig­nif­i­cant aspect in their 170 cycle from con­junc­tion to conjunction.

Uranus rules “Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty”; I call Uranus the “Awak­en­er”, as it is the Avatar of the High­er or Freer Mind that forms one of the three aspects of Spir­it. Nep­tune rules “Com­mu­nal­i­ty”; Nep­tune is the Avatar of the Ener­gy-Form that holds the whole of Cre­ation as One, the one abid­ing force that binds all to all, Uni­ver­sal or Uncon­di­tion­al Love.

The inte­gral rela­tion­ship between these two reveals the para­dox­i­cal truth behind the mys­tery of the Universe’s con­sti­tu­tion. Every­thing, every par­ti­cle and every “Being” in this Uni­verse is an indi­vid­ual that is a unique instance of spir­it informed by its own Quin­tes­sence; yet all of these “ones” are One in Spir­it and fun­da­men­tal­ly indi­vis­i­ble from one anoth­er. Through­out all king­doms of life, in age after age, there is an ever-shift­ing bal­ance between these two prin­ci­ples, between the One and the many.

The ten­sion between the Indi­vid­ual and the Com­mu­ni­ty wax­es and wanes in any cul­ture or civ­i­liza­tion. Whether we look at human “types” like Hunter/Gatherer, Farmer/Craftsperson or Rural/Urban (among many pos­si­ble dis­tinc­tions and dif­fer­ences), there will be found dif­fer­ing mix­tures and bal­ances (and often­times like now, imbal­ances), between these two great Ener­gy-Forms that deter­mine the degree to which Indi­vid­ual Free­dom and Com­mu­nal Har­mo­ny does or does not co-exist.

The recent past has seen a world­wide upheaval, marked now by the extremes of anar­chic indi­vid­u­al­ism and suf­fo­cat­ing com­mu­nal­ism, which sig­nals we are at a most crit­i­cal stage, where the old mod­el of bal­anc­ing Individuality/Communality has bro­ken down, and the yet to emerge new mod­el has not been ful­ly formed nor under­stood. This world-wide con­fu­sion has pro­duced a cri­sis of order and mean­ing­ful­ness for the many who yearn for a life and world that is “Fair and Free”. With­out a sig­nif­i­cant major­i­ty of peo­ple who hold to and act through an accept­ed inte­gra­tion of these two ener­gy-forms, we are liv­ing through a peri­od that is like an “in-between world”, where extrem­ists are dri­ving and divid­ing us fur­ther from one another.

How we hold these prin­ci­pals of Free­dom and Com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er with­in our­selves, and between one anoth­er, is part of our Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney which can only be formed and forged by hold­ing to an Inte­gral Way of Liv­ing. We are on a jour­ney from uncon­scious­ness to full spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing, and as we remake our­selves and our world, we must strive towards ever more encom­pass­ing ways of hold­ing togeth­er our “par­a­digms of under­stand­ing” and our “ways of being”.

From the phys­i­cal through the spir­i­tu­al, from the sim­plest to the most com­plex enti­ties and sys­tems, we must always strive to live a whole life, a good and beau­ty-filled life, which can be found and restored by remem­ber­ing that there is a way to do this. That way can be found by remem­ber­ing that these crises have come before, and at each moment our ances­tors found a way by hold­ing firm to the great­est truths, those pre­cious jew­els of spir­it which nev­er fade or fal­ter. We need to remem­ber that these lumi­nous truths were dis­cov­ered and passed down to us from the very begin­ning of our journey.

The Way

When­ev­er you are in doubt, you should turn (and so return) to the eter­nal truths of the Ancient Wis­dom that con­tin­u­al­ly re-emerge in age after age. This is so because Truth is equal­ly with­in you as it forms all the worlds that sur­round you too. These Spir­i­tu­al Truths are to be found every­where you look, but most impor­tant­ly, those very answers that you find “out there” will res­onate with­in you because your high­er self, your intu­itive-know­ing-self, will gen­tly whis­per “this is true”. This is because these Ancient Truths form the very sub­stance of your heart and mind too.

At the true core of any Reli­gion or Phi­los­o­phy, with­in what is known as the Eso­teric as dis­tinct from the Exo­teric forms of under­stand­ing, the Peren­ni­al Teach­ings are revealed and illu­mi­nate for you the one essen­tial path. The Great Ones, the teach­ers who form a lumi­nous riv­er of truth about life and love, all of them came to serve this cause of spir­i­tu­al integri­ty and truth, and they were guid­ed in their heart and through their soul by the fun­da­men­tal pre­cept that there is “no reli­gion high­er than truth”.

As you look back now to the year that was, and turn to face the year that is dawn­ing, take com­fort from those who showed you the way long, long ago. You will be filled with a renewed faith, and you will know that you will make a bet­ter future for your­self and for one anoth­er. Remem­ber you are nev­er alone, and you walk the same path of the Great Souls who came before you, and they strug­gled for their self-mas­tery which you will achieve one day too:

Be guid­ed by the Wise Ones, who know there is no reli­gion high­er than Truth.
Walk the path of the Great-Souls, who prac­tice the Wis­dom of Love.
Find inspi­ra­tion in the Lone­ly Ones, their Will­ing-Sac­ri­fice hon­ored by 
the Angels and Devas above.
Lis­ten for the Voice of the Silence, attend the gen­tle whis­pers in your Heart,
And you will find “The Way”.

Next, “Where are we now?”

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About Bill Attride

Providing Astrological advice for over 30 years. Readings by appointment. Combining Metaphysical and Psychological Insights to guide individuals to greater self-fulfillment. Mr. Attride is known for his unique integration of the spiritual and the psychological dimensions of Astrology. Mr. Attride has been featured in articles in such diverse publications as New Woman Magazine, Avenue Magazine and the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. Consultations in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom. Sessions are recorded for the client as an mp3 file delivered digitally. Natal delineations, life progressions and transit timeline analysis, Astrocartography/relocation Astrology, relationship Astrology, Mundane/Financial analysis, Chart Rectification. $300 per hour session. Special introduction of 2 sessions for $400 (1.5 and 1 hour).

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